"Under the crown of the Pope!"

"Although Fang Fan has cleared his suspicion in the matter of God's Ladder, there are two weak demigods of the Protoss around him after all!"

"This is a hidden danger!"

"Under the title of the Pope, his subordinates suggested that these two weak gods of the Protoss should be killed!"

"Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to leave them in our bright camp."

"If we wait until our vigilance becomes lax and they suddenly launch a raid, we must suffer heavy casualties!"

Ouyang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, gritted his teeth, and the indignation in his heart at this moment was beyond words.

Even at this time, it is still difficult to cut.

To be precise, this indignation has been strengthened invisibly.

As he was talking, his breathing could not help but become quicker.

Excited heart, trembling hands, got rid of Fang Fan's left and right hands.

In this way, if you want to punish him in the future, it won't be that difficult.

When I think of this, Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, feels extremely happy with all his heart!


that's all!

As long as Fang Fan can be upset and this little boy can feel sick, Ouyangtu feels that his goal has been achieved.

In fact, this can be regarded as a re-examination of the old thing.

"Sage Ouyang thinks that I am unfaithful to the Shrine of the Alliance of Light? I have a double heart towards the Gods of Light?"


"Is it right?"

"Well, how solid are our beliefs in Bibi?"

"Fate as a bet."

"If my faith is weaker than you, I will judge myself on the spot."

"If your faith is weaker than mine, you will judge yourself here."

Fang Fan sneered, then strode out and began to break the game.

Little by little, follow the established rhythm, then brave the wind and waves, and burst out!

With such a mentality, who should I tell you more!

"Competition for faith?"

"Fate as a bet?"

"Your kid is really dead!"

"Who doesn't know that I, Ouyang disciple, believe in the gods of light the most!"

"If this is not the case, how can I be the position of this saint?"

"Hahaha! How could my faith lose to you a brat."

"Death! Too much trouble!"

"This is the first time I have seen a person who died like this!"

"But...but if you have to die, I...I can do it for you!"

"Tsk! Tsk tusk!"

"Fate! This is your fate!"

"Block you completely!"

"You must die! You must die!"

"Subordinates to the Pope, in order to prove their innocence, please open a great array of faith!"

Ouyang's eyes lit up, thinking that this was a perfect opportunity to kill Fang Fan.

Isn't it said that life and death can be determined through competition and belief?

That's great, when he wins this war of faith, then see how this kid died!

I thought it would be extremely difficult to get rid of this kid again, but I didn't expect this kid to end up on his own!

In that case, there is nothing to say, a dead end is already on the spot!

The more I think about it, the more excited I get!

Break! Just break it in place!

The surrounding area has various discussions.

At this moment, the situation is developing in a more lively direction.

I thought this battle had come to an end, but I didn't expect this to be the climax.

Thinking of this, suddenly surging in place!

"To put up a great faith formation and fight a war of faith, in essence, it depends on how long you can hold on under the oppression of the great faith formation."

"Theoretically speaking, the longer you persist in the faith formation, the purer your faith will be."

"Besides, the longer you stay in the Xinyang Array, the greater the pressure of faith you will feel."

"If you blindly support yourself, you may be forced to death directly, but then it will really be a dead end!"

"That situation should be able to imagine how crazy it is."

"It has nothing to do with us! We are all in the theater!"

"Tsk! Things that have nothing to do with me, I will only feel excited and surging!"

"Invincible! So cool! So cool!"

"Fight to the end! Keep fighting!"

"Get it up! Just get it up!"

"Excitement! What a real excitement! My heart is agitated with it!"

"Woo...hoooo...go up! Go up!"

"Hey! But this Fang Fan is still a bit younger after all, and he actually took the initiative to compete with Ouyang Buddhism in faith."

"Little young man can't do the old fritters after all!"

"How long has this Ouyang disciple stayed in the Temple of the Light Alliance, and how long he has been in the Temple of the Light Alliance. Every day, he is influenced by the power of faith in the Temple of the Light Alliance. Say more."

"It's good for this mentality to collapse. As for the others, who doesn't, who cares? Nothing."

"After all, it's a passionate young man! This time I just got into the trap of Ouyang Tuo's old fox."

"Now, I just didn't look at it, I seem to have seen the scene of the defeat."

"It's cold, it's completely cold, that's about it."

"It's great that we can watch the show or something here."

"This thing, you can't ask for too much."

"Stay steady, to have everything!"


All sorts of surrounding discussions couldn't help but echo in my mind, and everything was silent.

The rhythm is steady, the consciousness is collapsed, and everything else is just a small problem.

"Disciple, you...are you sure you want to compete with this?"

"Do you still have faith in the gods of light?"

"Why didn't I see the slightest faith in it."

"You guys dare to insult the existence of the gods, is it too far-fetched to talk about belief in them?"

Tai Shujie glanced at Fang Fan, and then a nervous expression appeared on his face.

From his point of view, I feel that this is not very good.

If you can't grasp it, there will be problems.

The rhythm is not stable at all.

What it will become by then is still unknown!

This heart felt restless inexplicably.


"Master, you can't say that."

"One yard owned by a yard."

"Believing in this thing is very mysterious."

"Besides, this way of faith competition is just to compare the length of time you persist in the faith battle."

"What's the problem with this...?"

"If I don't want to leave the Xinyang Great Array, can anyone else come and pull me away?"

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly on the side.

There is a lot of confidence in this heart!

The rhythm is stable, and the others are naturally no problem.

Tai Shujie wanted to say something more, but Xue Wanren interrupted him.


"Don't you know your own apprentice?"

"When did he suffer?"

"Since he has said so, it shows that he has absolute self-confidence!"

"Don't worry about it here, just watch the show."

Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, put his hands around his chest, and said with a calm expression.

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