Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3982: Bai Piao's Commercial Road

It's already like this now, so it's good to calm down your mind leisurely.


"That's true."

"My disciples follow me."

"Well! He can't suffer!"

Tai Shujie nodded, and then gave himself a psychological hint in his heart.


"It's boring."

"Boy Fang Fan is about to start acting coercively again."

"It's this routine again."

Bai Piao curled his lips, then yawned, with a look of doing nothing.

got used to.

It feels like there is nothing to pursue right now.

The mentality seems quite stable.

"Brother Bai Piao, why are you so listless?"

"Brother Fang Fan competes in faith, isn't your chance to get rich?"

Zuo Qiu Yao rushed over from a distance, and then secretly reminded him.

"Get rich?"

Bai Piao's heart moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly brightened.


Before...Why didn't you think of this before?

"Yes! Yes!"

"Boy Fang Fan can definitely win."

"In this way, I can go to open a betting market that is sure to make a profit without losing money!"

"Good fellow, if you put it this way, am I going to get a lot of shards of sacred stone!"

Bai Piao licked his lips, and while talking, his breathing could not help but become rush, everything is silent, such a mentality, and whoever said it, felt extremely agitated for a while.

What is necessary is this feeling.

Very real and very appropriate.

Gradually, my thoughts surging to the extreme!

If you do something, you won't be bored naturally.

Even, I still feel that life is colorful.

"Bai Piao!"

"Don't mess around!"

Tai Shu Jie glanced at Bai Piao and couldn't help but glared.

Speaking of Tai Shujie is also his disciple, but compared with Fang Fan, the difference is too big.

At that time, they all worshipped under him on the same day, but now they have changed too much.

The more I think about it, the more profound my feelings become.

"Master! You can't be too partial!"

"Boy Fang Fan is your apprentice, am I not?"

"You are like this every time, every time you are so partial."

"How can this work?"

"Master, you have given all your net worth to Fang Fan, this kid has everything, and there is no shortage of sacred stone fragments."

"But I can't, I'm the type that grandma doesn't care and uncle doesn't love."

"Now that we have reached this point, what else is there to say, isn't that the way it is?"

"Hey, I can only go to self-reliance!"

"You said, if I don't engage in gambling to generate income, then I must starve to death?"

"Master, you are eccentric, but you can't go too far!"

Bai Piao held his head high, and while talking, the emotional color on his face was beyond words.



"I'll say a word, you have ten words waiting for me!"

"Never mind!"


"Do whatever you want!"

"Let me tell you, there has never been a winning bet in this world."

"Your kid knows these crooked ways every day, and sooner or later he will regret it!"

"You kid, think about it yourself!"

"I won't say anything extra!"

Uncle Tai waved his hand, then said helplessly.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I know, I know."

"Master, I found that since your retreat, your whole person has become too conservative!"


"You weren't like this before."

"Why do you keep thinking about wretched development now?"

"A man is not rich without a windfall, and a horse is without night and grass and is not fat!"

"Master, don't you know this truth?"

"If you always stick to those rules and faces, when can you make a fortune?"

"Look at my wave of pulling the sacred stone fragments in their hands!"

Bai Piao narrowed his eyes, used his hands and feet together, and then walked towards the distance.

Such a good opportunity, there is no reason not to follow suit.

What a shame if this is missed?

Is there a steelyard in this heart?

Whenever you encounter such an excellent opportunity, you must grasp it and initiate a full sprint immediately!


"It's open!"

"Immediately, Master Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, will compete with Fang Fan, the young general of the Guangming Academy!"

"Guess everyone, who can win!"

"I've placed a bet!"

"The young man is not deceived! It must be the young man who is not deceived!"

"The odds for both sides to win or lose are one to two!"

"There is no middleman to make the difference!"

"Brothers! Come on! Come and bet!"

"Behind me is the Guangming Academy as support. If I lose, I will definitely honor it for you!"

"Can you double your capital? It depends on this!"

"War! War! War!"

Bai Piao suddenly became excited, yelled, and then swayed in front of him.

While talking, the eyes could not help but follow the full side!

Star core!

Sacred stone fragments!

One is counted as one, so let's hand it over!

Don't even think about running!

Speaking of the opening, Bai Piao is definitely the first one here!

At this moment, because of Bai Piao's roar, many people shook with each other. At this moment, they looked at each other and looked around with surprise.

This looks really exciting.

At least, with a good glance, it feels a little different.

"Good guy, everything in the world can really be used to open the market! This is the beginning!"

"Tsk! It's invincible! Looking at this thing feels very exciting!"

"Speaking of which, if you really compare faith, who do you think can win?"

"Hehe, this is not an obvious thing, is this still something to think about? It must be a saint Ouyang!"

"No matter how they say they are the first-class saints of the Temple of the Light Alliance, okay?"

"These are not comparable to each other!"

"This gap is not too big!"

"Um... This Fang Fan doesn't seem to be an ordinary person either. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be able to directly propose this competition."

"Hey! Little young! I don't know what to do, but it's normal."

"One by one, they seem to be energetic, and feel that they are the savior, and that they can take off with the wind and take off. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just a waste of time."

"At this moment, a sand sculpture just came over to open the market. What a great opportunity! In the past, I will squeeze his wool!"

"Uh...Aren't you afraid that this is a trap?"

"Trap? What trap? Do you think that Ouyang disciple saint would choose to give in or endure at this time?"

"Think too much, okay, didn't you see the posture just now? I almost went straight to it!"

"In this situation, you don't need to say anything? In fact, you know everything."

"Hey! Taking advantage of their grievances, we can also take off. I think this thing is pretty good."

"Invincible, you will be invincible directly!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, go and scrab the wool!"

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