Although Ouyang Tuo knew that the credibility of going on like this was very low.

By then she had no choice to negotiate, and now she can only take a gamble.

At this moment, the thoughts in my mind burst out all over the place, the more I think, the more rapid my breathing becomes.

The impatient heart is bursting out at this moment!

Crazy will is being fully created at this moment.

Such a heart, surging to the extreme!

What is needed is this exceptionally pure thought!

Burst! Continue to burst!

Invincible for a while!


"It's almost!"

"If I get close to him, I can kill!"

"Good opportunity, great opportunity!"

"Sprint! Keep sprinting!"

Ouyang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, panted heavily, and the brilliant light in his eyes flickered, as if to destroy everything in front of him and bomb them all!

So in my heart, who should I tell you more!

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and was now ready to evacuate.

This Ouyang disciple doesn't take the usual path.

The first-class saint of the temple of the dignified Illumination Alliance, don't say what about you, you must have at least the most basic face, right?

It's really boring to be as faceless and skinless as it is now.

It makes the bells and whistles too strong.

For a time, the directness reached the extreme.


Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the thick beam of faith power in the sky suddenly exploded, and then crazy energy spilled out toward the surroundings, as if to completely submerge everything in front of you!

In this state, it looks frightening and disturbing.

Immediately afterwards, the extremely strong power of faith surged in the air.

Immediately, a phantom appeared in the air.

"True God and Shadow!"

"The real **** and phantom is here!"

"Hey! this true? This is too exciting! True God! The true God is really here?"

"True God... True God has no limits!"

"Didn't that Ouyang disciple lie? He was really...really possessed the true **** of the light camp?"

"Gudong...Don't...don't scare me, I...I'm not scared, hold on...Stay mentally, this...this is going to happen!"

"Heh! What is there to be afraid of? Even if the true **** descends, it is impossible to blame us. It has nothing to do with us. On the whole, the problem is not big!"

"Anyway, it's really exciting anyway! The more you look at it, the more interesting it becomes!"

"Same! It's all this idea! Exciting endlessly!"

"Rush! Keep sprinting!"

"How does this true **** phantom feel so familiar? I always feel... I always feel like I've seen it somewhere."

"Huh? Good fellow, this... isn't this Athena the goddess of wisdom?"

"Before... the phantom came down once in Yuanshi God City before."

"That time...that time the phantom under the crown of the goddess Athena if to choose to hug...and that Fang Fan!"

"If not, how could that Fang Fan be remembered by so many people at that time."

"I remembered, the reason why Ouyang Sage and Fang Fan had a big contradiction, it seems to be because of this matter."

"This...this is the case!"

"The goddess of wisdom, Athena, is crowned this time...why did you want to come this time? I don't quite understand."

"The ghost knows! Anyway, it has nothing to do with us, just look at it like this."

"I thought I was helping the saint Ouyang, but now it seems that things are a little bit wrong."


As the voice of the whole body gradually gathered, the phantom of Athena Goddess of Wisdom landed directly in front of Fang Fan, and then glanced at the Ouyang disciple who was still pretending to be crazy and stupid not far away.

Ouyang Tuo, who was beating the Great God, suddenly trembled, and then couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. The sound of his breathing became rushing, and the panic in his heart was just that his forehead rushed to the full, and his heart completely fell down.

It was terrifying.

This will almost breaks directly.

He danced the great **** well, and didn't do anything else, this... how come this goddess crown...

Looking at it, are you going to be against yourself?

This situation...the situation is serious.

A little carelessness, the whole situation collapsed.

At this point in his thoughts, the whole person fell into a state of extreme panic.

The more I thought about it, the feelings became more and more profound. For a while, cold sweat fell on his forehead, and his thoughts became completely confused.

The thoughts are completely intent.

The rhythm is also completely messed up.

Some of the others didn't, and there was nothing to say.

It's messy, I don't know the so-called.

Difficult, difficult to climb to the sky!

There are actually only two paths before Ouyang Disciple. Do you continue to charge forward? Or is it to retreat back?

The situation seemed quite frightening.

The phantoms under the goddess' crown are all in place, and if something else is done next, the rhythm will completely follow.

Thinking well, his face was black, and he felt like riding a tiger.

Now that the true **** is here, isn't he, a hypocritical **** jumper, directly chilling out?

Everyone knows that he is pretending to be crazy!

In addition, there is another key issue, that is, now that the goddess Athena of the bright camp has personally come to Fang Fan, and the appearance of such closeness with Fang Fan, is it not directly for Fang Fan? It proved that Fang Fan is a member of the bright camp, and he has not changed at all from beginning to end!

Such proof is in place, what else can I say?

Ouyang Tui became a clown! The current depression has become the clown who is ridiculed and mocked by everyone!

Ouyang gasped in a hurry, his teeth trembled slightly, thinking to himself, the sinister color on his face was beyond words.

While speaking, there was an impulse to completely destroy everything in front of him.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you have experienced it personally can you know the real feeling!

Ouyang Tuo doesn't need to listen at all now, he can instantly understand what the current public opinion orientation is.

He became the object of all ridicule!

A great sense of shame was condensed in his heart, and Ouyangtu's teeth couldn't help but tremble sharply.

The mentality collapsed.

Thoughts are scattered.

Some of the others didn't, and there was nothing more to say.

Everything is over!


"How did you come?"

"This kid is yours?"

"You must have been deceived by him!"

"He is the rebellion of my bright camp!"

"Kill him!"

Ouyangtu was gritting his teeth at the moment, and he didn't want to be forced, and then he went blind a few and started to pull the calf.

Even at this time, I still mumbled a few times.

It looks like I still have the light **** possessed.

Whether it is true or not, you don’t need to read more now, you know everything you understand.

It's just that this guy is still hiding his ears and stealing the bell.

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