The laughter around him didn't feel any pressure on him.

Anyway, it's still this bells and whistles from beginning to end.

It doesn't matter, it's still an indifferent posture from beginning to end.

It seems real right now.

"Pope of Light, you have so many talents in the Temple of the Light Alliance!"

"First, there was a first-class saint who was able to possess the God of Light, and now there was the Proud Son of Heaven who could lower the crown of the goddess Athena from the phantom."

"The latter is understandable, as for the former... it looks like this guy is talking to himself."

"Is this guy directing and acting himself?"

"Talent! Really talented!"

"Pope Illuminati, I have seen it thoroughly today!"

"Hahaha! There is no regret in this life!"

The dark pope slaughtered his palms and laughed.

As he spoke, his thoughts followed a full thrust, and the more he spoke, the more smiles at the corners of his mouth followed.

Another wave of mockery.

The face of Pope Guangming has long been darkened to the bottom of the pot.

How many times has this been mocked.

What's the meaning of mocking and mocking?

Now the whole person is in a state of extreme anxiety.

The more I think about it, the more restless I feel.

The rhythm of all aspects is also a little unstable.

"Ouyang disciple!"

"It's enough!"

"Get down!"

The Pope Guangming snorted, then couldn't help rubbing his head.

What he meant was to make Ouyang Tu not embarrassed here!

People have seen through your tricks. Now that the phantom of the true God of Light is in place, what are you doing here as a virtual fake?

Do you think this face is not big enough?


Look at what it's like now!

Once there is no self-knowledge!

It's just the idiot among the idiots!


"Yuwen Hanlin!"

"You presumptuous!"

"Kneel down!"

"In front of this god, do you have a place to speak?"

Ouyang Tuo drifted completely.

Now that I am addicted to dressing up, I don't know what to call it anymore.

While talking, the sneer on his face was beyond words, and he immediately looked domineering.

Pope Bright: "???"

Gives you a face, isn't it?


Give you three points of color, do you want to open a dyeing workshop for labor and capital?

What kind of virtue is oneself, do you really have no points in your heart?

Endless here?

"come over!"

"court death!"

The Pope Guangming snorted coldly, and then indifferently stretched out a hand, followed closely to grab Ouyang Tui in the air, and then viciously fell to the side.



Ouyangtu gritted his teeth, and his body couldn't help trembling violently. The violent pain swept through his body, and his brain buzzed.

At this moment, I can't hold it anymore.

If he really possessed the God of Light, how could he be controlled by the Pope of Light so easily?


"what happened?"

"My brain hurts!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"It feels... it feels like a long dream."

"What the hell... what happened?"

"Pope? Under the crown of the Pope?"

"Am I not in the Great Faith Array?"

"I'm competing for the power of faith."

"Then it suddenly became like this."

"Exactly... what happened."

"Getting more and more fascinated."

"It's weird."

"In a daze, I seem to see the true **** crown."

Ouyang Tu rubbed his head and frowned even more while talking.

While talking at the moment, he immediately followed and shook his head.

The various feelings in my heart gathered in an all-round way, and my thoughts were messed up to the extreme.

It's weird.

I always feel a little restless.


"Nothing happened!"

"You just had a nightmare for so long!"

"Now that you are out of the faith battle, even if you lose the faith competition!"

"The Pope announced that Fang Fan will win this faith competition!"

The Pope Guangming waved his hand, then said with a plain face.

This matter really can't be tossed anymore.

If you toss like this again, something will happen.

There is too much humiliation today.

With full tolerance in place, the feeling of anger in my heart burst out in an all-round way!

The more I think about it, the more profound my feelings become.

it is more than words.


"I lost?"

"Under the crown of the Pope!"

"Just clearly caught me from the Great Faith Array just now!"

"I didn't lose!"

"I do not have!"

"I am the winner!"

"The Pope...the Pope! can't do this to me!"

"Competing for faith, how could I lose to this way!"

"The Arabian Nights! It's clearly the Arabian Nights!"

The yelling was fully in place, Ouyang Duo's face was dark, and while talking, the extremely uncomfortable color on his face gathered in all directions.

The more I said, the more my thoughts became more and more surging.

This kind of mood can't be controlled.


"Do you still know that I pulled you out of the Xinyang Great Formation?"


"If you say that, your memory is okay?"

"Huh? I think you are quite normal from start to finish!"

"Are you pretending to be crazy with this saint here?"


"You are not qualified!"

"I warn you! Don't do anything unrealistic!"

"The battle of faith, what the situation is, you must know it better than anyone else."

"Don't think that I don't know the little movements that make you upset!"

"Don't tell me, that is occasionally saving you face!"


"Don't know what it is!"

The cold snort was fully in place, and there was a flicker of killing intent in the eyes of Pope Yuwen Hanlin.

At this moment, the attitude has been very clear.

It means you don’t know what is wrong!

Do it yourself!

Ouyang Tuo's heart is cold

If you lose, these are not terrible.

The big deal is that you suffer a little loss of face, and it won't cause much impact on yourself.

But... But now the Pope Illuminati doesn't trust him anymore, and he even has an extreme sense of anger towards him.

Once all these anger were completely vented, he was completely finished.


Everything ends.

Thinking of those situations that might happen, the panic in my heart couldn't help but stack up.

Right now, completely numb.

"Under the crown of the Pope, must...listen to my explanation!"

"Things... things are not what you think they are."

"Under the crown of the Pope."

"From beginning to end, from beginning to end you have been deceived!"

"You have to believe me!"

"Under the Pope..."

Ouyang Tui had already given up all his dignity at the moment, which was a burden to him.

At this moment, the Ouyang disciple flew directly in front of the Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin, and then prostrated in front of him, followed by holding the Guangming Pope's thigh tightly, and for a while, some didn't want to let it go.

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