Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4004: Concubine Xiang's concerns

"Did you crack the Protoss language?"

"The speed is really not bad."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, surprised.

But relatively speaking, it doesn't feel strange.

There is only a linguistic barrier, not a barrier of species.

It is entirely possible for the protoss captives to identify some objects and then make a comprehensive record based on their pronunciation.

As long as there are enough items to be identified, bilingual interaction can be carried out.

Originally, according to Fang Fan's idea, it would take a while to complete, but I didn't expect this speed to be so fast.

If this is the case, for Fang Fan, he has lost some support.

He originally planned to use the difference to make some changes.

But I didn't expect that such a change actually happened now.

The situation is a bit unstable.

"there is always a solution to a problem……"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts abound, his consciousness gradually messed up in his mind.

"It's not a big deal."

"It's fine to act by chance."

"Such a big piece of fat is placed in front of me, so I won't eat it? This is naturally impossible!"

"Who can stand this?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose silently as he spoke.

It's good to wait silently for a wave now. As for what it will become in the future, it is still unknown.

It's good to be completely collapsed in the current mentality.

Small problems, all small problems.

"If the protoss really wants to participate, aren't we going to fight these protoss in front of this relic of the gods?"

"What will it be like then?"

"Oh my God!"

"When I think about it, it feels terrifying!"

"Another big battle is coming!"

"Good fellow, can I not attend when the time comes?"

"Hey, it feels meaningless, I don't want to participate!"

Bai Piao mumbled, and couldn't help but complain.


"The dangers and rewards are always relatively uniform."

"You don't think so well."

"There is no danger, where is the opportunity?"

Fang Fan shrugged, his eyes flickered slightly, his thoughts expanded in an all-round way, and all kinds of thoughts grew more and more.

Not much else to say, so that the mood is gradually in place, what I want is this kind of feeling.

Now basically everything is stable.

The smile at the corners of the mouth was fully revealed, and it seemed quite comfortable for a while.

Bathed in sunlight, Fang Fan felt that the bones all over his body were bursting little by little.


"Rest, take a good rest."

"too tired."

"It feels like the whole body has become sore."

Fang Fan stretched his waist, his eyes rose slightly as he spoke, his thoughts abound, everything was silent.

Feeling the thrust in place like this, I feel extremely refreshed all over.


What I want is this feeling.

For the so-called relics of the gods, if it hadn't been for the **** stone palace this time, Fang Fan really didn't bother to go.

But there is no way, there are really few **** stone resources in all aspects!

Promoting the legion, bidding for high-end cards, it feels okay in any way.

"As long as the sacred stone is enough, you can take off."


"The most important thing now is that there is too much difference in the **** stone."

"If you can't stabilize this aspect, everything will be in vain."

Fang Fan rubbed his slightly painful head, his thoughts abound, his consciousness gradually fluttered, the more he thought, the more appropriate his feeling became.

Taking advantage of this free time, Fang Fan decided to accompany Concubine Chu Sisi and the others.

Recently, it was because I was too busy.

There are too many things to touch every day.

I'm so busy every day that I don't pay attention to many things.

Fang Fan rubbed his painful head, then exhaled a turbid breath, his brain humming and shaking.

"There are more and more women around you now."

"I don't know when I have to forget it."

"My cousin and I are not the same. My cousin has a high level of cultivation and can still assist you. My cultivation level is so low that I can't assist you."

"The vicissitudes of life, I don't know when you completely forgot about me."

"Hey, I'm actually prepared for this a long time ago."

"Just thinking about it now, it's still a bit...a bit sad."

Concubine Xiang was pursing her lips, and while she was speaking, her eyes drifted slightly towards the sky, the more she thought, the feelings of the moment gathered in full, and then her complexion slowly collapsed.

The various rhythms are completely messed up.

Consciousness gradually became a little unconscious.

The world in consciousness is also bursting out slowly at this moment.

At the moment of calm thoughts, everything will be completely extinguished.

It's numb, follow it completely.

Extremely embarrassed!

Good feelings!

"Why do you suddenly think so much?"

"Stop thinking about it!"

"Even if I go elsewhere, I will naturally take you with me."

"At that time you can completely stay in my Chutian Pavilion small world."

"Isn't I able to come to you to spend a good night with you anytime, anywhere?"

Fang Fan scanned the Concubine Xiang recklessly, smelling the unique fragrance on Concubine Xiang, Fang Fan couldn't help but fall into a state of extreme enjoyment.

Thoughts are fluttering, thoughts are condensed, and the smile at the corner of the mouth is fully displayed.

The body became loose invisibly, and the sound of breathing slowly became rapid.

Such a state of mind, such a mood, and who to talk to.

It seemed extremely surging for a while!

Feeling in place, Fang Fan's hands couldn't help but wander around Xiang Fei.

This is the most enjoyable thing in the world.

The whole body and mind have entered into an extreme sense of enjoyment.

Slowly, you can't extricate yourself from being swept by it!

Who can let go of this feeling at will?

Straight to the extreme!


It really feels exciting!


"Don't...you...don't do this."

"Husband, you know to bully me!"

"You are a little gentler!"

"If you are like this, I won't hurt it!"

Concubine Xiang's lips were pursing her lips, her delicate body trembled slightly while she was talking, her eyes flickered slightly, her thoughts fluttered, and her feelings slowly swept across her face as she spoke.

That feeling was condensed in the heart, and the whole person fell into an extreme intoxication.

In an instant, it was extremely surging.

Fang Fan's whole body is extremely restless right now, how can he manage other things?


A few hours later, Fang Fan put his arms around the Concubine Xiang and fell into a light sleep state.

a bit tired.

Recently, this body is really not good enough.

Every now and then, I feel tired.

Fang Fan exhaled a suffocating breath, his eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose, his thoughts gradually messed up in his mind, then he stretched his waist, his whole body softened up and down.

What I want is this feeling.

The moments of joy are always short.

Looking around, it's time to set off again!

The goal is naturally the location of the so-called relic of the gods!

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