The light camp, the dark camp, and the neutral camp all gather together!

Including the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of Light and the Dark Pope Demon Slaughter, they all stared at this position at this moment.

Thoughts fluttered to the extreme, and the state of the whole person seemed particularly pleasantly surprised!

At this moment, all ideas are bursting out in an all-round way!

fighting! Keep fighting!

The cheerful rhythm is stabs and scratches frantically in front!

As everyone knows, the road ahead is very likely to be a deadly road!

Everyone wants to own treasures!

However, the reason why treasures are not called treasures means that there are not a lot of them.

What can you do with such a small number of treasures?


In the end, will you still be submerged in the tide of fighting?

Then even the sense of resistance was hard to come up, and immediately fell into a state of death?

That feeling will only make you feel particularly tingling.

For a while, the body and mind trembled, and I didn't know how to feel it.

In silence, you will fall into extreme numbness.

When you don't know the so-called, everything will fall apart!

I have a lot of thoughts and confusion, the more I think, the more profound my feelings become.

"It will be another **** storm!"

"I don't know what it will be like in the end."

"I can only look at that now."

"Look at what it will become in the end."

Fang Fan raised his mouth slightly, his eyes flickered silently, he thought to himself, his thoughts gradually drifted in his mind.

The rhythm is gradually becoming clear, and the mind is concentrated in the heart, as if to completely wipe out everything in front of you!

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you feel it thoroughly, you know if there is any.

In a leisurely time, I don't even know the so-called.

"Even if it's a dead end, that's the path they chose."

"It is impossible for them to feel remorse before they die."

"All are greedy by nature."

"When they can't see their own strength rationally, after all, they can only fall into the trap again and again, and then they will be trapped directly.”


"I can only say that this is fate!"

"Like those gamblers who are deeply involved in the gambling market, their eyes are always that scarlet."

"When they lose impatiently, they want to wipe out everything in front of them!"

"They have become extremely crazy inside to some extent!"

"Crazy is synonymous with them!"


"This kind of existence may be a lunatic!"

Uncle Tai rarely said something quite philosophical.

There seemed to be some melancholy in his eyes.

There seems to be a lot of stories I want to express.

But for a while, these words were stuck in my heart, and I couldn't say it anyway.

There are thousands of thoughts, confusion of consciousness, everything is silent.

I feel it, and I understand it naturally.

I was immersed in it silently, and then I could feel the extreme sense of surging.

Everyone gradually entered the canyon in front of them.

Then I was able to see a sky blue forbidden picture. In this sky blue still picture, lightning bolts were trembling crazily on it, giving people a sense of visual extreme excitement.

A glance swept across, his eyes flickered and then he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and the whole person was stuck in it.

It's numb.

It is indeed directly numb at the moment.

I want to say something, but I feel that all the words are stuck in my heart, and I can't say it at all.



"I am going to kill you!"

"Go away! Go away!"

"No! Don't! Don't kill my son!"

"You are my homicide to my father!"

"Bitch! You actually cuckold me!"


Suddenly, there were a lot of irritable screams suddenly, and each of them seemed to instantly evolve into irritable old men, the attitude of gnashing teeth was fully displayed, and the vicious color on his face gradually increased.

Then the panting sound was fully displayed, and his eyes gradually became extremely **** red!

That kind of anxious mood is suppressed in my heart, and I don't know how to vent at the moment!

I can't stabilize my mind, and the rhythm is completely pulling my hips!

Messed thoughts, lips whistling.

The extreme mood was numb in my heart, and his eyes gradually became erratic.

There are thousands of thoughts, confusion of consciousness, everything is silent.

"What happened to these people...?"

"One by one, are you crazy?"

"what's the situation?"

"Good fellow."

"Dare to say anything!"

"Is it interesting to hold a knife and brandish it a few times in the clearing?"

"What do you think about this special?"

"A bunch of lunatics?"


A muttering sound followed, Bai Piao opened his mouth, and then he was speechless.

This looks really fancy.

The more I look at it, the more I feel confused.

This rhythm doesn't seem like that!

What the hell...what's so special?

It's messed up, it's really messed up!

Everything feels like a mess!

"This is a little psychedelic ability of this prohibition."


"Apart from this distance, just one glance, those with a low cultivation base, and those who are not firm in their minds, will completely collapse in their mood."

"You can see the horror here."

"This prohibition is extraordinary!"

"In any case, you really have to stabilize your mind!"

"Don't let go anymore!"

"Otherwise, big problems will really happen!"

"It's messed up, it's all messed up!"

With a voice of emotion, Xue Wanren, deputy chief of Guangming Academy, shook his head and said.

"You all pay attention too!"

"Generally speaking, when it comes to the Holy Venerable Realm, the psychedelic effects of this prohibition are basically useless."

"But who can say for this kind of thing?"

"If there are any accidents, maybe."

"So, you have to be more vigilant at this time!"

"Once it is ruined, there is nothing left."

"In terms of mentality, calm down!"

"Stay steady, be steady!"

"These are the quirks of the ruins of the gods."

"This is just the beginning!"

"So you have to collapse your mentality!"

"There must be no slack at all!"

"Otherwise, something big will happen!"

Xue Wanren swept the surrounding area, and then continued to be wary of the people.

This is the end of the matter, and stability is the only thing.

Once it is unsteady, the overall situation will collapse to the end.

In this way, it doesn't make much sense.


Bang bang bang!

At this time, there was a sudden shock in the distance!

I saw groups of protoss troops wearing black armor marching towards this side!

"The protoss army is coming!"

"Everyone pay attention to safety!"

"Get ready for battle!"

"Damn it! How come these dogs are here too!"

"Then how do we enter the ruins of the gods to grab treasures!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hold on to the battle line!"

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