Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4008: Take advantage of the opportunity to tinker

All kinds of discussions around him were endless, and at this moment, the brain couldn't help but buzzed and trembled.

Various rhythms swept across the board, and his thoughts were also completely disordered.

The more I think about it, the more trembling my feelings become.

Generally speaking, topics like this are very hot.

No way, everyone likes to have a few talks.

In other words, from their perspective, they also hope to have such a chance!

As the protagonist Fang Fan being discussed at this moment, he seems quite calm at the moment.

Relative to the overall situation, the mentality really needs to be stable.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, but now it is all right, and the tossing is in place again.

Fang Fan rubbed his slightly painful head, his thoughts were numerous, and his consciousness was confused. The more he thought, his feelings became more relevant.

It is not a good thing to be pushed on the cusp of the storm again at this time.

Now Cassius, the Lord of the Protoss Tianlin City, had murderous eyes in his eyes, and he couldn't wait to rush towards Fang Fan's location.

The hatred of killing the father, the hatred of taking away the wife, this kind of thing has never been shared!

Although Cassius, the Lord of Tianlin City, was inhumane because of his physical willingness, Cathy was his seventeenth wife in name!

With this relationship, it is equivalent to Fang Fan putting a green hat on him!

This hat is really green.

The more I think about it, the more I feel upset!

The current rhythm is completely chaotic!

Everything is said without saying, nothing.

"My Lord City Lord!"

"He still has a **** ladder!"

"Quick... Hurry up and kill him directly!"

"Then take the storage ring in his hand!"

"The great opportunity must not be missed!"

"Now... don't hesitate now!"

"My Lord of the City! Cut the mess with a quick knife!"


After seeing Fang Fan, Talha, who was initially at a loss, completely changed his state.

At the moment, it was as if he had been beaten up with blood, his lips couldn't help but frantically whistling, and the sound of breathing gradually became rapid when he talked.

While speaking, the body tremor gradually increased, and crazy thoughts fluttered wildly in his mind, as if to completely wipe out everything in front of him!

For Talha, everything else didn't matter, he didn't even care about these things at all.

But...but the current situation should not be underestimated!

Talha's eyes gradually turned green, and endless killing intent gathered in his heart inexplicably!

The more I think about it, the more I feel upset!

war! war! war!

With such an idea, crazy shock!

The tremor is in place, and everything in front of you will be wiped clean!

Such a feeling is in place, and gradually, my whole body and heart become sore and weak.

I can't help it now!

Just to stab! Launch a full thrust!

Crazy heart, who is more to talk to!

I have an unwavering mind right now!

Fight to the end! Fight to the end!

The more I think about it, the more I feel terrified!

"You settle down!"

"Isn't the city lord dealing with this matter?"

"Why are you so anxious?"

"What does it look like!"

"It's as if our Protoss people have no pattern at all!"

"Keep it safe, do you know?"

Cassius frowned, watching Talha look so excited and trembling, he couldn't help frowning, and his face showed some dissatisfaction!

Waves of bells and whistles!

What else do you want to toss about?


Do it continuously?

It's boring, it's not interesting at all.

At this moment, the situation has also reached a stalemate.

"According to your introduction, what kind of pope are you in the Temple of the Light Alliance? That is their master?"

"Cooperation is okay, please deliver that guy to me first!"

"I will kill him now!"


"Otherwise, this matter will not end!"

"I hope you can be clear about this! Don't toss me about these things!"

"It's useless to say so much!"

"What I said, you should be able to understand it?"

"I have said so clearly, don't you need to let me continue to repeat it?"

The cold snort gathered, and as he spoke, his eyes flickered violently.

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius felt that these were the top things, he made such a small request, the other party should satisfy him.

Only at this moment, for the Illuminati Pope Yuwen Hanlin, it was undoubtedly a problem for him.

This matter is indeed difficult to choose.

Rhythm, still a little unstoppable.

With many thoughts and confusion, his complexion became more and more difficult to look at.

Fang Fan is no ordinary person.

After these few incidents, this status has already undergone a comprehensive transformation.

If this matter is not handled properly, serious problems will arise.

As the pope of the Temple of the Light Alliance, if he can't even keep his own people, even if he even handed over his own people in exchange for the so-called Protoss cooperation, then his prestige will definitely drop to the freezing point!

No one will trust him by then!

Not only will he not trust him, but he will even criticize him directly!

The images at that time reappeared repeatedly in my mind, and I couldn't extricate myself from sinking into it for a while.

"And at the moment, the Dark Pope is watching him closely."

"He is very optimistic about Fang Fan, and even promised to win over him as a young emperor."


"In this case, if I were to press harder, I would have a big problem."

"By then, it won't be as simple as a loss of military ethics."

"The situation will be even worse then."

The Illuminati Pope Yuwen Hanlin frowned, thinking silently in his heart, and his thoughts gradually burst into his mind. The more he thought about, this feeling gradually followed in full esteem.

Thoughts are in place, and all kinds of oppression are invaded!

"Under the crown of the Pope!"

"This is the request of the Protoss City Lord Cassius!"

"In order to be able to cooperate better with the Protoss, there must be no gap between us!"

"He just wants a Fang Fan!"

"If he wants it, just give it to him!"

"Hurry up... give it to him quickly!"

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is a small problem that these are all small issues!"

"Under the crown of the Pope, you say... what do you mean? Isn't that true?"

"Under the crown of the Pope, I know you can't bear it, but...but you must put the overall situation first!"

"We finally stabilized these protoss, and now there should be no more accidents at this time!"

"Under the crown of the Pope! I'll go and capture Fang Fan!"

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, took a deep breath, and then danced with excitement!

As he spoke, his body rushed forward with excitement!

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