At this time, Ouyang had only one thought in his heart, and that was to kill Fang Fan.

In order to be able to achieve his wish, he has desperately.

In other words, he has gradually become mad in nature.

Crazy desire to kill gathered crazily in his mind, and his breathing was so fast!

Now this guy almost treats this matter as a historical task.

Keep this in mind all the time, and then start a fiery charge towards the front frantically!

"Shut up!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin was thinking deeply, but he was interrupted suddenly, and his expression was unhappy.

Damn it, **** stuff! Really a lot of nonsense!

With waves of bells and whistles, what do you want to be like?


Doesn't this make everyone look down on me, Yuwen Hanlin?

In the presence of so many people, handing Fang Fan, the hero who fought against the Protoss, into the hands of the Protoss, did he Yuwen Hanlin feel so embarrassed?

The point is, he hasn't thought so much at this moment!

In terms of mentality, we still have to keep calm!

Don't be messy! Never messy!

These thoughts must be controlled in place, this is the top priority!

"Subordinates to the Pope, these are all words from the bottom of the heart!"

"Under the crown of the Pope, don't go your own way!"

"Under the crown of the Pope, no matter how much you deplore talents, but...but you can't slack in the slightest at this time!"

"Under the Pope..."

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, continues to talk nonsense.

Obviously, he has not yet grasped the essence of these words.

In other words, even if I realize it, I still want to pretend to be deaf and dumb at this moment.

This state looks too messy.

very messy.

At this moment, the Ouyang disciple only feels that the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of Guangming is still a little unwilling to let go, and he needs to put on another outfit. He Ouyang disciple only needs to say all the beautiful things, and then under the crown of the Pope, he can pretend to be helpless. Fang Fan's gesture of tearing at Ma Di will punish Fang Fan!

Ouyang Tui's fingers were shaking with excitement at this moment.

So excited.

Can't hold it anymore.

The thoughts were completely messed up.

Everything in my mind trembled crazily.

The more I think about it, the deeper this feeling becomes.

Immediately gathered the infinite power on the body and launched an infinite charge toward the front!

Such a posture showed in place, and gradually, it became clear.

it is more than words.

Stable, the moment is indeed as stable as Mount Tai!

Follow the established path and stab in an all-round way! In this way, it seemed sincere!

There are already a lot of whispers around now.

"Is that big man Fang Fan going to be sent to the Protoss for disposal? Is it so miserable?"

"Isn't it? Fang Fan directly killed how many protoss to help us defend Yuanshi Divine City, otherwise it is still one thing whether Yuanshi Divine City can withstand the attacks of the protoss!"

"It's just... It's just that I don't think the situation is right, it's a big problem!"

"Stay steady, don't waver, the mentality is a little broken, it's all small problems."

"I know it's a small problem, but if this situation can't be resolved, what can we do?"

"Nothing, it's completely messy."

"Hey, the blood collapse was on the spot."

"It's messy, I don't know what I'm talking about."

"Cunning rabbits die! This Ouyang disciple saint is too ruthless! Isn't that kind of person under the crown of the Pope?"

"It used to be a group of hypocrites in the Temple of the Light Alliance. I still don't believe it. I have been arguing with others for a long time. Now it looks like this is indeed the case."


The surrounding murmurs are displayed in place, and everyone knows what the situation is.

It's clear what it will turn into in the end.

If you mess around, the rhythm has long been chaotic, so what else is there to go with it?

It's meaningless.

It all ended.

The desperation deep in my heart followed the full-scale invasion, and for a while, my heart was full of sorrow.

Looking at the cultivators in the bright camp around him, his gaze was full of disappointment, and the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of the bright had the urge to kick Ouyang disciple to death.

Things that are less successful than failures!

The situation is still not clear, and I don’t know what the relic of God after the ban will look like. At that time, everyone in the bright camp will need to work hard together. You will offend everyone now and make them feel desperate. What the **** is this special way?


This is really wanting to die!

Knowing that there is a dead end ahead, do you want to follow the flutter?


Damn it!

His thoughts gradually came into place, and the Illuminati Pope Yuwen Hanlin slightly eased his restless mentality.

Ouyang opened his mouth for nothing, and at this moment he could also feel that something was wrong.

He is not a fool.

He knew exactly what was going on.

It's just that he is still a little unwilling in his heart at this moment.

Give up like that?

This matter, will you not be held accountable anymore?

Boy, how can this work?

Doesn't this invisibly show his cowardice?

asshole! asshole!

The more I think about it, the more upset it gets!

The brain was shaking slightly, and his thoughts were circling wildly in his mind!

it is more than words!

"Under the crown of the Pope, Dangduan will continue to suffer from chaos!"


Before Ouyang's disciple talk was finished, the Pope of Guangming Yuwen Hanlin suddenly kicked his feet.

With a kick, Ouyang Tuo directly fell into a shit!

"A scum who even cares about human relations!"

"Little friend Fang Fan is a great hero of my bright camp! It is the future and hope of my bright camp!"

"He fought against the Protoss before and made a peerless feat for our bright camp!"

"This has offended these protoss. Now because we are going to enter the relics of the gods, we have no alternative but to cooperate with the protoss for a short time!"

"It's okay to let go of hatred for a short time and engage in exploitative cooperation, but this pope is absolutely impossible to use Fang Fan's little friend as a bargaining chip!"

"If the Pope really did that, what would happen?"


"Isn't that even worse than a dog?"

"So, what face does the pope have to face all this!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

The roar swept across the board, and while speaking, his complexion became more and more bitter.

With this thought in place, the sound of breathing gradually became rapid.

With his hands folded in front, the surging feeling deep in my heart was suddenly pressed into place, as if to sweep everything in front of me completely!

So in my heart, who should I tell you more!

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin held his head high, with a sincerely excited look.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster!

Now that you have made your choice, you must maximize its benefits!

Now that we want to keep Fang Fan, keep his face, and keep the military spirit of the entire bright camp, it is natural to say a few more words to show his benevolence and virtue of Yuwen Hanlin!

Between each other, they have long been clear!

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