One of them counts as one, all of them are human spirits!

Think carefully about the point between each other!

They are all foxes for thousands of years, and there is really no need to continue to play with each other.

This will only humiliate itself.

Fang Fan shrugged, looking at all this in front of him, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Everything is not bad from what he predicted.

The Pope of Light was far less stupid than he thought. As for the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, Ouyangtu now seemed to be three points duller than he thought.

Although it seemed clever sometimes, but a closer look at him, he could clearly see a burst of stupidity when he was shot.

Just as it is now, how clear this matter is, but he still looks muddled.

At a glance, I didn't know what this guy was fluttering.

Go and go, it's endless.

In the end, this sense of ignorance continued to strengthen.

Nothing, just for fun.

The rhythm is completely messy!

Consciousness gradually became less sober.

Ouyang Tuo, who was kicked out by the Pope of Guangming Yuwen Hanlin, trembled his lips slightly, his face was dissatisfied, and at this moment, he naturally wanted to get justice for himself.

But after thinking about it, I finally gave up.

In terms of mentality, be stable.

That is the Pope, that is his biggest patron.

If the Pope is really offended to death, there will be no benefit to him in the future.

Even, there will be unlimited resistance!

In the future, there is no hope.

Ouyang Tu watched all this with cold eyes.

He didn't take the initiative to punish Fang Fan. The city lord of the **** race Tianlin City proposed such a condition. If you feel embarrassed, if you feel unhappy, go and fight with the city lord of the **** race Tianlin city. Field!



What's the matter of running over to dominate with yourself?

Ouyang grinds his teeth, and inexplicably feels infinite resentment in his heart.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"You have to sell your fame, and you have to keep Fang Fan's little bastard. In the future, you will know that you will regret it!"


"Sooner or later this Fang Fan will grow to a terrifying level!"

"If that day comes, I will see how you can avoid it!"

"Dead! A dead end!"

"Don't even think about living then! Don't even think about living!"

"Go to die! Go to die!"

The crazy roar gradually exploded in Ouyang's heart.

Thinking silently in his heart this time, the spiteful color on his face became more and more obvious.

The thoughts fluctuated greatly, and the feelings were also sweeping crazily, as if to completely wipe out everything in front of you!

The sense of madness is still being strengthened!

That kind of infinite resentment has become less intense invisibly.

For a time, thoughts gradually ended, consciousness floated, and everything was silent.

"City Lord Cassius."

"The reason why Fang Fan of my bright camp had a grudge with your Protoss was because of the races!"

"Forgive me for not being able to hand Fang Fan into your hands!"

"If you want to force an offensive, the alliance between us will break down instantly. I am afraid that there will be a crazy war between our bright camp and your protoss!"

"Haha! If that time comes, this rhythm is beyond my control!"

"At this point, I hope Lord Cassius can clearly understand!"

"Strong energy fluctuations will destroy everything around you!"

"At that time, the relics of the gods here will also be instantly destroyed."

"It should be clear what it will become by then."

"I hope Castle Lord Cassius will still focus on the overall situation!"

"Anyway, we all want to enter the ruins of the gods, and if we are in the ruins of the gods, it may not be necessary if we are clearing them."

"Hehe, the main consideration is the pattern."

"I mainly hope that the pattern of Castle Cassius can be slightly elevated."

"Really, don't pull your hips like this anymore."

"I look at it, it really hurts!"

"We, even if we stop a little bit, we can do everything, but we can't continue to engage in some of these things, and it will cause all kinds of volatility."

"Yeah! It doesn't mean anything like this."

On the side, the Pope Guangming was talking, his eyes raised up involuntarily, he had sufficient confidence in his own theory.

Normally, as long as it is not a sand sculpture, you should not choose to refuse.

As it is now, it's safe and stable, but it's pretty good.

The words of Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin were transmitted to the ears of the Lord of the Protoss Tianlin City, causing him to become silent for a while.

This time his thoughts were messy, and all kinds of consciousness fluttered frantically in his mind.

For a time, the rhythm gradually changed.

He had to admit that what Yuwen Hanlin said was quite reasonable.

It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart at this time!


Why should labor and capital be led away by you?


Should labor and management really counsel it?

Damn it, can you tolerate this so much?

The thoughts are directly messy, and the consciousness is directly followed by a full burst!

"My Lord City Lord! My Lord City Lord!"

"But... don't be fooled!"

"My Lord City Lord! This matter...this matter is not that simple!"

"My Lord City Lord!"

"Kill! Must kill without mercy!"

"My Lord City Lord! Since they don't want us to kill, it shows that there are so many tricks!"

"What they don't let us do, we just want to do it!"

"My Lord City Lord! Outbreak! Outbreak!"

Talha, the third-class **** of the Protoss Tianlin City, was trembling all over his body with excitement. At this moment, he was talking, his teeth trembled crazily.

While talking, his eyes gradually became blood red.

All kinds of ideas gradually exploded in my mind, as if to completely wipe out everything in front of me!

Such a crazy heart gathered in place, and then there was a crazy sense of explosion.

For a time, everything around it seemed to be completely destroyed!

For Talha, his understanding of Fang Fan is simply not too deep!

Even to a degree of madness!

In this case, I can't bear it at all!

Anyway, choose a full stab!

Don't worry about others, kill it first!

Otherwise, it will really be under full control!

At that time, you can't do it if you want to retreat.


"This matter, for the time being!"

"Wait until we enter the ruins of the gods!"


"When you enter it, there are opportunities!"

"Don't worry! Don't worry about this moment!"

"What's to worry about!"

"Take it slowly, just take it slow!"

The cold snort swept across, Cassius ordered silently.

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