For Cassius, he has his own comprehensive arrangements.

At this time, the mentality is more stable, and the rhythm doesn't need to be so messy.

He needs to come step by step.

Cassius had thought about it. After entering the ruins of the gods, it was not impossible to find a chance to kill Fang Fan.

In fact, the Pope of Light, Yuwen Hanlin, has already hinted to him. The meaning is obvious. Outside, for the face of the Pope of Light, he will never let others kill the young heroes who belong to the light camp in his presence. .

This will make him uncomfortable, it will make this sense of rhythm very messy, and it is not what he wants.

Nowadays, it is even more necessary to control this consciousness and quietly put away the thoughts, small problems, these are small problems.

The overall situation is important!

Talha is not ignorant of the reason for the overall situation.

Only in his eyes, Fang Fan is the biggest overall situation!

If he doesn't kill Fang Fan, he doesn't feel any fun doing anything.

I felt that I was in an extreme sense of oppression all over my body.

This kind of oppression came, and for a while, it made him feel quite at a loss.

"This foreigner named Fang Fan is too weird and mysterious!"

"And his growth rate is really terrifying."

"The ghost knows when this guy will follow suit!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Stay steady... now we must stay steady, absolutely not slack in the slightest!"

"No accident, no more accident!"

"Kill! Kill him, there will be no danger."

"If Fang Fan doesn't die, I feel that these people's tossing will be meaningless!"

"In the end, I will only make wedding dresses for this Fang Fan!"

"Heh! Hehehe!"

"If so, what's the point?"

Talha swallowed frantically, his eyes trembled slightly, his thoughts gradually fluttered, and the amplitude of his body shaking increased.

For a time, the more I think, the more irritable I feel!

As if grasping a certain point in front of you in an instant, you can immediately burst out in compliance with it!

With such a rhythm, who should I tell you more!

Inexplicable excitement! Surprise inexplicable!

"My Lord City Lord!"

Talha was making his last effort.

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius didn't even raise his eyes to look at him.

I do my own way from start to finish, so unpleasant.

It doesn't matter.

It's a totally indifferent attitude.

Can I be controlled by you?

Wouldn't it be the end of the calf?

"You are the lord of the city, and I am the lord of the city?"

"You are just a third-class general in my Tianlin City!"

"If the city lord isn't upholding you, do you think you are qualified to talk to the city lord?"

"Don't know a bit of inferiority?"



"Bastard stuff!"

With a cold snort in place, City Lord Cassius was talking, his eyes gradually gathered, and the killing intent was gathered in place.

Anyone who is a high-ranking person has a high probability that no one will disobey him.

They don’t know the so-called loyalty, but they don’t know the truth, but they just don’t bother to understand it thoroughly!

Fancy, and endlessly?



That's it?

It's nothing.

Continue to follow along.

In the end, I was tossed and distraught!

The road has gradually become wild.

The rhythm gradually became chaotic.

"My Lord of the City..."

This Talha still has some spirit of desperate Saburo, and immediately put on a posture of breaking the casserole to the end, and wanted to continue to inquire.

But he was dragged away by his best friend Rugas.

At the same time, the second-class **** of the Protoss dragged Qued directly aside, blocking Talha's nose and mouth, leaving him speechless.


"I think you are really crazy!"

"You have no idea what you are talking about!"

"If you act like this, you will have big problems!"

"What good is it for you to annoy Lord City Lord?"

"At that time we will all have to eat melons!"

"Didn't Lord City Lord agree to you all?"

"Isn't this all right?"

"When we arrive in the remains of the gods, we have a chance to find that Fang Fan to liquidate!"

"According to Lord Santos, there is a high probability that those foreigners will not interfere."

"Will it be easy if we want to kill this Fang Fan then?"

"Why do you have to choose this messy period?"

"I really don't know how your brain grows, or what you think in your heart!"

"It's messy, the chaos is extreme!"

"Being fancy, making such a mess, you feel comfortable in your heart? Is it happy?"



All kinds of anxious voices gathered, the voice of emotion was in place, and my thoughts gradually became chaotic.

The more I think about it, this feeling becomes more relevant.

What the second-class **** general of Tianlin City Quide said is called a relish!

"Heh! If it weren't for you to resist all the responsibilities and save us all, labor and management would not be willing to drag you to save you!"

"Believe it or not, according to the irritable temper of Lord City Lord, I should kill you later!"

"By then, that Fang Fan is still alive! You were sniped at first!"

"What kind of thing is this!"

"Hey! It's really messy!"

The second-class **** of Tianlin City rolled his eyes and couldn't help but vomit.

"You don't understand."

"You all don't understand!"

"You can only see the danger and benefit in front of you!"

"Stupid! It's all a bunch of idiots!"

"As everyone knows! Now it's the moment of life and death!"

"Ha! Ha ha ha! Until now, there is still no sense in my heart."

"Stupid! Stupid!"

"I have never seen such a stupid guy!"

"If this son is not removed, not only is our Tianlin City in danger, the entire Protoss will be overthrown!"

"My words are here, you can savor them carefully!"

"Whirring whirring……"

Talha clutched his head and couldn't help but spit out at this moment.

Thinking silently in his heart, the pain on his face gradually intensified.

With many thoughts and confusion, all kinds of thoughts are being completely ended.

It's nothing, it's all playing.

Chaos... Completely messed up.

Even the most basic order is gone in the chaos.

Everything is followed by total dying!

Talha feels that he is the wise man among the Protoss! Similar to the feeling of the prophet, he felt that he could know everything!

But why... why no one wants to listen to him?


It's really painful to be with a group of foolish people all day long!

Whole body and mind, followed completely.

chaos! chaos! chaos!

It is naturally difficult for one person to disturb the audience.

At the moment, it can't be done at all.

As it is now, it can only be followed by total extinguishment invisibly!

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