Praying manly as a car, courage is commendable, but I have to say that this behavior is too stupid!

The ditch between ideal and reality spans the South for a time.

At a glance, I felt extremely vain inexplicably.

Nothing, it feels like just playing!

Tossing and tossing and tossing, made myself exhausted!


"Sad! Sad!"

"A whole house of idiots!"

"Ha! Hahahaha!"

"Sooner or will regret it sooner or later!"

"Remember...remember my words!"

"All will regret it!"

"In the end, your destiny will be completely ended!"

"This is your destiny!"

"There is no hope at all!"

"There is no future at all!"

"How can I be so sad!"

"Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!"

"You will all be destroyed by that guy!"

"Fate! This is fate! This is the fate of all of you!"

Talha is crazy.

Talking crazy and crazy.

It is precisely because of this that other people don't care much about him.

If this is not the case, everything at the moment will be completely annihilated!

In the end, the whirlwind of death is rushing frantically! Gives people a sense of endless oppression in their hearts.

For a while, I couldn't control myself at all.

"Otherwise, for the sake of your madness, just the nonsense you just said, labor and capital will waste you every minute."

"But since you are crazy now, there is no point in saying this."


"So be it!"

"How come it's like this."

"Death and alive!"

"Really are!"

"Sad reminder!"

"Too sad!"

The mumbles gathered in all directions, and while talking, the second-class **** of the Protoss Tianlin City Quide couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows, his thoughts were numerous, his consciousness was chaotic, and everything was silent.


The light camp, the dark camp, and the gods, plus a neutral camp that is not highly valued, gather here. At this moment, three powerful semi-god masters are gathered in the air, ready to attack the restriction in front of them!

After breaking the ban, you can enter.

Inside, countless rare treasures will be buried!

Everyone's eyes are red!

The picture they have been looking forward to for so long is finally coming.

Such an inner heart was surging in an all-round way. For a while, the sound of breathing became extremely rapid, and his consciousness was radiating frantically.

Exciting... I really feel the excitement to the extreme!

Spike! Furiously launch a stab!

So in my heart, who should I tell you more!

Invincible at the moment, torture and kill all dissatisfaction!

Invincible! Invincible!

"The Profound Meaning of Light!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin took the lead!

The shots of the powerhouses of the absolute semi-god realm naturally shake the world!

For a time, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and all the surrounding scenes were completely destroyed!

The sky blue prohibition screen began to distort little by little!

The endless and holy light seemed to shine suddenly, and everything in front of you was completely covered!

All the pictures in front of me have completely collapsed!

The rhythm is chaotic, the consciousness collapses, the feeling is fully compressed!

For a while, I didn't know how to express it at all.



Thunder and lightning in the sky, thousands of thunderstorms!

At a glance, it seemed as if the world was about to be annihilated.

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin had a relaxed expression on his face.

But soon, his face suddenly showed embarrassment.


"What are you waiting for!"

"Shoot together!"

"Hurry up!"

"If you miss it, it's over!"

"Speaking to you, didn't you hear?"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin excitedly covered his forehead with cold sweat.

At this moment, the feeling of extreme pain swept across my heart, and for a while, the whole body was swaying, and the panic in my heart gathered in place, and the whole person was directly numb.

too painful!

Too anxious!

At the moment of the collapse of consciousness, the moment cannot be stabilized at all.

It feels like a complete self-destruction!

Painful, disturbed, desperate!

For a time, nothing.

Play, have been playing.

It's still the same.

"The Pope of Light is in no hurry!"

"I'll help you!"

The Dark Pope Motu immediately took action, and immediately released the power from all around him.

It's just that the Pope of Light and the Pope of Darkness are not enough to shoot at the same time. The sky blue prohibition screen is only slightly fluctuating, and it is still difficult to completely destroy the prohibition screen.

A glance swept in place, the corners of his mouth twitched for a while, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

The more I think about it, this feeling becomes more relevant.

it is more than words.

The rhythm is very obvious.

It seems that that is the case.

Casually, Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius followed suit!

Three absolute demigods shot at the same time!

It represents the strongest will and strength!

The ban at this moment only fell a little bit by bit.

The spiritual power of the three Absolute Demigods was squeezed out little by little, and energy was forbidden to be consumed little by little.

Such repetition is inexplicably shocking.

The rhythm is chaotic, and consciousness gradually becomes unconscious.

Then everything came to an end.

Nothing, it feels like just playing.

It is full of vigor.

But after all, the significance is not great.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin took the lead in roaring, and then crazily stuffed his mouth with those pills that can quickly replenish spiritual power.

Obviously, the current spiritual power deficit is a bit large, and some are not stretched, which is purely normal.

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin was only the first.

Immediately, the Dark Pope Demon Tu and the Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius all swallowed all kinds of pills frantically.

Each complexion was either extremely red or extremely pale.

Anyway, the kind of extreme scenes are going on.

At a glance, I was a little surprised inexplicably!

Sweeping in place from this moment at least, the feeling is indeed somewhat different.

Opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

The rhythm is chaotic, the consciousness is disordered, everything is fully ended in the span!

it's over.

It's completely over!

"All the demigods in the Temple of the Light Alliance hear orders!"

"Transfer me spiritual power to the prohibition!"

"Everyone conveys spiritual power together!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin gritted his teeth and roared pale.

This weird prohibition is about to squeeze him dry.

Even though he is replenishing spiritual power at any cost, the speed of replenishment is very different from the speed of outflow!

If this continues, he will be the first to become a human being!

Hearing the order of the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of the Bright, everyone in the Bright camp looked at each other and hesitated for a while.

Follow the orders?

How do you feel a little dangerous!

What if they don't have enough spiritual power to go up there?

Comparing their spiritual power with the Pope of Light, that's just a drop in the bucket!

At the moment, even the Pope can't hold it under the crown. What use is it for them?

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