Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, licked his lips, and his heart gradually settled down.

If these thoughts of his were known to the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of the Light, I am afraid this Hanlin Yuwen could vomit blood directly!

I am so dignified that a bright pope is here, why? Lost a bit of face?

Special, I feel that this face has been slapped by you so many times!

For a time, the brain trembling followed.

The more I think about it, the rhythm doesn't become chaotic.

Consciousness, completely flutter!

everything! Suddenly loose!

Of course, the Pope of Light at this moment naturally doesn't know this.

On the contrary, he felt a little relieved in his heart.


Cao Teng can be regarded as one of his direct descendants.

Fortunately... Fortunately, his direct descendants will not be wiped out.

Fortunately...Fortunately, this scale can still be controlled.

So... this is great.

All kinds of thoughts gradually followed, and for a while, his eyes flickered, and everything was silent.


This wave is basically as stable as Mount Tai!

The Pope Guangming breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally able to raise his head.

Pope Guangming looked at Cao Teng with a smile on his face, and then his gaze swept around randomly, and suddenly, he saw Ouyang disciple.

Immediately, the face of the Pope Guangming suddenly became ugly to the extreme!



Son of a bitch!


Damn dog stuff!

Why not die!




Deep down, the Pope Guangming was extremely angry with Ouyangtu.

When he first ordered as the pope, if this Ouyang disciple can take the lead in responding by example, how can others dare to squabble?

In fact, the situation at that time was very clear.

It's because everyone saw that Ouyang Disciple, the first-class saint, didn't release spiritual power in the past, so everyone thought in their hearts and didn't release it at all.

In the end, the Pope of Bright looked embarrassed!

Everything has a reason!

At this moment, the thoughts are gradually in place, is there a different kind of brilliance in the eyes, as if to directly destroy everything in front of you!

Such an idea is bursting out in an all-round way!

This rhythm, vivid, and trembling!

Invincible now, the consciousness is surging to the extreme!

Immediately, there is indeed such a touch!

A real batch!

Ouyangtu released a few smiles in embarrassment at this moment. For a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and his eyes changed.

Embarrassed and slapped.

Now everyone has gone up, but he, the first-class saint, is still hesitating here.

More importantly, he could obviously feel that the pope was already dissatisfied with him.

To be precise, dissatisfaction has been surpassed, and it has even gradually evolved into resentment!

At the moment this resentment value is soaring upwards little by little.

For a time, it has broken through everything, as if to completely shatter everything in the moment!


"It's over."


"After offending the Pope, how can I mess around in the Temple of the Alliance of Light in the future?"

"This... isn't there any hope at this moment?"

"Everything...everything ends there."

"It's over, it's all over."

"It's boring... It's boring, it's boring."

"If the Pope's crown was squeezed dry by this restraining force, and he died like this, it would be so good... so good."

"It's a pity... It's a pity that this is just a good hope after all!"

"Hey! I can't live with such a sense of expectation every day!"

"Got to...gave to do something more."

"Otherwise... Otherwise, this would be too upset."

"Everything is falling apart."

"If I go up and help now, it will only be the icing on the cake."

"But... but at least I can find a way to survive before the pope's crown."


"This is the end of the matter, so I can only do that."

"Other... other roads are blocked."

"So... so no need to think about it."

"Oh shit!"

"Fang Fan is to blame!"

"If this kid hadn't taken the initiative to take someone to help the Pope, I wouldn't have seemed so abrupt, and I wouldn't have allowed the Pope to concentrate all the hatred on me!"


"This kid is definitely on purpose!"


"Don't let me find a chance! Whenever you let me find a chance, I will destroy you!"


The muttering sound followed, and his thoughts were instantly confused in his mind!

The more I think about it, this feeling becomes more relevant, and there is a sense of excitement and urgency of sprinting forward!

Looking at Fang Fan and others who were releasing spiritual power. An extremely evil thought suddenly appeared in Ouyangtu's heart.

"Whirring whirring!"

"If... If I shoot now, I might be able to kill them all at once!"

"They are now gathering their hearts and minds to release their spiritual power."

"Well! At this time, I can't pay attention to my existence at all."

"So, I suddenly launched an attack from behind, and it would be no problem to punish a Fang Fan at that time!"

"If so... if I were to be a little bit quicker, I might be able to kill Yuwen Hanlin, the Pope of Light!"

"If Yuwen Hanlin, the Pope of Light, dies, I will be the most noble person in the Temple of the Light Alliance!"

"By then, I will be the new pope of the Shrine of the Alliance of Light!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"The Pope! I am the Pope!"

"Wealthy... Wealth is in danger!"

"The key... the key is whether I can grasp this!"

"If you can grasp it, you will naturally have everything."

"I can't grasp it, everything is for nothing!"

" to choose and choose now!"

"There is only one chance!"

"I missed it, it is impossible for me to touch the position of the Pope in this life!"

Ouyang disciple gritted his teeth, and then stared fiercely at the location of Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin. At this moment, his teeth were being rubbed little by little, and his body and mind were bursting little by little!

Attack and assassinate the Pope!

This is no small matter!

Anything that fails is the end of the world!

Of course, if it is really successful, the rewards will naturally be extremely generous.

Now...The key now is how he chooses.

Wrong choice, the heavy price paid is life!

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin suddenly felt a bit cold on his back.

Immediately he noticed that Ouyangtu was looking at him in a daze, sometimes serious, sometimes with a silly smile on his face.

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin looked at this state of Ouyang's disciple, and he was immediately stunned for a while.

Boy, what is going on here?


Stupidly rushing to the end of the world?

Is there anything so noisy?

The point is, it's a bit too noisy!

Feel the bit, really feel an extreme headache!

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