"Does this guy want to attack the Pope?"

"No... impossible! He doesn't have the courage!"


Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin couldn't help but utter the corners of his mouth while talking.

There is no bottom in his heart at this moment.

The human heart is separated from the belly, the ghost knows what this guy is thinking!

If this guy really had a murderous heart, it would be really dangerous for Yuwen Hanlin at this moment.

After all, now that I am behind bars, I can't even move at the moment, let alone the others.

It is definitely impossible to say that you are not nervous at all.

He was pursing his lips at the moment, and his mentality couldn't help but flutter in all directions.

The rhythm was chaotic, consciousness collapsed, and his thoughts slowly followed by pulling his hips.

it is more than words.

"If you knew that this guy had such an affair, then you shouldn't have saved him!"

"It would be nice to just kill this guy directly!"


"It's good now, missed the best time!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Now...how do we act now!"

The muttering sound followed, and his thoughts suddenly exploded in his mind.

Drops of sweat dripped down his cheeks on the forehead of Pope Yuwen Hanlin, and his teeth couldn't help running up and down.

It collapsed, the mentality collapsed to the end!

"Ouyang disciple!"

"Don't mess around!"

"Before doing anything, think about your position!"

"It's not too late to stop in time!"

"Otherwise, it's really a dead end!"

"I hope you think about it!"

"Don't give me the things that I don't have!"

"In terms of your own mentality, be steady!"

The posture of gnashing teeth followed in full display. At this moment, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly as he spoke.

In order to save his life, Emperor Guangming Yuwen Hanlin couldn't worry about those who didn't, so he could only personally warn Ouyang disciples at the moment.


Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, suddenly turned his head, his face couldn't help showing a playful look.

If Pope Illuminati didn't say these things, he might be really worried.

After all, Pope Guangming’s tiger might be there, and he dared not make any changes easily.

But now, the pope actually put down his body to warn him.

Is this in line with the temperament of the Pope?

Obviously, it doesn't meet!

In this way, a lot of things actually have a foothold.

For a time, all kinds of thoughts revolved wildly in my mind!

What followed is the ultimate sense of oppression!

"Now the Pope of Light has begun to warn me."

"Obviously, he already knew I was going to kill him."

"If he survives, he will definitely settle the bill with me."


"So, he can only go to death!"

"Yuwen Hanlin! This is the dead end of your own choice!"

"Now you are dying, don't blame me!"

"You're the one who's dying! You're dying!"

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you! I will fulfill you!"

There was a crazy look in the eyes of Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance.

But even at this time, he still didn't confide in his heart.

At the moment, it is still in a very urgent stage, dare not slack in the slightest!

If something goes wrong with this thing, it's actually very serious.

If you are not careful, you will lose the game!

In this way, the rhythm must follow the complete collapse.

With myriad thoughts, my eyes couldn't help but flicker in all directions, everything is silent!

It's basically stable now!

That's pretty much it.

"Ouyang disciple!"


"what are you doing!"

"Don't come here!"

"What do you want to do!"

"Get out! Get out of labor and management!"

"Ouyang disciple!"

"Are you really crazy?"


"Talking to you! Didn't you hear?"

"Go away! Go away!"

"damn thing!"

"Go away!"

The Pope Yuwen Hanlin of Guangming no longer has the slightest majesty of the Pope at the moment, and he is like a reptile who is pitifully praying for alive.

The present posture was displayed in place, and his whole body and heart became extremely cold.

A heart also instantly cooled from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

It's over.

Barbie buckled!


Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, the sky blue prohibition screen suddenly trembled with a little bit of earthquake.

Then it broke a little bit!


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the sky-blue prohibition screen was suddenly completely destroyed!

Everything is fully established on the spot!


It's over!

A glance swept over, and couldn't help but breathe in a few breaths, the eyes flashed with a different kind of light, a heart, and anxious to the extreme!

"It's done!"

"Haha! Ahahahahaha!"

"Cough...cough cough cough..."

"We made it!"

"The prohibition on the remains of the gods is broken!"

The complexion of Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin became more and more ruddy, and at this moment, the sky blue restriction was being broken little by little.

Looking around, all hopes are gathered to the present!

It is definitely impossible to say anything without feeling.

At this moment, my heart is full of excitement and urgency!

Now there is an unremitting motivation to sprint forward!

The source of power is in place, everything is said without saying!


The Ouyang disciple who had just rushed over to attack and kill the Pope of Light was immediately dumbfounded.


What kind of luck is this for me!

What happened recently? It seems that nothing goes well!

From time to time, you have to follow up with something.

This really feels restless in my heart.

The whole person is completely messed up.

Nothing, it feels like just playing!

This rhythm is directly suppressed to the extreme!

How could labor and management be so unlucky!

"It's over!"

"The prohibition is about to break, and the Pope is about to be rescued."

"At that time...he will definitely not let me go at that time."

"Although I didn't make it clear that I wanted to kill him, when he asked me questions, I didn't choose to reply to him."

"Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin has always been a man who must report."

"If you let him get entangled, I will really be a dead end."

"Whirring whirring!"

"It feels... I feel basically hopeless."


"If I had made up my mind earlier, it wouldn't be like this."

"Hesitate, missed a great opportunity!"

"It's all right now, it's a dilemma."


"Forget it, don't die, just stay steady!"

"I didn't dare to think about this unrealistic idea."

"At that time... I should have killed Fang Fan directly!"

"With this little bastard, I can't do anything!"

"This kid is clearly the nemesis I hit!"

"If I don't kill him, I won't have peace in my life!"

"Must die! He must die!"

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