The Dark Pope Demon's Slaughter is obviously more knowledgeable, so he knows more about it now.

While talking, the mood became more and more joyful now.

The unspeakable heart, who is more to talk to.

Immediately follow the full outbreak!

This invincible rhythm is very exciting when you feel the position.

"I see!"

"Big brother, don't worry! I will definitely bring it back for you!"

"If anyone dares to stop, I will kill anyone!"

The dark temple first-class saint Mo Tian waved his hand, appearing domineering.

At the moment, it is to have a momentum to crush everything!

No one is convinced! This will work!

Absolutely can't lose in momentum!

This is the basis for suppressing the heroes!


"I still know your abilities very well."

"Others, I don't worry much."

"But...but the problem is still the same, you must be vigilant when dealing with killing Shura!"

"Remember, even if it is a strong fortress, once someone breaks through from the inside, everything will collapse in an all-round way!"

"I'm waiting outside for your return!"

The Dark Pope Motu patted Motian on the shoulder, and then exhorted him.

The light camp and the dark camp are all moving! Each is making specific arrangements.

The cultivators of the God Race Tianlin City realized later, but slowly, they also came back.

"Damn it!"

"So troublesome!"

"What the hell!"

"The ruins of the **** of the turtle son!"

"Can the special one be opened anyway?"

"Since you show up, you can show up!"

"From time to time, follow along!"

"Asshole! All assholes!"

"Dog stuff! All dog stuff!"

"I really want to just razed these to the ground!"

"Don't think about it, everyone!"

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius's face turned green.

At the moment, this heart naturally felt extremely uncomfortable. At this moment, his lips were trembling, and the sound of inhalation gradually became real. Black lines gathered on his forehead, and the endless killing intent in his eyes gradually revealed, as if he wanted to remove what was in front of him. Everything is completely punishable!

Protoss people, under normal circumstances, it is indeed easy to be more irritable!

It's like this, it's crazy!

As if to dislocation everything in front of me to kill!


"My Lord, don't be anxious."

"The treasure is right in front of you, it's all about the doorstep."

"Although you can't enter the ruins of this god, but there are us!"

"Sir Lord, please rest assured, even if my Quide saves this life, I will also wipe out all the treasures in the ruins of the gods, and deliver them to you at that time!"

"My Lord, you are optimistic!"

"My Lord of the City..."

The second-class **** of the Protoss Tianlin City Quide licked his lips, and then hurriedly licked his lips.

A few foolish talks, who won't?

This is an excellent opportunity to earn enough eyeballs in front of Lord City Lord.

Naturally, such a great opportunity cannot be missed.

At this moment, the endless brilliance in the eyes flickered, and the sound of breathing gradually became rapid.

Perceive in place at the moment, and don't want to be stimulating.


Directly invincible!

It's just a pity that the violent City Lord Cassius didn't want to hear these nonsense at all.

On the contrary, these noisy voices made him feel more irritable.

"Shut up!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"


"So much nonsense!"

"The mouth is too broken!"

"Listening to my head hurts!"

The cold snort swept into place, and while talking at the moment, black lines on his forehead flashed across the board.

"Those foreigners should not be underestimated!"

"They are numerous!"

"If we were to unite together, we would be in danger!"

"If the city lord can go in together, it would be okay. I can still suppress them."

"But now the city lord can't enter it. By that time, with your trash, will he be able to suppress them?"

"How about attacking now and beheading them all?"

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius frowned, and while talking at the moment, his gaze raised in all directions.

All kinds of messy thoughts gathered in place, and feelings grew more and more.

The more I think about it, the more relevant my feelings become.

At the moment, there is quite a throbbing feeling that everything in front of him is completely shattered.

it is more than words.

The rhythm is quite obvious!

Steady... Now we really have to follow along.

If one is not stable, the overall situation will collapse.

"My Lord Santo... don't mess around."

"When the time comes, the subordinates will come down and lead the team, and they will definitely seize the **** ladder for the lord of the city."

"For this, please don't worry, Lord City Lord!"

Standing aside, the ancient temple of the first-class **** of the gods Tianlin City, who had been silent, took a breath, and said immediately.

This time, because it was too hasty, and because he had to deal with the warriors and horses of Protoss Earth Sha City and Huangji City, Cassius also brought out such a strong demigod as the ancient temple.

It now appears that the original decision was too wrong!

So that I am being fettered everywhere now!

"You alone, can you beat the four strong demigods of the foreigners on the opposite side?"

"When they unite and target you, you will be a dead end!"

"I told you so much, why don't you understand?"

"Do you think I want to take risks?"

"If it weren't for you all to be so trash, why should I take the risk?"

"Asshole! I don't know how to develop steadily?"

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius had a black face, and immediately couldn't help but spit out.

Anyway, these many thoughts seemed extremely messy, his eyes flickered, and the killing intent in the depths of his eyes condensed a little bit.

I'm talking about crazy thoughts.

At the moment, a full break is underway!

The heart of invincibility is gathering in place!

Being verbally abused by someone pointed at his nose was rubbish, and the face of the first-class **** general of the **** race Tianlin City also looked a little ugly.

At this moment, the surrounding Tianlin City cultivators all twitched their mouths, and they had some opinions in their hearts!

Continue to abuse, is this really good?

This scolding is like training a slave!

It sounds really ugly!

After swearing, gradually, the Lord of the Protoss Tianlin City, Cassius, also regained consciousness.

He knows that as a leader, it is really bad for him to be so pessimistic and irritable at this time.

It makes people panic, how can you go inside and grab the treasure?

Now everything else is not important, the treasure is the first!

If the treasures inside can be seized, nothing will be a problem.

But if something goes wrong, this situation will be followed by a total blood collapse!

In order to dismiss the army of Di Sha City and Huangji City, he paid such a heavy price, but in the end there was no gain. Who can be stable?

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