
"Don't cry and lose your face!"

"I had a bad temper just now."

"I'm very sorry!"

"Yeah! You also know my temper, as soon as I encounter such a mess."

"The abuse of you just now did not come from my own intent, or I just spoke out in anger."

"Don't worry about it!"

"If you go to grab the treasure at that time, you will have to rely on you!"


"Anyway, come steadily by yourself!"

"All kinds of situations, situations, etc., follow the control points!"

"Ancient Temple God General!"

"Aside from me here, your cultivation base is the highest!"

"Now you are the only one who led the crowd to enter the ruins of the gods!"

"After entering inside, you act randomly!"

"Remember! God's Ladder is number one! Other treasures can be put away appropriately!"

"If you are in extreme danger, you must bring me the God's Ladder!"

"At least I have to bring a **** ladder out!"

"In this case, those foreigners will not be able to gather all the **** ladders. In this case, the city lord will have the capital to negotiate with them!"

"An ancient temple god! This city lord has given all his wealth and life to you!"

"Huh...huhuhu, I hope the ancient temple **** will not let the city lord down by then!"

"If you haven't brought out a sacred ladder, you don't need to come out!"

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius said this, and the audience suddenly took a breath, creating a sense of extreme panic in his heart.

The implication of this city lord Cassius is that if the performance is not good, you will all die in the ruins of the gods, otherwise, even if you come out, the city lord will directly execute you.

Although it is said that this has the meaning of intimidation and temptation, the cultivators of God Race Tianlin City know very clearly the nature of the Lord of the City.

The Lord of the City has always been known for his tyranny.

Then he will really do those things!

Seeing that everyone was afraid to refute, Cassius nodded triumphantly. He enjoyed the feeling of domination.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at the cultivators in the light camp, the dark camp and the neutral camp, still showing an expression of extreme worry on his face.


"Or not!"

"This problem is still very serious!"

"They have too many people!"

"We must kill a wave!"

"Otherwise, choose one of the forces to punish them all!"

"Cut down one of the forces first. In this case, will your pressure be much less?"

Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius' eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly.

"My Lord City Lord, but... don't do this!"

"My Lord, this foreigner has already divided into three waves!"

"Except for that neutral camp is dispensable, the relationship between the light camp and the dark camp is completely opposite!"

"In order to fight our Protoss, they pretended to be quite amiable, but all kinds of words and deeds at this moment can reveal that they have a deep hatred!"

"Now, I can restrain myself a little bit. When I really enter the ruins of the gods, it will be different!"

"At that time, under the stimulation of the treasure, they will definitely fight!"

"At that time, our Tianlin City can take the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

"My Lord, this is the way to go!"

On the side, the first-class **** general ancient temple of Tianlin City of the Protoss hurriedly followed.

The current situation and situation are all here, and if you are a little careless, you will lose all the games.

The situation must be completely collapsed.

Don't mess, destroy everything in one mess!

Now that we have all the family background in Tianlin City, how can we get into the ruins of God by then?

Although these foreigners have different hearts, if they do something at this moment, these foreigners will have a high probability of pointing their guns to the outside.

If that time comes, the overall situation will fall completely.

There are four crises here, and we have to guard against it!

If you are not careful, the whole situation will collapse!

Hold on! Be sure to stabilize!

This is the top priority!

Unsteady, pull your hips to the extreme!


"What you said makes sense."

"Forget it, you can deal with it!"

"I only have one request, and that is to bring me the **** ladder."

"The more I do it, the more comfortable I am!"

"If one doesn't, hehe, you also know my temper!"

"Huh! There will be no room for negotiation then!"

"Ancient temple god, I hope you can play a leading role!"

"Don't let me down now!"

"If you let me down, what I will do, but it doesn't necessarily matter!"

"I hope you know this in your heart!"

"Don't wait until something happens and then regret it, it's too late!"

The cold snort gradually came into place.

The killing intent in the eyes of Protoss Tianlin City Lord Cassius grew more and more surging.

This time there are many thoughts, and the consciousness is gradually messed up in his mind, as if everything in front of him is completely wiped out!

Things have developed to this time, and there is no way back.

In fact, the only thing left is to bite the bullet and continue to rush forward.

In their respective eyes, killing intent flickered crazily, and the sound of inhalation gradually became rich, so inwardly, who should I say to them?

The moment is fully surging in place.

Crazy will, who is more to talk to!

break out!

Continue to erupt!

What I want is this feeling!

For a while, I felt the excitement to the extreme!


Invincible at the moment, thoughts swell!

Don't stay irritating.

"Are you all ready?"

"Then get ready to enter!"

"Enter together!"

"Don't be crowded!"

"After entering it, I hope you can all get along well!"

The Pope of Illumination Yuwen Hanlin immediately issued the final instructions, and then said a few more indifferent words.

At this point in time, the others are not important anymore.

What you want right now is this kind of rampage!

Now, who can compare with it?

I'm upset in my heart, just go up and beat!

Not much else to say, the momentum must follow to show in place.

What is necessary is this feeling!

"Everyone had better hold hands."

"Don't separate."

"If you enter it, you don't know what will happen."

"Or this is a random teleportation array."

"If we can hold hands, maybe we can teleport to a location."

Fang Fan groaned, then followed.

Of course, these are uncertain, and he has entered for the first time.

The ruins of the gods were three points weirder than any ruins he had entered before.

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