"Lord...Master, I...I really don't remember."

"My memory...the memory is very vague right now."

"I had a little impression at first, but the more I hurry, the more I can't remember it."

"I... I'm afraid to show the master the wrong way again."

"Master, Tian Que is incompetent."

Xuanwu Tianque looked blank.

He tried his best.

But the ability is limited!


"Just follow your rhythm."


"No need to think too much."

"Since we've reached this point, just follow the steps."

"It doesn't get any worse than that anyway."

"Furthermore, if you hadn't led the way, we would have been walking blindly.

"At least you can bring us hope."

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly.

This is indeed true.

Put this in your heart.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly, his thoughts gradually floated in his mind, and various rhythms were crazily praised in front of him.

it is more than words.

At the moment, I am testing it out bit by bit according to the established rhythm.

Just follow the established rhythm.

"It's the master!"

"Thank you... Thank you master for your trust!"

"Tianqu... Tianque will work harder!"

"Master, don't worry!"

Xuanwu Tianque gritted his teeth, and now he has put all his energy on it.

There is a feeling of benevolence at the moment.

This time, his eyes flickered, his thoughts suddenly churned in his mind, and for a while, he was speeding up!

According to the established rhythm, basically no problem.

Everything is in full expansion.

Infinite thoughts gather in place, and feelings will naturally follow.

The road to find is bound to be long.

first day……

the next day……

Day three.


After a long time, some anxious emotions will emerge more or less. At this moment, the footsteps are constantly shaking around, and the thoughts are suddenly rushing in my mind.

it is more than words.

Rhythm, especially obvious.

In this way, it has gradually become more and more real!


"its not right!"

"The sky over there, why is it so red!"

"It felt like a fire was burning."

Bai Piao was fine, and then looked around with a few blind eyes. Suddenly, Bai Piao's eyes lit up, and his breathing gradually became rapid. At this moment, various rhythms emerged in place, and his lips could not help but tremble slightly.

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

There... must be something wrong.

"That location...that location...it seems...it seems to be where the Buddha Palace is!"


"It's there!"

"I remember!"

"It's there!"

"Master! Right there!"

Xuanwu Tianque pondered for a while, and then shouted with excitement.

From the look on his face, it felt quite real.

At least this glance, it really looks like that.

Now this rhythm is flying in full swing.

For a time, the light in his eyes flickered to the extreme!

Exciting...it really feels exciting.

For a time, even the sound of breathing became a lot more irritable.

Right now, it's really hard to grasp.

The rhythm floats directly!

You can't lose the momentum right now!

The rhythm must be steady!

At this moment, I grit my teeth, feel this way, and condense it in my heart!

it is more than words!

"Are you sure?"

"You have fooled us several times!"

"Good boy, why do I feel that you are uneasy and kind?"

"You're not fooling us this time, are you?"

"You can't watch us talk so much, just keep fooling!"

Bai Piao pouted, and then couldn't help muttering to the side.

Xuanwu Tianque gritted his teeth, although he wanted to refute, but in the end he couldn't say it.

This time, he really had a problem.

On his side, he really doesn't feel like there is any nonsense.

There was some anxiety in my heart.

At this moment, his lips are twitching, his thoughts are full of thoughts, his consciousness is messy, and everything is silent.

At the moment, this consciousness gradually becomes chaotic, and the thoughts are flying. Of course, there is no need to say more about the other ones.



Fang Fan looked at the blazing sky in the distance and nodded silently.

At this moment, I can only follow and look for a wave.

"Really go?"

"Boy Fang Fan, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"You've passed, you may have been tricked again!"

"Your kid hasn't been tricked enough times!"

"I just can't believe what this guy says."

"This guy is just scared, cowardly, and doesn't dare to go to that weird Buddha Palace."

"So it's been leading us down the wrong path."

"As I said, what route this guy recommends, we can just do it in reverse!"

"Well! Only in this way can we follow and take off!"

On the side, Bai Piao was talking, and then nodded in agreement.

Not much else to say, anyway, the appearance of these idiots is quite real.

That gesture is very appropriate.

It just feels like there is a problem.

Too bells and whistles.

The giggling is endless.


"Shut up!"

"Where did so much talk come from?"

"The words of so many people together are not as much as yours."

Fang Fan shook his head, feeling a little headache.

This mouth, can you close it a little bit!

It's messy, and it's really a headache.

Gradually running towards the ruddy sky, you can gradually see some figures on both sides of the road.

Obviously, these people are actually attracted by this rosy sky.

They may be like headless flies now, searching for treasures such as the God Ladder, the Buddha Palace and so on in the vast area of ​​the God's Relic.

Just searching all the way, some little treasures have gathered a lot, but that kind of top treasure has still not been found.

What if those ordinary treasures were more numerous?

For many people, they only have the ladder in their eyes! Even a fetish on the same level as the **** ladder!

They are all here to win the things of the gods. As for the other ones, they naturally don't care that much.

At this moment, such an idea gradually developed in my heart.

For a time, his breathing gradually became rapid, and his eyes were murderous.

All kinds of thoughts are condensed in the heart, as if everything in front of them will be completely wiped out!

Feeling so, and who to tell.

For a time, the explosion was in place!

Rhythm, inflated!

Consciousness exploded!

Stimulation... Stimulating to the extreme, for a while it was difficult to grasp my irritable heart!

Crazy thoughts are stabbing without limit!

With the rhythm, everything will be completely silent!

"I don't know where my uncle and the others are now."

"If only I could meet you on the road."

Chu Sisi's eyes were constantly scanning the surrounding area, and then he couldn't help muttering.

The uncle she spoke of was naturally Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy.

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