Speaking of this, Fang Fan was really worried about them.

Especially my master Tai Data, that temper is really like a stone in a ditch, it's too hard!

If you encounter something unpleasant, you have to do it at every turn.

In case of encountering a strong man, it may be dangerous.

Especially now that many people want to get rid of Fang Fan and then hurry up.

Correspondingly, he naturally wanted to get rid of Tai Shujie by the way.

These dangers were silently displayed around, and Fang Fan's eyes could not help but flicker for a while.

There are thousands of thoughts, confusion, and more and more thoughts.

At the moment, this mentality really needs to be fully stabilized.

Continuing to walk towards the red sky for a long time, I can clearly feel that there are more and more people around.

At this moment, it is getting closer and closer to the land of red light.



"Isn't this Wu Meiling, the vice-president of Guangming Academy's glamorous school?"


"You are all here to win treasures?"

"Hehehe... I'm afraid it's not that easy to go for treasure."

"Otherwise, if you take out the storage ring, you should leave it as a way to buy money?"

"There is also Deputy Palace Master Wu, if you can accompany me, it will be even better."

The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, licked his lips and looked at Wu Meiling's flamboyant body, and his eyes couldn't help showing greed.

He himself is cultivating that yin and yang technique, and he does not have the slightest resistance to women, especially such mature women.

Along the way, he has enjoyed a lot.

By his side, he is always accompanied by many beauties, in order to be able to do things anytime and anywhere, so as to satisfy his filthy soul.

For him, this kind of thing is not surprising, it is not a big deal at all, and there is such an idea in his heart, which gradually spreads out, and then becomes extremely exciting.

For a time, the breathing gradually became rapid, the expression became resentful, and the heart was surging, and he even talked to someone.

It is in full swing right now.

Stab! Keep stabbing!

That's more exciting.

For a time, it was completely difficult to grasp myself.

Wu Meiling, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, had a cold face and a determined look on her face.

Her eyes swept across the hundreds of people behind her, and there was a desolate look on her face.

She was also lost.

Hundreds of mentors and students from Guangming Academy just got together.

Wu Meiling was both the deputy palace lord and the only demigod powerhouse among them. Naturally, she was regarded as the leader of the team by them.

Along the way, she also endured a lot of danger, but fortunately, she also came here. When she saw the red light on the horizon, she immediately made up her mind to run towards this side.

She mainly wanted to join the army.

Along the way, I encountered many waves of monster attacks, but fortunately they all avoided it.

Looking at the destination, I didn't expect to encounter the blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple.

This guy also has a nickname called Helldog.

The wolf and the dog were originally a family, and this description is quite appropriate.

Hellhound, it shows that he is just as ruthless as the undead creatures of that hell.

At every turn, they will be killed directly.

The danger here is being revealed little by little.

For a while, the whole person was numb.

I have so many thoughts, my consciousness is messy, and I don't know how to express my mood at the moment.

The rhythm is messed up.

Consciousness, numb.

The mind is followed by a complete collapse.

The more you think about it, the more relevant the feeling becomes.

For a time, the whole person was in a state of speechlessness.

In the hands of this **** dog blood wolf, it has basically been sentenced to death.

"If I escape, there may be a chance of survival."

"But the hundreds of mentors and students of the Guangming Academy behind me will surely die."

"In terms of **** battles...I...I'm just a quasi-demi-god, and I'm still a little bit worse than the weak demigod **** dog blood wolf."



"Am I really going to die here?"

"Uncle Tai, you bastard! When it's critical, you just aren't there!"

"You women have been bullied like this!"

"Where is the death!"

Wu Meiling, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, bit her red lips, and couldn't help but murmured in her heart.

She was a little unwilling.

She and her beloved haven't finally achieved fruition.

Although it is said that their affairs have already been settled, and there will be no more changes, but... But after all, the final step has not been reached, the procedures have not been completed, and she has not put on the red hijab...

"never mind."

"I don't want that much anymore."

"See you in the next life."

"It's already like this in this world."

"If I knew this earlier, I should have brought this **** to justice!"

"Save the delay until now."

"I really want to see you again!"

Wu Meiling muttered to herself, her eyes gradually showing a firm look.

"Hell dog!"

"If you step aside now, I'll treat it like nothing happened."

"If not, when my man comes back, you will surely die!"

Wu Meiling made her last effort.

"Your man?"


"Uncle Taijie that trash?"


"In the past, he was a generation of arrogance."

"But after so many years, not even a demigod has entered! Just him? Still want to fight me?"

"If he is fighting for his life, he will fight against a quasi-demi-god when he is in the sky, and it won't last long."

"Want to fight with me? It's not even a star!"

"It's funny! It's so funny!"

"Ha! Hahahaha..."

"You let him come! Let him come! I'll kill him in minutes."

"No... I'm not going to kill him, I'm going to tie him up!"


"This is good! This is excellent!"

"After waiting to tie him up, I will possess you in front of him."


"Isn't this guy irritable? I'll see what kind of irritability he is going to look like at that time, is he going to be in a hurry!"



The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, burst into laughter, and the irony in his words was beyond words.

This guy looks extremely sinister.

Hearing these words in my ears, inexplicably felt extremely harsh!

It sounds, of course, uncomfortable.

Who can bear it for a while?

In an instant, their faces turned cold.

This issue. It's not over!

Since we want to fight, we must fight to the end!

That's it, what else is there to say?

Anyway, it's the last step!


"Meet the enemy!"

"Guangming Academy! Fight to the death!"

Wu Meiling narrowed her beautiful eyes, her eyes filled with murderous aura.

At this moment, while talking, the endless murderous aura around him gathers in place, and it seems to be pushed out in an instant at this moment.

That kind of extreme oppressive force swept across the board, and for a while, the breath of death battle gradually formed.

This battle is a death battle!

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