Even Wu Meiling is ready to commit suicide.

Once the battle is lost, in order to prevent humiliation, it must be self-destruction on the spot.

Although there is nostalgia for this world in his heart, but at this time, he can't allow him to miss anything.

It's over, it's useless to talk about it.



"What about Uncle Jie, whom you are thinking about at this time?"

"Why can't this waste come out?"


"You are a woman, what are you struggling with!"

"give up!"

"There is no hope!"

"Even if Uncle Tai is here today, he will surely die!"

The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, let out an extraordinarily sharp laughter. During the speech, the gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and then this state was fully spread out. For a time, it was extremely disgusting.

Not much else to say, such a gesture, directly followed by a full burst!

This rhythm is chaotic in an instant!

Consciousness gradually became a little less awake.

Thoughts, messy to the extreme!

Pull your hips! Full hip pull!

Basically that's what happened.

"Kill you, why should my master do it?"

"You can kill a chicken with a bull's knife!"

"Jumping Clown!"

Fang Fan flew over from a distance, and then let out a cold snort.

When he was far away, Fang Fan felt as if he heard a familiar voice.

When I got closer, I saw that my wife, Wu Meiling, was fighting **** battles with the people of the Dark Temple!

At this moment, Fang Fan naturally couldn't sit idly by.

"Fang Fan?"

"Are you all there?"

"Have you seen your master?"

"Why isn't he here?"

"What happened to him?"

"He was with you then!"

"He...he won't..."

Wu Meiling's delicate body trembled slightly, and when she thought of that possibility, she was suddenly stunned.


"Sister, don't worry."

"When I first entered the ruins of the gods, I was separated from my master."

"Master is not with me, so he should be with Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren."

Fang Fan quickly explained.

If I don't say it sooner, I'm afraid this lady will really collapse.

It can be seen that this lady's feelings for his cheap master are really hot.

This kind of fiery love is incomprehensible in a few words.

Only by experiencing it personally can we understand the truth.

Fang Fan's eyes trembled slightly, and for a while he seemed quite sighed, then he shook his head silently, his thoughts gradually becoming messy in his mind.

it is more than words.

Rhythm, steady.

"It's okay to be okay."

Wu Meiling breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person gradually relaxed.

If Tai Shujie really had an accident, she didn't know how she would survive.

"Have you finished talking nonsense?"


"I didn't expect that I was lucky today, and I could catch a big fish!"

"Are you Fang Fan?"

"You kid is really famous!"

"Even the Demon Heaven Sage has suffered a dark loss in the hands of your kid!"

"The Demon Heavenly Sage has already said it, there is a very high possibility that you have a divine ladder hidden on your body!"


"My blood wolf's luck today is really good!"

"Beauties have come to the door, and treasures have wandered over by themselves!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"My blood wolf is destined to follow surging!"

Excited shouts were heard incessantly, for a while, the sound of breathing gradually became rapid, and the gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and such a posture was bursting out!

The rhythm is very obvious.

It would be a lie to say that there is no feeling at all.

The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, really felt that he had ushered in the peak of his life at the moment.

Now you can roar unbridled to the end!

"Blood wolf?"

"Why don't you change your name to Blood Dog in the future?"

"Looks like a pug."

Fang Fan shrugged, then said calmly, his eyes gradually flashing killing light.

"court death!"

"Little brat! How dare you speak to this deity like that?"


"I want to see how brave you are!"

"It's too much of a thing!"

"It seems that you really want to die?"

"In this way, it will fulfill you!"


"Kill them all!"

"No... those beauties are left for me!"

"This kid is really beautiful! There are so many beautiful women around!"

"One counts as one, all of them are superb!"

"Today my blood wolf is going to enjoy happiness!"

"Jie! Jie Jie Jie!"

The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, licked his lips, and then roared excitedly.



Fang Fan waved his hand, his face gradually showing indifference.

Now that things have developed to this point, there is nothing else to say. ,

Basically it's a **** battle.

Right now, it's almost there.

Just get it done.

Twelve Gothic Gatling Gunners are ready.

Under the general order of Hans, a full-scale strafing began immediately.


Bang bang bang!

The Gatling machine gun began to shoot frantically, and it could shoot tens of thousands of bullets in one minute. Who could resist this?

What's more, today's Gothic God-destroying Gatling Gunners are all quasi-demigods.

Such combat power exploded in place, and everything in front of him was wiped out in minutes!

The killing intent gathered, and the sense of tearing gradually strengthened.

For a time, everything in front of him seemed to be completely crushed.

Before and after, about half a minute passed?

But in this half-minute time, most of the thousands of people behind the blood wolf, the second-class saint of the dark temple, were directly destroyed.

The remaining small part is also fully cleaned in the next half minute.

Even if there are one or two fish that slip through the net, the legionnaires deployed in the surrounding area will kill them in minutes.

From beginning to end, it seemed calm.

From start to finish, one minute passed.

The blood wolf rubbed his eyes, and then he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. The whole person was in an extreme state of ignorance.

This rhythm is messed up.

This... what exactly is this trying to make?

He... he was a little out of control.

Consciousness is also being suppressed frantically.

For a while, he couldn't even utter a word, and the whole person was ignorant and didn't know what to say.

Exciting...too exciting.

When the mind is messy, it is useless to say anything, and now I only know how to swallow frantically.

As if trying to hide the panic in his heart in this way.

Excitingly overdone!

"The Temple of the Light Alliance, how can there be such a monster!"

"The people under his hands are all armed with messy weapons. How can they be so powerful?"

"And those people around, are all quasi demigods?"

"I've never seen so many unfamiliar quasi-demi-gods!"

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