The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, kept swallowing saliva.

At this moment, the whole person seemed extremely numb.

At the moment, he also became terrified.

Something is not right.

Still going to run!

Although he is a weak demigod, he does not dare to fight against hundreds of quasi-demi-gods at every turn!

At that time, these people will completely tear themselves apart!


"Must go!"

"It will be too late if you don't leave!"

"I'm going to die."

"Whirring whirring!"

"I didn't expect to encounter such a tough stubble today!"



"No! I have to report this news to... let the saints know about it!"

"The Demon Heaven Saint probably doesn't know that there are so many demigods around this kid."

"You must be careful then!"

"A little careless, you may fall over!"

"This is no joke."

"The situation is not clear, there is going to be a big problem."

"Yes... yes! Hold on! Be sure to hold on!"

"Can't stand it, it's all cold and thin!"


"This may be the preparations made by the Temple of the Light Alliance for this treasure hunt for the relics of the gods."

"Humph! Since I knew it in advance, naturally I can't just wait and watch!"

"Sure... must be steady... and steady again!"

The blood wolf, the second-class saint of the Dark Temple, licked his lips, then turned around and ran away without saying a word!

On the surface, he seemed to be standing there dumbfounded, but in fact, he had already made preparations for a comprehensive breakthrough.

The position he was looking for was where he thought his defense was most empty.

There, there are only two people.

One male and one female.

They were Shen Qiu and Cathy, the weak demigods of the Protoss.

When the blood wolf sprinted past, Shen Qiu flew forward by himself, grabbed his shoulder violently, and threw him down from the sky.

"how is this possible!"

"How can it be so strong!"

"I don't even... even have the desire to resist!"

"It feels... it feels like the hands and feet are completely restrained."


"There is a problem! There is a problem! There is definitely a problem here!"

" can it be like this under normal circumstances.

The hurried roar was in place, and the gnashing of teeth followed the overall mess. For a time, the thoughts flew, and the consciousness slowly became a little awake.

Chaos, rhythm chaos, consciousness also collapsed.

The more he thought about it, the more real his facial expressions became.

For a while, not even a word came out.

"Keep running away!"

"Can't fight it!"

The blood wolf meditated in his heart, and the idea of ​​escape continued to burst.

Stay here, you will die.

He doesn't see any hope at all!


Only by escaping can we see hope!

call! Whoohoo!

The blood wolf swallowed saliva frantically, his body trembled slightly, and the black lines on his forehead flashed in an all-round way, and his face became more and more flushed at this moment.

When he turned around, he saw that Cathy had already killed him with a sword in hand.

"no, do not want!"

"Go away! Go away!"


The sword in the blood wolf's hand collided with the long sword in Cathy's hand, and brilliant sparks suddenly appeared in the air.

Cathy continued to attack forward.

From start to finish, it looked as if nothing had been affected.

The whole thing seemed very calm.

But the blood wolf did not believe it.

He felt that the sword in his hand could not be grasped.

At this moment, a trembling sound is being issued.

For a time, the blood wolf was stunned.

At this moment, he silently looked at all this in front of him, his eyes flickered, and he seemed extremely uneasy.

At the moment, everyone was stunned.

The rhythm is messy.

He didn't know how this thing became like this.

This... This is to be expected, and it is not the same.

I always feel... I always feel that there is a sense of bells and whistles that is invading in an all-round way.

Right now, not even a sentence is complete.

"You are from the God Race!"

"Only the weak demigods of the Protoss have such combat power!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Before this, I hadn't heard of it at all!"

"You are actually colluding with the Protoss!"

The Dark God shouted the second-class saint a few times, and then quickly put away his nonsense, and seemed to be very indulged for a while.

At this moment, it is not his home.

So some words can't be said casually.

Especially at times like this, you have to keep your mind tight.

Otherwise, something big will happen.

This rhythm is not right, really not right.

Once there is a real problem, the whole world will completely collapse.

At that time, all the rounds will be fully locked.

When it comes to what to do, it will be difficult.

For a time, full of condensate.

His eyes flickered rapidly, and his expression changed.


"Actually, there is no need for us to kill like this!"

"Your Excellency Fang Fan! I heard that our Pope and the Holy Devil are very optimistic about you, and even want you to come to my dark temple to be the young emperor!"

"If that's the case, then we're a family."

"In that case, what are we still fighting here!"

"The family doesn't beat the family!"

"Look, what the **** is going on here!"

"Essentially, it shouldn't be like this!"

"If you want me to tell you, it's better to take a few steps back quickly!"

"If Your Excellency Fang Fan can let me go, then I will definitely speak well for Your Excellency Fang Fan in front of the Pope and the Holy One."

"When Your Excellency Fang Fan comes to my dark temple, he will be able to soar to the sky together, and even become the new pope of my dark temple."

"At that time, we still need to work together and work hard together!"

"Since it's all a family, there's no need to say more about the rest, right?"

The blood wolf's face gradually showed a flattering look, and while talking, he nodded and bowed frequently.

Not much else to say, such a posture is displayed in place, and it really looks like that is the case.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly, his thoughts gradually sinking in his mind.'s kind of interesting.

This rhythm is also becoming chaotic little by little.

Before dying, you always have to fight for yourself.

"Work together?"



"Kill it."

"Those who insult my wife will be punished even if they are far away!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, the voice was not very loud, but the momentum was very sufficient.

Cathy and Shen Qiu immediately launched a joint attack.

The blood wolf couldn't get out at all. This time, he was really going to face a dead end.

"Fang Fan!"

"Little brat!"

"You are killing yourself!"

"I am the second-class saint of the Dark Temple! Pope Motu trusts me very much. If I die, His Majesty the Pope Motu will definitely not let you go!"

"You will become the eternal enemy of the Dark Temple!"

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