Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4050: The girl at the Buddha Palace

Bai Piao was always an impatient temperament, so how could he continue to stay here now.

I didn't know what was going on in my heart.

At this moment, his face was black, and his brain was trembling to the extreme.

The rhythm is clear, the consciousness explodes, and I don't know what it means at all.

I didn't know what to say at the moment, so I just stared at all this numbly.

"Why are you so impatient!"

"Others can be quiet, it's just you!"

"Wait! Just wait!"

"What's the hurry?"

"Can you study hard with your senior brother Fang Fan?"

"How can people be calm and calm?"

Taishu Jie glared at Bai Piao, then followed and reprimanded.

Bai Piao: "..."

"When did Fang Fan become my senior brother?"

"Didn't we worship you at the same time?"

"Good guy, can this be forcibly suppressed?"

"Master, can we let go of this eccentric mind a little bit!"

"If you do this, how can you do it!"

Bai Piao's face was black, and while he was talking, his brain was trembling rapidly.

The more you think about it, the more anxious you become, the more disturbed you become.

Mess, crap!

"If you are stronger than Fang Fan, you can also be a senior brother!"

"My rules are like this! Whoever is stronger makes sense!"

Tai Shujie waved his hand and said indifferently.

It does not matter.

What is there to care about?

Calm down mentally, it's not a problem!

Bai Piao can be considered articulate, but at this moment he is really unable to complain.

What can he do when he encounters such a master who is more unreasonable than him?

Just bear it silently!



Just as everyone was waiting, all of a sudden, there was a burst of bombardment in the Buddha Palace.

At this moment, a phantom of a beautiful girl suddenly appeared above the Buddha Palace.

It is so beautiful that it makes you want to take a breath for a while.

Everything in front of him is slowly unfolding.

"What it is?"

"What a beautiful woman!"

"Damn it! If only this was my woman!"

"Grass! What the **** are you thinking about?"

"Shh... Are you all courting death? A girl suddenly appeared in this place! Still standing on the top of the Buddha Palace, do you think it's normal?"

"What's the matter, is it a human?"

"It's a hammer. We couldn't enter this Buddha Palace before. Now there's a woman standing there? Who is this woman? We don't know each other!"

"Stay tight! Don't be fooled! My mentality is broken, I feel that there is a big problem!"

"Grass! I also feel that the problem is not small, the key is what to do now!"

"Why don't you go up and pull this woman down to see?"

"Say hello to him? Why doesn't it seem like there is no response?"

"Uh... there is indeed something wrong, and the problem is definitely not small!"

"The moment of madness! The murderous intention has already appeared!"

"Maybe our opportunity is coming soon."

"I originally thought it was just a phantom, but I didn't expect it to be a real person. It was too real."

"It should be just a soul!"

"I don't know how long this ray of divine soul has existed, it's really scary."

"These many visions and reactions have shown that there must be treasures among them! Otherwise, why are there so many twists and turns?"

"Oh! Who can say for sure about this kind of thing? Anyway, it's true that you can stabilize it now."


The surrounding shouts were endless, and for a while, there was a lot of tension.

This may be the moment to break the game!

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to utter the slightest sound at the moment, so they stayed here silently.

Fang Fan's heart trembled silently as he looked at the girl's spirit standing on the Buddha Palace.

Immediately, the whole person was in extreme numbness.

"How can this be!"

"no, I can not."


"Xiaoxiao is clearly staying in my Chutian Pavilion small world!"

Fang Fan muttered to himself, his expression unpredictable.

"Boy Fang Fan, do you think so too?"

"Isn't this the little girl who was always by your side before?"

"Speaking of which, this little girl's health is not very good, and it has been a long time since you were placed in the small world of Chutian Pavilion to recover."

Bai Piao had been following Fang Fan long enough, and he had naturally met Yun Xiaoxiao.

Yun Xiaoxiao is Yun Yun's younger sister. When she saw this little girl for the first time, her health was very poor.

Later, I followed Fang Fan all the time, and liked to call Fang Fan brother Fan, a quirky little girl.

Halfway through, in order to be able to help Fang Fan overcome the calamity, he was in a coma, and later Fang Fan spent some divine power to revive him.

After that, Xiaoxiao's body has not been very good. After raising her for so long, she has gradually recovered a lot.

Fang Fan's eyes flashed, his expression unpredictable.

Is it just an accident?

"Fang Fan, did you notice something?"

"If you notice anything, it's okay to say it."

"This girl won't have anything to do with you, will she?"

"Is this girl also a true god?"

"Have you ever had a grudge with you?"

"Is this girl like the goddess of the night or the goddess Athena?"

"It's okay if you're like Goddess Athena, Goddess Athena comes over and hugs you every time..."

"If you are like the Goddess of the Starry Night, it will be completely over. The Goddess of the Starry Night will kill you every time she goes to the world."

"You kid, you have actually sullied the innocence of the Goddess of the Starry Night. What a **** you are!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of Guangming Academy, couldn't help but complained while talking.

As he spoke, his eyes kept rolling, and his voice was full of emotion.

Of course, there is no need to say more about the others. In terms of mind, it must be followed by collapse.

Otherwise, the rhythm will really become chaotic.

Of course this is not a good thing.

It's messed up, but there's nothing left.

"What do you do with this old thing?"

Fang Fan rubbed his forehead, looking helpless.

This Vice-President is not very particular about his speech!

Is this kind of thing clear in your heart?

Too much to say, it doesn't really make sense.

Stay calm mentally, it's better than anything else.

Keep your mind steady, this is the most important thing!

Basic rhythm, not a big problem.


"Are you still embarrassed, kid?"

"Then why didn't you think of being embarrassed when you were messing with these goddesses?"

"You kid, this peach blossom luck is too strong!"

"Hey! It's hard for my fragrant concubine."

"Why did you choose a **** like you in the first place!"


Xue Wanren gritted his teeth and couldn't help but complained.

Fang Fan rubbed his head, looking quite helpless at the moment.

A lot of words, there is absolutely no need to say more.

Blindly confused.

A mess, nothing to say.

Of course, none of this is right now.

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