The purpose of coming here is to demolish the Buddha Palace in front of you.

It's just that I can't even get close to the Buddha Palace right now, how can I play it?

"Boy Fang Fan, why don't you bring that little girl out?"

"Uh...that little girl is completely different from the girl above the Buddha Palace!"

"Perhaps there is a connection between them?"

"By the time we go through the back door, we might be able to get in."

Bai Piao raised her eyebrows, and then came up with a method.

Relatively speaking, quite clever.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly, his expression changed for no reason, his thoughts gradually floated, and everything was silent.

It's a mess, it's a mess!

messed up!

Right now, it's all messed up.

In the end, it was impossible to resist.

I felt an endless sense of oppression swept over, and I couldn't breathe at all.

That kind of taste is really not very pleasant.

For a time, his thoughts were confused, his mind collapsed, and everything was silent.

Fang Fan was lost in thought.

Some things can be done, some things cannot be done.

There are many choices right now.

If Xiaoxiao is brought out, will it have any effect on her?

Xiaoxiao's physique is the system of slaying gods, and he has also awakened the law of spirit on his own.

Anyway, in many aspects, it is different from ordinary people.

What if the woman at the top of the Buddha Palace suddenly followed after Xiaoxiao was summoned, how should she deal with it?

At that time, all roads will be cut off.

Fang Fan gritted his teeth, his breathing gradually became rapid, black lines gathered on his forehead, and everything was silent.

messed up.

Totally messed up.


"Xiaoxiao can't come out yet."

"I can't let her risk it."

Fang Fan shook his head with a determined look on his face.




"Then we may have to wait here!"

"When will this thing become a head!"

Bai Piao looked at the sky numbly, and then sighed leisurely, while speaking, her eyes couldn't help rolling.

Speechless, speechless.


Suddenly, Fang Fan's heart aches, this is Xiaoxiao's voice transmission to his own thoughts.

"Brother Fan! I'm going out!"

"I seem to...seem to feel that something is attracting me!"

"Brother Fan..."

A familiar voice sounded in Fang Fan's mind, Fang Fan's body suddenly trembled, his breathing became hurried, and his impatience was gradually developing in an all-round way.

You know, Xiaoxiao is now in his Chutian Pavilion small world.

Across the realm, can you still feel something?

Fang Fan was stunned, was this provoking something that shouldn't be provoked.

Fang Fan didn't want to let Xiaoxiao come out to take risks, but now Xiaoxiao took the initiative to request, and it seemed so eager, Fang Fan hesitated for a while.

The mind trembled slightly, and the picture in front of him also spread into place little by little.


Fang Fan silently opened the door to the small world of Chutian Pavilion, and then led Xiaoxiao out.

"Brother Fan!"

Xiaoxiao danced with excitement when she saw Fang Fan.

Immediately, he placed his hands on Fang Fan's neck, and his entire body jumped up.

That joy is the truest feeling that comes from the heart.

Feeling the position for a while, the smile on his face grew more and more.

At the same time, Fang Fan suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if some terrifying existence suddenly focused his attention on himself.

I don't know if it was a hallucination or something, Fang Fan felt that the girl above the Buddha Palace seemed to be staring at him.

There is an eagerness in the eyes, and there is a sense of mad crushing,

Fang Fan took a deep breath, his eyes flashed rapidly, and his expression changed rapidly.

The situation... there is a big problem!

The situation is not right!

Among them, there must be tricks!


Fang Fan suddenly frowned, his body trembled in place, and drops of sweat began to fall from his forehead.

At this moment, Fang Fan felt as if some powerful spiritual force had penetrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Because the speed is too fast, the automatic anti-virus program in Fang Fan's body has not been activated yet.

"Brother Fan!"

"Brother Fan, what's wrong with you?"

"Go away! You go away!"

"Don't...don't provoke my brother Fan!"

Xiaoxiao gritted her silver teeth, and then glared at the air viciously.

At this time, Fang Fan's splitting headache seemed to be relieved a lot, and the whole person gradually became relaxed, at least not as extreme as before.

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, his eyes flashed, his thoughts were full of thoughts, and his consciousness was extremely messy.

This place is so weird.

"The Buddha Palace is open!"

"All spirits worship!"

At the same time, the girl who looked exactly like Xiaoxiao who was standing above the Buddha Palace suddenly began to sing.

As she chanted, the surrounding red light began to disappear little by little.

At first glance, it was as if it had never happened.

At this moment, I felt it silently, and there was a hint of amazement in my eyes.

Right now, it does feel weird.

Why... why is it suddenly derogatory to say this?

This is far from what I imagined.

Changed, everything changed!

It's just that even if the red light has disappeared at this moment, everyone does not dare to step in casually.

Who the **** knows if this is a trap?

If it passed and was killed, wouldn't it be blood loss?

Still need to wait.

It would be good to wait for this strange situation to wrap up and change a little.

Otherwise, I'm always in a cold sweat now.

The strange feeling came again, and I didn't know what to say at the moment.

At this moment, the girl standing above the Buddha Palace spoke again.

"Buddha Palace! Eighteenth floor!"

"Go to the ninth floor! Make a living!"

"Nine floors down! It's a dead end!"

"Break through the upper ninth floor! Swing down the ninth floor!"

"God ladder appears!"

"The palace door is open!"

"The road to break through is open!"

click... click...

At the same time, the thick and quaint bronze gate of the Buddha Palace in front of him actually began to open little by little, and then revealed the gloomy and gloomy scene inside.

At this time, when everyone looked again, the girl standing above the Buddha Palace had disappeared.

"When did it disappear?"

"I didn't pay attention, it's like suddenly disappearing."

"It's terrible! Weird and inexplicable!"

"What she said was all messed up, can you understand?"

"If I can understand, why do I still say such nonsense? I don't understand a word!"

"Probably it means let's go through the barrier, right?"

"Didn't you say it? There are nine floors above and nine floors below? Eighteen floors in total?"

"There are eighteen floors, so it's hell!"

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