Yuan Jiuxiang closed his eyes silently, and suddenly remembered his bitter years in his heart.

In fact, his real name was Yuan Hang, and he was a long-term worker in a butcher's family at that time.

It is said to be a long-term worker, but in fact it is a slave.

In order to squeeze his value, he has suffered endlessly!

When he thought that he was about to get away from the sea of ​​suffering, who knew that the daughter of the butcher's family, who was more than 300 catties, fell in love with him.

For Yuan Jiuxiang, those days were the biggest stains in his life! It's the one memory he doesn't want to recall.

Even if he practiced later and got out of that kind of life, from time to time, he would still think of that extremely embarrassing history.

At this point, the whole person suddenly trembled.

Fear, numbness, nothing.

After tossing to the end, it feels like a sand sculpture.

That's all.

The extreme sadness swept over, what else is there to say?


"After going around for decades, do I still have to live a life that is worse than death?"

"I really don't know what it means to live like this."

"In such a future, there is only endless despair."

"It's better to give yourself a knife, come true."

"In the end, I don't feel it anymore."

"It's numb, sand sculptures, all sand sculptures!"

"No! No!"

"I can't continue being a dog!"

"My Yuan Jiuxiang! My Yuan Hang will never succumb to this world!"

"The reason why I chose to change my name is because I hope to change my face!"

"You can't flutter around and come back with Fleng."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"This is not what I want!"

"This will make me feel extremely sad!"

"I...I think of that 300-pound butcher's daughter, I...now I can't help but want to vomit!"

"At that time, every night, it was really torture!"

"I really...really have no interest in that woman!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"not my style!"

"He's definitely not my thing!"

"I...I feel sick! I want to throw up!"

"But that 300-pound butcher's daughter... actually gave me medicine!"

"My Yuan Hang... My Yuan Hang's innocent body has been defiled like this!"

"At that time, it was conceivable that more than 300 pounds of flesh was pressed on me, how painful it was!"

"I, Yuan Hang, refused! I, Yuan Hang, stand upright! Even if I, Yuan Hang, never touch a woman in my whole life, I absolutely... Absolutely can't touch such a woman!"

"I was forced!"



"No! No!"

At this moment, Yuan Jiuxiang was covered with cold sweat on his forehead, and the sweat dripped down his cheeks crazily, and it was difficult to control himself in an instant.

This wave is completely numb!


Yuan Jiuxiang was swaying all over his body!

What, it's so painful!

Those memories from the past rushed in like a tidal wave, and it was completely unknown at once!

Really numb that taste!

The more I think about it, the more trembling I feel in my heart!

Yuan Jiuxiang absolutely did not want to go back to such a life.

This is the saddest piece of history!

Also have a chicken!


It's just a few tricks!

Sand sculpture! It's all sand sculptures!

That's it!

Ma to the end, the blood collapsed here!

"I can't let Ouyang Tu succeed!"

"I want to assassinate him before he succeeds?"

"As long as he's dead, no one can control me!"

"Yes...that's it!"

"Whirring whirring!"

Yuan Jiuxiang bit his lip stubbornly, his thoughts gathered here, and his gnashing teeth was fully displayed.

The heart of blood collapse, and who else to tell!

This wave is completely numb! Also have a chicken!

Sand sculpture!

It's all sand sculptures!

Just come! Just so frustrating!

bloody battle! **** battle!

Excited to feel a bit!

The consciousness is awake, and the gnashing of teeth is in place. This wave is directly invincible!

Others, say a hammer!

war! war! war!

Yuan Jiuxiang stared at the divine ladder that was gradually drifting down from the sky, and he had already gathered ten thousand attention!

All the willpower was completely ignited at this moment!

That's it! Scratch endlessly!

Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!

The more you think about it, the more exciting it is!

Shortness of breath, consciousness Pengzhan!

When everyone thought that the divine ladder fell directly towards Ouyang Tu's position, some accidents would always happen.

The ladder has turned!


It's really exciting!

Everyone was shocked!

I am Cao!

Are you so rude now?

Good guy, this is a bit of a chicken!

At this moment, the one who is most stimulated is naturally Ouyang Tu!

"God ladder!"

"My **** ladder!"

"This is my **** ladder!"

"Come here! Come here!"

"Bastard! Bastard!"

"Die! Death!"

"Who dares to take my **** ladder! I will destroy him in minutes!"

"Damn dog thing!"


"Everyone should die!"

"Go away! Get it all away for me!"

"Dog stuff! It's all dog stuff!"



Excited shouts swept across the board, eyes stretched out, and crazy thoughts gathered together, and then, there was an extremely crazy impact!

After the divine ladder turned, it floated straight towards the position where Fang Fan and the others were doing.

In fact, to be honest, their original location is still some distance away from this divine ladder.

But this **** ladder is happy to come over.

Really, sometimes a lot of things can't be said well, and really can't be said well.

What you may feel you can't grasp, you may grasp at this moment.

An inexplicable sense of sand sculpture invaded the whole body, and then gradually fell into numbness.

This wave, also said a hammer.

In the end, I fell into the final numbness and couldn't extricate myself.

The sporadic prelude gradually came to an end.

With such an idea, who else should I tell it?

Basically, that's it.

For the rest, say a hammer.

It's nothing, just know the fluff!

"Good guy."

"Is this divine ladder jumping straight towards me?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Am I the one who really deserves it?"

"Are you all so optimistic about me?"

"This... how embarrassing this makes me!"

"Ah! Ahh!"

Bai Piao's eyes lit up, and he immediately became excited.

While talking at this moment, he nodded frequently.

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly raised his head and chest, as if he wanted to show his best posture.

Right now, that's probably what it looks like.

Very real and very clear.

There are all kinds of patterns and rhythms.

Steady, to fly directly!

As stable as ever!

Fang Fan was too lazy to talk to Bai Piao, this guy has always felt very good about himself.

Talking too much to this guy is useless.

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