At this moment, Fang Fan couldn't help tightening Xiaoxiao in his arms, and immediately took him in his arms, a different kind of light flashed in his eyes, and everything was silent.

Xiaoxiao should be the most special among them!

Fang Fan didn't think that he and Bai Piao could evoke a special reaction from this **** ladder.

Facts have proved that Fang Fan's hunch is completely correct!


A bright light flickered on the face, followed by this divine ladder, which naturally fell into Xiaoxiao's hands.

Xiaoxiao blinked, a puzzled look on her face.

Not much else to say, I still feel a little doubtful at this moment.

This seems to be as expected, what's the matter?

The more I look at it, the more I feel a little sloppy!

All kinds of consciousness condensed in my mind are a little bit incomprehensible.

It feels...really wrong!

All eyes in the audience were focused on Xiaoxiao.

"Why does this **** ladder fly to a little girl by itself? Is there anything special about this little girl?"

"My Cao! Isn't this **** ladder choosing its owner on its own?"

"Damn! There is definitely a big problem here!"

"It's getting old for the husky! Dog thing! Just do it!"

"Kill him in minutes!"

"Blood battle! Continue the **** battle!"

"Don't be reckless! Stab! Stab!"

The excited shouts from the surrounding area gathered together, and the black line on the forehead became more and more clear.

Panting at this moment, his eyes gradually turned blood red!

The extreme sense of suppression is in place, and it looks crazy and numb!

Now Xiaoxiao has become the target of public criticism.

For these people, there is only interest in their eyes! There are only endless benefits!

If these interests cannot be preserved, this heart will become anxious and restless!

This feeling is sometimes understandable.

It's just that sometimes it's really not good to grasp it!

"My **** ladder!"

"This is clearly my **** ladder!"

"Why! Why take away my divine ladder!"

"Bastards! You bastards!"

"Kill you all!"

"Kill you!"



"Let you **** my divine ladder!"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

All kinds of anxious shouts gradually exploded in my mind!

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, is now like a lunatic, and then rushed over in a frenzied manner.

While talking, he was full of killing intent!

Insane will, and who else to tell!

He had already reserved this divine ladder to be his.

Even ten seconds ago, he still thought so firmly! He thinks it's all true!

But now... but how could it have become such a ghost now!

He clearly gave him so much hope, why...why let him despair at the last moment?

Oh shit!


It's time for the husky!

on purpose!

Oh shit!

damn thing!


absolute! Absolutely on purpose!

The more I think about it at this moment, the more chaotic my heart becomes.

The gnashing of teeth followed the full display, and for a time, the thoughts were completely messy to the extreme!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

what! Ashley!

Die! go to hell!

"Get ready for battle!"

"bloody battle!"

"Goth Destroyer Gatling Legion!"

"Shoot all!"

"Complete blocking!"

"Blood Shura Legion! Be ready for a full-scale battle! Be ready to activate the Legion's exclusive skill [Shura Unity] at any time."

"Titan Warriors! Guards on the left and right!"

Fang Fan snorted secretly, and there was a sullen look in the depths of his eyes!

It's already here, and there's nothing left to say.

Next, just follow the established pace and fight bloody!

With such an idea, who else would you tell me!

This wave is extremely numb!

It's a hammer!

bloody battle! **** battle! Continue the **** battle!

The thoughts gathered here, and the gasping sound became more and more real!

I want that feeling!

Very real and very calm!

At this moment, Ouyang Tu is no longer comparable to before.

Before Ouyang Tu was only a strong demigod, but now, he has reached the top demigod!

The improvement in combat power is not as simple as doubling it?

At this moment, the crazy combat power has long been derived.

That kind of taste and feeling fluttered wildly in my mind, gradually, numbness on the spot.

It's also a hammer.

Nothing, nothing, nothing at all.

In the end, it's completely numb, isn't it?

What's the point of this?


Cathy flew over directly, and after the two previous overall improvements, Cathy at this moment has also changed completely.

In the past, Cathy was only in the weak demigod realm, but now it has also risen with the tide, and her cultivation has also been directly upgraded to the strong demigod realm!

Coupled with Shen Qiu, another strong demigod of the **** race, if the two cooperated, Ouyang Tu, who was at the top of the demigod realm, would still have a little chance.

After all, the strong demigods of the Protoss themselves are stronger than the strong demigods of the bright camp.

Although it is not as good as the supreme demigod of the bright camp, but if you look closely, the difference is not much.

In this matter, the mentality must be stable! Be sure to stay safe!

Relatively speaking, this is the top priority!

If you can't stand still, you will go all-out!

Ouyang Tu was extremely anxious at the moment, but under the all-out confrontation between Cathy and Shen Qiu, he had no chance to come over, and suddenly he became extremely anxious!

The gnashing of teeth followed, and for a while, he was completely numb on the spot!

damn thing!

Damn it!

It's all dog stuff!

The more I think about it, the more chaotic my heart becomes!

For a time, I want to completely suppress everything in front of me!

This wave, there is no chance to resist!

Basically, that's it.

It's real, and it's piercing.

The last, the last, is the prelude to the end!

Nothing, keep fluttering!

Very stable! Very stable!


"Go away!"

"Go away!"

"Get out of here now!"



"What are you doing! What do you want to do!"

"I killed you alive!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The frantic roar gradually surged into place in his mind, and for a while, his mentality collapsed on the spot.

This wave, there is not a word of nonsense.

gradually numb.

It's a hammer!

At this point, the complexion is extremely distressed!

"be mine!"

"It's all mine!"

"This was originally! It was my chance!"

"You dare to **** it!"



"No good things! No good deaths!"

"Kill you! Kill you!"

The roar was about to completely cover everything around.

The voice became more and more irritable!

For a time, the momentum of the audience was suppressed!

too crazy!

Crazy heart, who else to talk to!

Ouyang Tu has already taken out all his cards!

Now it's a complete life-for-life play!

No matter what!

Totally crazy!

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