It's just that at this time, the more anxious it is, the less likely it will be.

Originally, Ouyang Tu still had a certain advantage against the strong demigods Cathy and Shen Qiu.

But gradually, this advantage gradually disappeared.

Not only does it cease to exist, but even all the advantages have completely disappeared at this time.

Basically this is the case.

A glance swept over, and the expression on his face could not help but become complicated.

The more he thought about it, the more complicated the expression on his face became, and everything remained silent.

This wave, followed by a hammer.

Tossed to the end, but made myself feel so tired.

Is it necessary?

As for what?

Of course, at this time, it was not just an Ouyang disciple who wanted the other party to attack them.

There are really too many people with these messed up ideas!

A glance swept over, his complexion gradually became complicated, and his thoughts fluttered, as if he couldn't say a word.

Gradually followed by numbness, gradually followed by nothing.

After all, Xiaoxiao in Fang Fan's arms now has a divine ladder!

Of course, Xiaoxiao's presence is relatively low, so she naturally focused her attention on Fang Fan.

From this perspective, it can only be said that this is a very smooth behavior and measure.

To say that there is any change or change, it is obviously nonsense.

There is no such thing as any.

It's nothing, I've been tossing and fluttering about myself.

This is so unnecessary.

It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all.

"All ready for battle."


"There are more than one jackal, tiger and leopard!"

"No matter what it is that jumps out, hit me bitterly!"


"This is obviously asking for it!"

"If that's the case, there's nothing to say!"

"At this point, that's basically what happened!"

Fang Fan snorted coldly, already made up his mind.

Gradually, the light in his eyes flickered little by little.

it is more than words.

Dark camp, Protoss, neutral camp...

Even the remaining practitioners of the bright camp are like silver snakes swallowing their own snakes at this moment. From time to time, they will swallow their tongues.

Then it moved forward gradually, and the scales all over the body were cracking little by little.

Gradually, the bright red blood flowed out little by little, and the surrounding area was completely soaked with blood.

Crisis is always there.

There are already many uncontrollable cultivators who want to rush over to take advantage of the fire!

One by one, the inside of the eyeballs seemed to be able to spray extreme fireworks, and gradually, everything around them was completely burned to ashes.

For a while, I couldn't say a word, my lips trembled slightly, my thoughts were messy, I was completely at a loss, and I didn't know what to say or do.

At the moment of complete numbness, he just looked crazy!

The sense of consciousness is even more broken!

that's all!

Totally like that!

It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all.

I knew it was shaking all the time.

In the end, what hope and future are there?

Doesn't it still look like a ghost in the end?


The sullen look in Fang Fan's eyes gradually showed.

At this time, he was too lazy to warn.

At this point, I am afraid that no one will care about these so-called warnings.

If that's the case, let's not talk about it at all, and just start a fierce decisive battle!


Bang bang bang!

The weak demigod Gothic Gatling Gunners opened fire.

Once the twelve Weak Demigod Realm Gothic Destroyer Gatling Gunners launched their full impact, everything around them was wiped clean!

Wild fire, in spring?

Probably like this?

reality? clear? It looks a bit sandy again!

Although it is said that these people have experienced several times of improvement in their cultivation, their cultivation and combat power have also risen with the tide.

But in any case, one thing is clear, that is, the weak demigods are still the best among them!

There are still more than 2,000 people present, but even with the addition of the quasi-demi-gods that have been added in the future, how many people can there be now?

Some things don't really need to be said.

Just be clear in your heart.

Talking too much, on the contrary, will cause some misunderstandings by others, thinking that you are not good, that you are nothing.

Invisibly, these complex thoughts and ideas exist.

For a time, the picture in front of him was being destroyed little by little.

The ground is full of corpses.

All kinds of heart-piercing roars followed, and this was the price of impulsiveness.

When they choose to do this, they should have thought of the outcome.

It's over, it's useless to talk about it.

This situation is so real!

"Crush! Continue to rush! Taking advantage of the chance that Ouyang Tu has involved the two powerful demigods, hurry up... hurry up and grab the divine ladder!"

"Damn! Are you blind? Or what? What! Don't I want to rush over to grab it? How stupid am I than you? But whenever there is a chance to grab it, I've already gone to **** it!"

"The key is... the key is that this chance is so slim!"


"As long as you're not a fool! You can see the truth!"

"Damn it!"

"I've brought things up to this point. Do you understand? Do you understand!"


"I really vomited!"

"Go on!"

"Fool! If there is a chance, why don't we go?"

"Why can't you see it?"

"Go up now, it's a death!"

"People have already calculated you well!"

"Although Saint Ouyang Tu has involved two of their strong demigods, there are still two strong demigods over there!"

"Besides that, these people with weird weapons are even stronger!"

"Assholes! Assholes! All bastards!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"I'm furious!"

"I can't take it anymore! I really can't take it anymore!"

"Go! Go!"

"You have to continue to die, I will not accompany you! I will run first as a respect!"

"Sun! Run slower! Wait for me! I'm really scared now!"

"Speed...speed up! Slip fast!"

"Hurry up! Run away!"

"Hey! It's just cold! Do a few!"

"Run faster!"


The surrounding shouts gradually became messy, and the gnashing of teeth flashed across the board. For a time, everyone's thinking seemed very divided.

Some of them wanted to sprint directly, but some of them had long felt useless in their hearts, and while they were scared, they had already followed.

People are different, and it's easier to deal with them.

For a time, a full-scale bombardment was launched directly!

Everything in front of me was wiped clean!

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