Bai Piao can enter the chattering mode anytime, anywhere.

And every now and then, I get more and more excited.

Muttering, this guy is not too tired.

Anyway, it's always been squeamish.

"Teacher, Bai Piao's words... I can only believe half of it."

"Although this guy is out of touch a lot of the time, but... but his guesses about you seem to have been verified one by one."

"Are you really...really prepared?"

"If the opposite side is united, there will be six supreme demigods!"

"That's the ultimate demigod!"

"This is not something that can be fought at will with a lot of strong demigods."

"Once the supreme demigod is powerful, he can even directly mobilize the law of God between the heavens and the earth to attack you."

"You... can you understand this feeling?"

"Even if you hold it, what if one of the top demigods has to rush in and kill you?"

"Teacher, you have to think about all this!"

"This is no child's play!"

"A little carelessness will really cause problems! There will be big problems!"

"This rhythm... is directly disordered, okay?"


The gesture of swallowing saliva gradually followed, and Tai Shujie was a little nervous.

His precious apprentice is getting stronger and stronger now, and he can easily provoke a supreme demigod.

And it doesn't matter if you don't provoke them, there are six if you provoke them!

Who can resist this!

"Master, don't worry, I have a measure in my heart."

"Isn't it the ultimate demigod?"

"They have, and we are not bad."

Fang Fan yawned, then looked at the strong demigod **** dragon army.

When they use the legion-exclusive skills of [Human-Dragon Unity], they can directly upgrade a level out of thin air, and directly have the ultimate demigod realm combat power!

In the Shenlongren Legion, there are 18 pairs of Shenlong and corresponding knights!

Although the [Man-Dragon Unity] Legion-exclusive skill also has a time limit of one hour.

But this thing, is it?

Not a thing! The kind you don't care about at all.

At a glance, the whole person gradually became light and airy.

What else is there to say?

The bones all over the body feel gradually lighter by three points!

Invisibly, that kind of beautiful feeling makes you fascinated!

Yes, isn't that what it tastes like?

Taste it, say yes!

I feel it, and my consciousness is sober, but isn't it all there?

For the rest, you can only do your best and obey the destiny!

"Have you discussed it?"

"Are you going to attack?"

"The speed can be a little faster."

"If you want to attack me, you can do it directly now."

Fang Fan yawned, and this time he started provocatively.

Solve the battle early to save time here.

It really doesn't make any sense.

"Arrogant child!"


"It's really arrogant to come home!"

"I want to die early! This saint completes you!"

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, shouted a few times, but what he said was very nice and domineering, but his footsteps did not motivate him at all.

From the beginning to the end, it was still fully circled there.

The consciousness of the sand sculpture became stronger and stronger.

The rest of the ones don't have it, but also say a few...

Cool and thin at the moment, let's talk to someone.

It's over, maybe it's the new life of a brand new Lunci!

The more times he was beaten, the more clever this Ouyang disciple became.

I'd rather be a strong mouth gunman than go out and give people away.

The lessons of the previous blood were enough.

Now it's a little bit rude, that's okay.

At this moment, Ouyang Tu found that the eyes of everyone around him were looking at him, as if he was looking forward to it, as if he really hoped that he would rush out and operate a wave.

"What do you watch me do?"

Ouyang Tu was speechless.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go out and teach that Fang Fan?"

"We're all here to cheer you on!"

"Well! Now, you can rush up directly!"

"Going up is hammering!"

Mo Tian nodded, agreeing deeply.

Ouyang Tu: "..."

Co-authored, all want me to go up and fight with that little brat Fang Fan? Then you can just sit back and reap the profits?

Oh shit!

Why is the mind so vicious?

hateful! asshole!

The gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and the black lines on the forehead flickered to the extreme.

"We're going to go up together!"

"You guys don't want to take the ladder of gods, create a path of gods, and then ascend to the realm of gods?"

"If you have this thought, there is nothing to say!"

"Be smart!"

"Come on quickly!"

"What do you have to do in here?"

"It doesn't make any sense!"

"Go hard!"


"Just looking at each other like this, can you take off?"


"I said, is it not clear enough?"

"Do it all!"

Ouyang Tu can't wait!

What a shame to stay here now!

Feel like your whole body is under control?

This feeling, this taste, is too numb!

asshole! Asshole again!

After thinking about it, I don't even know how to act!

This operation is not good, but will it be cool?

Difficult...difficult to ascend to the sky!

Once the wave comes down, this mentality must be stable!

This is the top priority!

Excited hearts, trembling hands, only know if you have experienced it!

I don't have any experience, so I can only be blind and follow the calf.

In that case, it really doesn't make sense.

"Let's work together!"

"Go straight to Huanglong!"


"Ouyang Tu is right. If you delay it any longer, it will change!"

"Move together!"

The gnashing of teeth followed the full gathering, and the killing intent in his eyes suddenly seemed a little stern.

While talking at this moment, his footsteps squirm toward the front little by little.

Obsessed with the idea of ​​the moment, determined to launch a fierce charge forward!

Sprint! Keep sprinting!

Six supreme demigods, plus a thousand practitioners from other realms, just followed directly around.

There was an endless desire to kill in their eyes.

"This time, this little brat deserves to die, right?"


"After struggling for so long, after all... I can finally achieve what I want!"

"Good! Good! Excellent!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Rush over!"

The roar seemed to tear the world apart!

Six supreme demigods shot at the same time!

The movement and effect that it creates are also extremely strong!

This time, you can obviously feel the ground shaking!

This comes from the supreme demigods of the three forces, and the current consciousness is unprecedentedly unified!

This time, it is to kill Fang Fan!

In order to kill Fang Fan, we can do whatever it takes!

Kill without mercy! Kill without mercy!

One by one with red eyes, pushing this awareness to its peak!

The **** battle is on!

"very good."

"It happened to be sent together."

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