Fang Fan smiled slightly, feeling a sense of relaxation at the moment.

In fact, let him slaughter this group of people for no reason, Fang Fan felt a little bit in his heart.

Although slaughtering one person is a crime, slaughtering 10,000 people is a hero, and slaughtering a million people, Fang is the hero of the hero!

But Fang Fan is not a butcher who destroys humanity.

If this group of people didn't have the intention to kill him, and if they still took action, Fang Fan wouldn't take the initiative to kill them.

But now the situation is very clear, this group of people sent to the door to kill themselves.


In this case, there is nothing to say.

Everyone wants to kill me, do I have to stick my head out for them to chop?

Is this a forced self-defense counterattack?

Fang Fan nodded silently, thinking to himself, the corners of his mouth were as effective as before.

This time, this feeling is all the more real.

Slowly, all kinds of feelings appear stronger!

Follow the exciting awareness and rhythm, full push!

Yes, isn't that the effect?

This time, the effect is even more perfect!

"Gothic Destroyer Gatling Machine Gun Corps! Full-scale shooting! Block the enemy! Obliterate the existence below the extreme demigod realm!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, and the indifference on his face was beyond words.

At this moment, there are some small episodes.

"Master Fang Fan!"

"Don't... don't kill me!"

"I surrender!"


"I would like to be a slave and a maid!"

A figure quickly appeared in the distance, and then came to Fang Fan with a swoosh, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Cao Ji?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, and a surprised look appeared on his face.

This guy used to be the inspector of the City Guards of the City of Lights, and he had never dealt with Fang Fan before, and even wanted Fang Fan to attack him many times.

It's just that this guy gradually woke up and felt that fighting against Fang Fan was killing him, so he slowly stopped coming to trouble Fang Fan.

Even Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, threatened him, and basically there was no special action.

Overall, it is developing in a better direction.

Only this guy is rushing over now, what does it mean?

Fang Fan's eyebrows twitched, and now he doesn't quite understand it.

I always thought there was some mystery here.

Is it a false confession?

It's just that he is a weak demigod, what's the point of false surrender at this moment?

Before, he was a quasi-demi-god, but after entering the Buddha Temple and evolving for a wave, he became a weak demigod.

If you put it before, a weak demigod does have some strength, but now, what is a weak demigod? It is indeed a little rude to say that this thing is garbage, but in all aspects, it is indeed not very high-level.

The kind that people don't really care about.

Feelings in all aspects seem very real.

Basically that's what happened.

The consciousness is clear, the feelings are gathered, and everything is silent.

"Are you sure you want to surrender at this time?"

"If you pretend to surrender, I will kill you directly, and you will have nothing to do."

"If you come to surrender sincerely, haven't you seen the situation outside now?"

"At the moment, there are six absolute quasi-demi-gods who want to kill me."

"Go to the Temple of Light Alliance, the Temple of Darkness, and even the Protoss!"

"When they come and get together, they will kill me for me!"

"Is your current surrender time a little too stretched?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, while speaking, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

While speaking, his eyes trembled slightly, and all kinds of consciousness were frantically churning in his mind.

This wave is basically the same.

The rhythm is real and the idea is real.

Only by holding on to the present can there be hope and follow the full fantasy!

The rest are just silent sand sculptures!

Tossed to the end, there is no meaning and value at all.

"Lord Fang Fan, I am here to surrender to you!"

"If it's the icing on the cake, I won't be here!"

"If you have completely exposed your true level, there will be too many people who want to serve you, and I will not be conspicuous."

"I just want to take refuge in you before everyone sees your potential, so that I can leave a certain place in your heart."

"My subordinates just want to tie their life and life firmly to you!"

"After this battle, the situation in this world will be completely transformed!"

"I can clearly see that in the future, it must be Lord Fang Fan who will be in charge of this world!"

"Lord Fang Fan wants to ascend to the Divine Realm, that's an easy task!"

"If...if Lord Fang Fan takes pity and can take me to the God's Domain...then...then this subordinate will naturally die!"

"If it doesn't work, my subordinates are willing to protect this piece of business for Lord Fang Fan in the lower realm!"

"I will let the entire lower realm shape the sculpture of Lord Fang Fan, attracting countless believers for Lord Fang Fan!"


Bang bang bang!

Cao Ji knocked his head on the ground and made a sound.

Because of his deliberate effort, a trace of blood had already seeped out of his forehead at this moment.

The blood flowed down his cheeks little by little, and the scene looked different.

Just staring at it like this, just watching it like this, gradually fell into the shock of coming and couldn't extricate it.

Slowly, even the most basic movements are slowly depressed.

it is more than words.

Feeling, more conscious!

Fang Fan couldn't help but laughed.

This guy really knows how to judge the situation.

Although from all aspects, this guy is a villain, a villain who is good at drilling camps.

But I have to say, sometimes it's really clever.

If Fang Fan remembers correctly, this guy seems to have been castrated by Xiahou, the commander of the City Guard of Bright God City, for some reason?

It is because of this matter that Fang Fancai has a deep hatred with him!

But now this guy never mentions any deep hatred, as if there is no such thing at all.

At the moment, only naked interests are seen.

"Oh shit!"

"Why do I feel that this guy is more shameless, flattering and filthy than labor and capital?"

"You are so amazing that you can stretch and bend to the extreme!"

"But your kid's choice is definitely right!"

"Ha! Follow Fang Fan, and you will have some good fruits from you in the future!"

"People are ugly, but their eyesight is okay."

Bai Piao pretended to comment on the side.

It's a real thing to say!

The bells and whistles, the rhythm is clear!

"I beg Master Fang Fan to accept me!"

"My subordinates are willing to serve as slaves under the command of Lord Fang Fan!"

"My subordinates are willing to die for Lord Fang Fan!"

"My subordinates are willing to rush to the front! I will shed the last drop of blood for Lord Fang Fan!"

"Please, Lord Fang Fan, give me hope!"

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