In this hellish place, although I got a promotion opportunity, so what?

There's no way to escape!

Like in a casino, what if you win a lot of money?

Do you take this thing with you?

Don't you stay there in the end?

After all... it was still cool on the spot.

The thoughts were gradually messed up in my mind, and gradually, I couldn't say a word.

It's messed up, totally messed up.

"If you continue like this, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"It's the end of your life."

"There is no hope!"


"It's so unlucky to be with a waste like you!"


"Go away!"

"Don't stay with labor and management!"

"I have a headache looking at me!"

The gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and at this moment, the sharp rays of light in the eyes flickered wildly.

Not much else to say, such a posture and consciousness are already surging little by little!


The battle in the distance is being finalized little by little.

New grievances and old grievances must be followed up with a good settlement.

Can't care about nothing?

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, the light in his eyes expanded little by little, and everything was silent.

In this way, in accordance with the established direction, launch a full-scale thrust!

It should come, it will always come!

If the real God of Destruction stood here, Fang Fan would indeed feel very flustered. If he couldn't beat him, he would be crushed in minutes.

But now, this is just a wisp of the soul of the God of Destruction.

Since he was able to kill the souls of other true gods before, this time, when facing the gods of destruction, naturally there will be no surprises.

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, the crazy consciousness started to sprint into place little by little in his mind!

At the moment, there is an extremely strong sense of tearing.

It is viscerally impulsive and urgent.

Gradually, it is pulling back and forth!

The cool moonlight, and who else to talk to!

After all... still lonely!

that is it!

It doesn't make much sense.

"All legions, prepare for a comprehensive battle."

Fang Fan's voice gradually became deeper, and the picture in front of him was also torn into place little by little.

Now, naturally, there is no slack!

The current situation is terrifying!

Who can say it doesn't matter?

After all, he is the true god, and he is the **** who controls destruction!

The God-destroying Artillery Corps has already set up the 10,000mm-caliber God-destroying Cannon!

After the God-destroying Artillery Corps has been promoted to the strong demigod realm, this deterrent will naturally become stronger!

This one and only God-destroying cannon has also risen with the tide!

Gradually, it evolved into what it is now.

The ultimate idea in my heart is madly driven, and the light in my eyes is also flickering madly!

With such thoughts, who else can I talk to!

Exciting and real.

it is more than words!

The more I think about it, the more I feel it becomes more relevant.

"My lord, we are ready to bomb."

The commander of the God-destroying Artillery Corps, Bayless, came over, and his eyes could not help but flicker.

This is the first appearance of the God Extinguishing Artillery Corps after being promoted to the strong demigod realm.

In the battles of recent days, the God-destroying Artillery Corps has never had the chance to appear.

Once the God Extinguishing Cannon is deployed, nothing will grow!

This sense of oppression is really too strong.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there is simply no chance for these god-destroying artillerymen to display their might.

Involuntarily, it was completely suppressed.

It's a hammer...

All the way, simply can not grasp.

Under the momentum of total destruction, how can there be a chance to toss other ones who don't have it.

It is because the caliber of the God-destroying Artillery Corps subordinate to the God-destroying Artillery Corps is getting bigger and bigger, and its power is getting stronger and stronger.

So gradually, there is no chance to show off.

Even can only follow the full wretched development.

Very real and very clear.

The thoughts drifted, and the feelings were profound.

Now it's finally the turn of the God Extinguishing Artillery Corps to appear. As the commander of the Corps, Bayless can't help but show excitement on his face.

coming! It really came!

Stimulate! The excitement is boundless!

Opportunity is at hand!

Hold on, take off!

If you can't hold it, it's cool!


"Bombard it!"

"Hopefully... off to a good start."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, thinking to himself, and then he couldn't help but look forward to it.

From his point of view, he naturally hoped that the battle would develop in the direction he imagined.

This is his request!

This wave must be stable and not chaotic.

A good start, just follow the explosion at this moment!

"According to the Lord!"


Bayless gave an order, and the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became anxious.



The extreme heat wave invaded and hit the face directly, making people feel trembling from the heart.

At this moment, he stared at everything around him with wide eyes, and his eyes flickered, and he couldn't say a word.

For everything in front of you, nothing grows!

The surrounding barrier seemed to be destroyed in an instant.

Where the shells were bombarded, there were still signs of life.


"So easy?"

Bai Piao raised her eyebrows, couldn't help but raised her head and glanced into the distance, then muttered to herself.

But he also knew it was unlikely.

There is nothing so simple.

This one is really not a small problem.

Crazy rhythm, pulling at the limit!

This wave is going on a violent blow!

Finally, at the end, cool and thin at the moment,

Total numbness.

At the moment when the feelings are gathered, I can't say a word.

The moment of crazy destruction, all followed by numbness and arrogance!

Excited heart trembling hands!

Fang Fan glanced into the distance, and he could no longer see the Demon Heaven whose body was controlled by the God of Destruction. Now, there is nothing left.

As if it never happened.

Everything is silent!


"This Fang Fan! It's so terrifying!"

"It looks like I really chose the right path?"

"There is no danger at all right now."

"At a glance, where is the danger? There is no danger! There is no danger!"

Excited shouts swept over, the surprise in front of me was frantically fluttering, and everything was silent!

Excited! urgent! And it looks hot!

It should come, it will always come!

This time, follow the comprehensive breakthrough!

Bright Pope Yuwen Hanlin felt very fortunate at this moment.

Although it is said that he has become Fang Fan's war slave, as long as the so-called God of Destruction is destroyed, it means that he can live.

It's better to die than live!

Let the God of Destruction gain the Dao, and he will surely die.

At that time, the place of death will be extraordinarily miserable. It will be swallowed up bit by bit, and even the bones will be chewed into scum!

That kind of taste and feeling, but quite unpleasant!

And now, the opportunity takes off!

The surging heart, and who else to talk to!

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