"how could be……"

"Is this Fang Fan already so powerful?"

"Even the true god... can you just kill it?"

"Even if it's just a wisp of the soul of a true god."

"But it's not that fragile, is it?"

"After all, the barrier that this God of Destruction Divine Soul arbitrarily arranges can't be broken."

"Is the gap between this city lord and this Fang Fan so big?"

"This is too shocking, isn't it?"

"It's boring, it doesn't make any sense at all."

"This is gradually followed by depression."

"This kind of life, there is no longer the meaning of continuing to flail."

"End it! End it all!"

The gnashing of teeth followed with a full-scale gathering, and there was gradually a hint of vastness in his eyes.

God Race Tianlin City City Lord Cassius clenched his teeth, suddenly feeling that he no longer had the courage to fight against it.

I feel like I can't beat it!

Fluttering to and fro, still looking like a ghost.

On the spot, the coolness became more and more numb.

In the end, nothing.

"It's good for us!"

"That God of Destruction is really terrifying!"

"Like this foreigner Fang Fan, you can still talk, but it can still make sense!"

"It's better than... better than that God of Destruction?"

"That God of Destruction is too perverted."

"If it falls into his hands, then it's really a dead end!"

"There is no other hope at all... there is no other hope in sight."

"At that time, even the flesh and bones of your body will have to be chewed up by him a little bit, and then eaten."

"The horror of this guy has exceeded a certain limit."


"Stay steady!"

"If something goes wrong, it will be cold."

The murmuring voice followed, and the picture in front of him was also fluttering little by little.

The first-class **** general of the God Race Tianlin City, the ancient temple, was gradually relieved.

Death is terrifying, but it also depends on whose hands you want to die!

Died in the hands of the God of Destruction, so tortured, it feels like there is no hope, and the consciousness is also suppressed frantically.

After all, unconsciously.

But if it fell into Fang Fan's hands, it would be different.

At least it can be said.

When the time comes, please ask, kneel and bow, maybe you will still be alive.

There is always a dead end, so at least, can you be more decisive?

"not that simple."

"I still don't believe that Tangtang's true spirit was killed so quietly."

"Before, this God of Destruction occupied Mo Tian's body in an instant, and then killed the Dark Pope Mo Tu."

"It looked so domineering from beginning to end!"

"Such a domineering existence can't be too bad."

"There is definitely something wrong with this."

"I just don't know where the problem is."

"It's weird!"

The whispering voice followed, and the eyes flickered, and the meaning of the whole person was fluttering little by little.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only by experiencing it personally, can you understand the ultimate sense of surprise!

Soaring little by little! Lock little by little! Crazy suppression a little bit more!

Stimulate! And true!

After Cassius, the lord of the God Race Tianlin City, finished speaking, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the distance.


"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Interesting...a bit interesting!"

"The taste of tickling is not bad!"

"This spicy chicken shell is really useless at all!"


Bang bang bang!

A dark figure gradually climbed up from the ground.

All over the body, where is there any flesh and blood, there is only a bone frame left at this moment, and it is all black.

The bones of the left arm of this skeleton are now missing, because this thing has been eaten before.

The scene unfolded before his eyes, and his eyes flickered, and he couldn't say a word.

I want to express something, but I can't say it.

It looks messy... messy.

In the chaotic consciousness, even the most basic order is completely lost!

With such an idea, who else should I tell it?

At the moment, it is constantly suppressing... and suppressing again!

that is it.

Very apt.

After all, this thing is still not dead.

Although from Fang Fan's point of view, he had such preparations from the beginning, but when he saw the facts in front of him, he was still somewhat disappointed.

How great would it be to be able to solve everything in one shot?

Now... a little more work is needed.

There are still some unknowns.

"Lord, Bayless is incompetent! Bayless waste!"


Bayless, the commander of the God-destroying Artillery Corps, knelt down on his knees with a look of shame on his face.

From his point of view, he is a waste!

What has he done!

Isn't the rhythm of this slap in the face not strong enough?

The Lord put his hopes on him, but what about him? What did he do?

I failed the Lord and made the Lord very sad!

Thinking about it this time, my lips are trembling like crazy!

The more you think about it, the more messy it becomes!

Messy thoughts can't be added anymore!

It's messy, and it's impossible to fully control it!

That being the case, let's talk to someone.

In the numbness, it looks extremely desolate!

that is it!

"It's none of your business."

"stand up!"

"You have done a good job leading the God-destroying Artillery Corps."

"As for the unsatisfactory results, it can only show that the soul of the **** of destruction is difficult to deal with."

"Speaking of which, this is the soul of a real god. If you really kill it with one shot, I'd be surprised."

"Prepare well for a new round of confrontation!"

Fang Fan smiled slightly, and then comforted him.

During the speech, the thoughts gradually condensed in the mind, and the feeling gradually became stronger.

The God-destroying Artillery Corps was temporarily defeated.

Now, in front of Fang Fan, only the whole army will press down, and then face this God of Destruction!

It's time to settle old and new grievances!

"Fortunately, the one-hour effect of the [Human-Dragon Unity] of the Shenlongren Legion is still available."

"I have eighteen supreme demigods under my command."


"Accurately speaking, it should be twenty!"

Fang Fan groaned and looked at the Pope of Light Yuwen Hanlin and the first-class saint Yuan Jiuxiang of the Temple of Light Alliance who had just taken refuge.

Now that they have all been effective, what should be done is naturally done.

You can't just sit there and enjoy it, right?

This crisis of the God of Destruction is not just for Fang Fan!

"Yuwen Hanlin!"

"Yuan Jiuxiang!"

"Let's do it together!"

"bloody battle!"

Fang Fan ordered directly.

At this moment, the bright pope Yuwen Hanlin has signed a war slave contract with Fang Fan, so he can only implement Fang Fan's instructions unconditionally, and there will be no shirk!

But for Yuan Jiuxiang, he still has a lot of room for choice.

"Facing the God of Destruction!"

"How likely is it to survive?"

"I can't be impulsive!"

Yuan Jiuxiang's thoughts condensed secretly.

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