Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 4187: The transformation of the Pope of Light

He was here to paddle, to seek shelter, and to hang on.

Anyway, say a thousand words and ten thousand, the purpose is to live.

Can't... be killed, right?

He can't take it, he can't take it!

This wave must be followed in a stable state of mind!

Consciousness gathers in my mind, and the feeling explodes in an all-round way!

"Following them to charge together will collide directly with the God of Destruction."

"If I can't beat it, I will definitely be hated by the God of Destruction. At that time, he will seek revenge from me. I can't beat it at all, and I'm not an opponent at all. At that time, I will be completely torn apart!"

"That's not what I want, I gotta live... gotta live!"

"Besides... Besides, even if it can really be beaten, this God of Destruction is not so easy to kill."

"I don't know how much sacrifice will be made by then!"

"Anyway, I can't sacrifice!"

"If you want to sacrifice, it's them **** who sacrifice!"

"Yes! Let them sacrifice!"

"I sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Yuan Jiuxiang, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Bright Alliance, lit up, and then his footsteps seemed very slow, very slow!


"Go on!"

"Blood battle!"

"It's time for a decisive battle!"

"Don't wait!"

"What are you waiting for!"

"Go on!"

"Yuan Jiuxiang!"

"Quick! Quickly!"

"bloody battle!"

"bloody battle!"

"Why are you backing away?"

"Why don't you rush forward?"


"You guy, do you still have any rebellious heart?"

"You still want to run?"

"Get on! Get on me!"

"If you dare to run, I will kill you!"



"You dare to cheat and play tricks!"

Pope Guangming Yuwen Hanlin glared at Yuan Jiuxiang, and was about to pull him up with him.

Damn it!

Do you want to run away?

How can this work?

I have to suppress you in minutes!

Appropriate, is to have a sense of extreme pressure!

This wave of ceremonial sense and so on, followed by showing in place!

it is more than words!

Yuan Jiuxiang blinked, looking a little confused at this moment.


That Fang Fan didn't find me, and didn't come to trouble me! Why did you come over and talk about a hammer?


Is this war slave really rising?

A wave of direct suppression?

"This has nothing to do with you!"

"Don't mind your own business!"

Yuan Jiuxiang said with a dark face.

Oh shit!

When I encounter this kind of blind tossing, I feel a headache!


What are you throwing around here?

Toss and toss, no meaning!

"busy body?"


"Now the Pope is on the chariot!"

"You want to get off the chariot, how is that possible?"

"If you want to live, let's live together!"

"If you want to die, then die together!"

The gnashing of teeth is fully displayed, and the consciousness in the eyes is fully displayed!

The Pope of Light, Yuwen Hanlin, followed this wave directly.

This wave also dared to rebuild and kept shouting.

"Meet and stay on the line!"

"See you later!"

"Your Majesty the Pope! Don't be ignorant!"

"Everyone is suffering, they just want to live!"

"Don't force me!"

"You must...don't force me!"

The gnashing of teeth was fully displayed, and the consciousness instantly sprinted to the extreme!

Yuan Jiuxiang didn't pretend anymore.

The key is that in this situation, even if you want to disguise, you can't disguise!

The matter has come to this point, it has been reduced to this point, and it is extremely bastard!

"I do not care."

"Anyway, what the Pope is, what you will do."

"In the beginning, weren't you the **** who kept pushing the Pope to join Fang Fan's command?"

"From the beginning to the end, aren't you the one who was cheating on me?"


"Do you regret it now?"

"Is it a big problem now?"

"Do you want to hide now?"

"Is it possible?"

"I warn you! You must be forgotten! I am now Fang Fan's war slave!"

"Haha! I am on a united front with my master Fang Fan!"

"Now if I call my master Fang Fan over, you should know what will happen to you!"

As the Pope of Light Yuwen Hanlin spoke, he immediately launched a comprehensive threat.

This wave, what face is there?

At every turn, he calls himself Fang Fan the master.

One bite at a time, [my master Fang Fan]!

Yuan Jiuxiang is numb!

Oh shit!

Don't be rude!

What a shame!

The rhythm of slapping the face is very strong!

In this wave, all kinds of consciousness have completely collapsed!

The cool moonlight is being fully implemented!

"What the hell...you're really shameless!"

"There were 10,000 unwilling people before! They also said that this was an expedient measure, and the loopholes in the war slave contract would be found soon, and then they would be lifted quickly!"

"Now... it's changed now? A completely changed attitude?"

"What the **** are you...what do you think?"

"You... where did you get your face from?"

"The face is really a good thing, but... but with you, there is no such thing at all!"

"If you have to play like this, it will be meaningless!"

The gnashing of teeth is fully displayed, and the black lines on the forehead are fully flickering.

While talking this time, he couldn't help but frantically complained.

It's a mess, it's endless!

Yuan Jiuxiang never imagined that he would fool Yuwen Hanlin, the Pope of Light, into place, but in the end it was himself.

When this battle is crazy, no one pays attention to him at all.

But this Yuwen Hanlin has to keep staring at him!

Damn it!

This wave is really unbearable!

Now I just want to vomit to the end!


All assholes!

This wave, directly to the anger!

Eyeballs trembled a few times, and he couldn't say a word!

"Your Majesty the Pope, no matter what...we...we got to know each other."

"There is also a deep friendship between us..."

"Your Majesty, the subordinates have never offended you before!"

"Your lord has a lot of it, just... that's all, let me go!"

"Your Majesty, even if you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face!"

"His Majesty the Pope... I beg you!"

"Your Majesty the Pope, I will remember your great kindness for the rest of my life."

If it is not hard, Yuan Jiuxiang is ready to start implementing the soft one.

This wave is in place, and consciousness is fully gathered.

Yuan Jiuxiang just wanted to disguise himself as an extremely innocent little white rabbit.

"Can you stop disgusting me?"

"I might not know your personality before, but now that I've been through so much, can I still not know?"

"Your insidiousness, cunning and greed, I have understood it, okay?"


"I can see it clearly!"

"You stop!"

"go away!"

"Don't say these nasty things!"

"Come with labor and capital!"

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