The soldiers in Xue Ying Fort were stunned for a while, and the whole person was completely numb.

What type of situation is this?

All of a sudden?

Seeing the death of his comrades beside him, the cultivator of Xueyingbao who was charging was completely stunned.

How did it suddenly become like this?


If so, is it necessary to continue fighting?

It's a death to go up!

With a glance, there is no hope of living at all...

"Who are they?"

"Is it an ambush?"

"They already knew we were going to attack? So they deliberately used these people as bait?"

"Hey! That's what it is! Damn! Damn!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill without mercy!"

"Cut them off!"

"They must be hacked to death!"

"Dog stuff! It's all dog stuff!"

"I'm so pissed... I'm so pissed! How... how can I be like this!"

"I was ambushed, run away!"

The surrounding soldiers of Xue Ying Fort immediately became frightened, each running faster than the other.

One glance at it and there is no hope of being alive at all!

If you don't run away at this time, you will really be killed.

Deep down, that sense of fear is superimposing without limit.

Completely numb for a while.

The more I think about it, the more relevant this feeling becomes.

At the moment, I can't grasp it at all!

The cool words are blocked, and who else to talk to!

Right now, it's being completely destroyed!

"Why does the enemy have reinforcements?"

Dong Ping, the owner of Xueying Fortress, widened his eyes and was immediately stunned.

"The key is that we have never seen the weapons these people hold before. They seem to be very powerful, and they can directly carry out crazy strikes from a long distance. This is much more powerful than Vulcan Arrows!"

"Now... now what?"

Gao An, another village owner of Xue Ying Fort, couldn't help but said worriedly.

The Gold Gatling Gunners are too tough.

At this moment, the strength of their three stockades has been swept by almost half!

If it goes on like this, it will be completely cold.


"Go together!"

"Kill them!"


"I don't believe it anymore!"

"How strong can a mere stockade be!"

"Let's go together and avenge my brother!"

The eyes of Ling Xiao, the owner of Xueyingbao Jiufengzhai Village, gradually became extremely ruthless, and his consciousness was erupting in all directions as he spoke.

As he spoke, his footsteps became more and more hurried.

Deep in his consciousness, the sense of oppression seemed extremely strong.

For a while, it seemed that everything in front of him would be completely wiped out!

Crazy, and completely disintegrating!

The cool and thin moonlight is in total loneliness!

The village owners, Gao An and Dong Ping, looked at each other and saw retreat from each other's eyes.

Obviously this situation is messed up, still want to rush?

Did it die like that?

"Lingxiao Village Master, otherwise we should withdraw a wave first, and then let's inquire about the information first."

"The enemy's situation is indeed not quite right."

"If you rush up too recklessly now, there will be... problems."

"In case... in case the enemy catches our loophole, it would be bad to decapitate us."

"After all, we hadn't predicted this before."

"Let's go!"

The owner of the village, Dong Ping, persuaded him.

"Yeah, Zhaizhu Lingxiao, I think there is nothing wrong with what Dong Pingzhai said. At this moment, we must focus on preserving our strength."

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"This... Isn't this also preserving the teachings that adults have always taught us?"

"We, Xue Yingbao, have raised troops to resist the tyranny of the mansion master! Originally, the strength of our troops... was stretched."

"You can't lose too much."

The village owner, Gao An, spoke to the side.

Hearing what Gao An and Dong Ping said, Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai Village, immediately understood.

Co-author, are you afraid? Are you afraid?




It's all rubbish!

"The brave one who meets the narrow road wins!"

"What do we have to worry about at this time?"

"It's over, what can I say?"

"Just kill it!"

"We are several times the strength of the enemy. If we are all defeated, the castle master will not have to slaughter us all?"


"Go together!"

"Did you hear me!"

Jiufengzhaizhai master Ling Xiao's tone was more anxious and orderly.

Gao An and Dong Ping each took a step back.

Gao An sneered: "Lingxiao Zhaizhu, you have great skills. If you want to go to the **** battle, it is your own business. We also know that you want to avenge your brother."

"These, we can understand."

"But you can't force us to die with you."

"We must implement the orders of the Lord of the Castle!"

"Okay, that's it, let's go first!"

Gao An and Dong Ping shrugged and left.

By the way, the soldiers from their two stockades were also taken away.

Originally, it was a symbol of the full complement of a hundred soldiers and horses in a stockade. Now, there will be only thirty or forty defeated soldiers left.

I am afraid that if it is a little later, these dozens of defeated soldiers will also be completely cool.


"Fortunately...fortunately, I took the opportunity and fled immediately."

"Otherwise...otherwise this wave will be really cool!"

"Scary! It's really terrible!"

"A little inadvertent... A little inadvertent will be directly suppressed!"

"At that will be a dead end at that time."

"Fortunately...fortunately, it stabilized."

The murmuring sound followed, and the bright light in the eyes flickered, and when the thoughts were messy, the consciousness was fully surging!

This wave is as stable as Mount Tai!

Anyone who understands.

The village owners Dong Ping and Gao An did not hesitate at the moment, and ran out with the remnants of their soldiers.

They don't want to stay on this meat grinder battlefield anymore.

"Two wastes who are greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Look at our warriors in Jiufengzhai!"


"Hit! Keep hitting me!"

Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai Village, continued to roar.

His brother died, and he had to get revenge.

"Zhaizhu, we can't hold it anymore."

"The enemy's attack is really too sharp."

"We... we're more than half damaged!"

"Zhaizhu, our troops are going to be... they are going to be wiped out!"

"Zhaizhu, you can leave some seeds for us in Jiufengzhai!"

"Zhaizhu, let's run away now!"

The muttering sound followed, and the feeling of anxiety was particularly strong.

I couldn't grasp it for a while.

At this moment, the more I think about it, the more confused I feel.

When the consciousness twitched, the feeling was completely suppressed!

too difficult!

"Run away?"

"Ha! Hehe!"

"You really are my good sons!"

"My brother is dead!"

"He died so miserably, didn't you see it?"

"He died for our Jiufengzhai!"

"We Jiufengzhai want to avenge him! Revenge!"

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