
"Don't go!"

"Whoever dares to leave will be killed!"

"The owner of this village does what he says!"

"Don't challenge the bottom line of the owner of this village!"


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"For killing this group of people, the owner of this village will be rewarded!"

"Anyone who dares to escape is against me!"

"I will kill you! Kill you together!"

"Come on! Come on!"

Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai Village, seemed to be crazy at the moment.

As he spoke, his entire body was trembling wildly.

While speaking, roaring voices gathered in an all-round way.

For a time, it seemed that I was willing to completely destroy everything in front of me!

Now the two bastards, Gao An and Dong Ping, have run away with their stockade, leaving them in Jiufengzhai!

It looks like it's hard to support right now?

Do not! Absolutely not!

Hatred has completely occupied the mind of this Jiufengzhaizhai master Ling Xiao!

The sense of panic in the depths of my heart is condensed in my heart, and the extraordinarily explosive consciousness is about to occupy the entire brain at this moment!

That feeling, that taste, as painful as it is, it is as painful as it is.

If you don't vent, he will die!

It's just that the remaining practitioners in Jiufeng Village looked at each other and wanted to run away.

They really can't take it anymore!


For Liu Dalong and other dozens of cultivators in Feilong Village, they looked at the scene in front of them in a particularly dazed way, and immediately became ignorant.

What is this operation?

Why... how can I get more and more incomprehensible?

Can you...can you get something they can understand?

"Could it be that the owner of the village didn't abandon us? Did you send reinforcements?"

"Hehe, do you think it's possible? In this situation, the village owner can come back to die? Besides, I don't know any of these people, obviously they are not from our Feilong Village."

"Then...then where did they come from? Why...why are you more and more incomprehensible?"

"Oh my God!"

"How...how could it become like this!"

“It must be a good thing for us anyway!”

"A good thing is a good thing, but... just looks a little confused!"

"Maybe these people were arranged by our Castle Master or even the Palace Master?"

"It's possible."


These cultivators who belonged to Feilongzhai have now been revitalized.

They looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Not much else to say, at least now they see hope! Saw the future!

At this moment, it is a desperate situation!

When I think of this, my whole body can't help but tremble like crazy!

Exciting, graceful, and real!

The future, this is the future!

"Deputy Zhaizhu!"

"We are alive"

"Deputy Zhaizhu! We have reinforcements!"

"Deputy Zhaizhu, you... did you already guess that we have reinforcements?"

"Deputy Zhaizhu, otherwise, how could you be so calm!"

"Deputy Zhaizhu..."

Qin Yong shouted excitedly on the side, and while talking, he quickly said eagerly from the side.

Liu Dalong, the deputy head of Feilong Village, didn't speak for a while, and his eyes even seemed a little sloppy.

Thoughts are gradually immersed in my mind, and then they are being pulled into place little by little.

The sense of proportion that should be there is still necessary.

Immediately, there is a deeper and wonderful experience.

Feelings are still very good.

Liu Dalong fell into contemplation for a while looking at the sudden reinforcements in front of him.

These are like divine soldiers descending from the sky, and they came suddenly.

I always find it tricky.

The problem here is big... big.

As for what was involved, I still can't feel it.

What model will this wave follow?

Everything is still in place...

Messy rhythm moment, in a little bit of crazy praise!

It should come, it will always come.

that is it.

Liu Dalong unknowingly turned his eyes to Fang Fan, who was beside him.

I don't know why, from beginning to end, Fang Fan didn't seem to show any strange expression?

fear? Irritability? None of these!

What does this represent?


Does he have absolute confidence?

Where does his confidence come from?

A lot of things are being peeled off at the moment, waiting to be revealed little by little.

Gradually, some different styles emerged.

"Brother Fang Fan, you...you tell me the truth, they...they are...who are they?"

"I know you must know."

"You don't deny it."

"I understand you."

"You must have something behind."

"Otherwise, you can't be so calm!"

Liu Dalong took a deep breath and spoke with great sincerity.

These are all from the purest feelings in the heart.

Real and clear.

Naturally, there is no element of falsification.

Fang Fan pondered, then shrugged, without answering directly.

But at this time, no answer is often the best answer.

This wave is in place in terms of mentality, and basically it can follow and stabilize.

If you think about it, it's not that big of a problem.

The idea is mastered, basically that's it.

It's best to hold on to nature.

If you can't stand it, it really pulls your hips.

Liu Dalong nodded and sighed inexplicably.

"I see."


"I knew Brother Fang Fan, you are not an ordinary person."

"It turns out that I saw you right."

"Hey! It seems that your background is bigger than I thought."

"I don't know why you came to us."

"I don't know why you are with Ruyan."

"But what I want to make clear is that since you have chosen Ruyan, treat her well."

"She's a miserable child."

"I...you...can you understand what I said?"

Liu Dalong suddenly played the warmth card, Fang Fan really couldn't resist.

"Deputy Zhaizhu, now is not the time to express feelings."

"The situation is not stable yet."

"There is also a two-star pseudo-god realm enemy village owner there!"

"If he rushes over, none of us can hold it back."

Fang Fan raised his head and glanced, then his face became silent.



"Even if Ma Yiliang was there, he wouldn't dare to fight with Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai Village."

"This Ling Xiao is not only a pseudo-god realm, but also a two-star pseudo-god realm."

"It's...it's more difficult to deal with."

"But at times like this, we...the more we have to stabilize our mentality."

"Don't...don't let them lead you by the nose!"

"When we go together, there will always be a silver lining."

"Compared to before, the situation is much clearer now."

"As long as we are willing to run, most people can still escape."

"Unlike before, it can only be a dead end."

Liu Dalong shrugged and smiled.

This wave seems very open-minded.

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