An hour later, Caitlin sent the picked Poly Emperor Spirit Grass.

"Master, there are a total of 10,800 Gathering Emperor Spirit Grass!"

Fang Fan nodded secretly, the harvest was pretty good...

"A plant of the God-gathering Spirit Grass is worth tens of billions of crystals, ten thousand, that is one hundred billion..."

"If I can replace all of them with Divine Crystals immediately, I can purchase enough promotion cards to promote all the eight legions under my command to the absolute king level!"

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with this relic of the gods!"

"There are opportunities everywhere here!"

Fang Fan squeezed his hands tightly and became more excited.

It hasn't been a few hours since he first came here, but Fang Fan's cultivation was promoted to a level. In addition, he also gained a million floating wealth...

No matter how you look at it, it's so overwhelming!

"Continue to explore the surrounding area..."

"Explore the traces of the source of God as much as possible..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his eyes twinkling...

No matter how much Shenjing earns, the allure of Fang Fan is limited! But the source of God is different...

That is the key to redeem hero summoning cards and hero quality promotion cards!

If you can collect some by taking advantage of this opportunity, it will be considered a big profit!

Fang Fan took a breath and became more excited...

Along the way, there were no survivors from other forces. It seems that the space for the entire remains of God seems to be huge...

"The source of the gods! The source of the gods is good! Why haven't I found any of them!"

"Too cheating! Nope! I'm almost exhausted!"

Bai Piao looked unlovable, this guy seemed to be quite enthusiastic about this kind of God's Origin Power...

It has been three days since they entered the ruins of the gods...

There are some total gains from Zero Zero, but most of them are not satisfactory.

After all, at the beginning, I harvested those batches of god-gathering spirit grasses worth hundreds of billions of crystals. At this moment, looking at these spirit herbs worth billions and tens of billions, there is no waves...

"Another piece of the best spirit crystal has passed away..."

"A piece of top-grade spirit crystal is worth a million lower-grade spirit crystals..."

"If the value of the whole piece is okay, if it's just fragments, it's worth 10,000 lower-grade spirit crystals at most..."

Fang Fan curled his lips, his expression disgusting...

Now it's really drifting... completely drifting...

In the past, if you came across such fragments of the highest-grade spirit crystals, you must collect them as treasures, let alone 10,000 lower-grade spirit crystals, even if it is a thousand lower-grade spirit crystals, it is a treasure...

But this is not the case at all now...

To put it bluntly, it's completely a change of mentality, a drifter...

Fang Fan sighed softly, this kind of mentality should be restrained! They are all calculated carefully, low-key is king...

"It's so bright..."

"My heaven... is like day! This white light is too dazzling!"

Yun Yun struggling to open her eyes, her face was surprised...

From her perspective, everything in front of her looks a little unreal...

The far half of the sky formed an auroral phenomenon, which was much brighter than the other half of the sky!

To say that ordinary white light can’t be seen so clearly, but this white very eye-catching.

It is conceivable that its brightness has reached a limit...

"Brother Fan... seems to smell of those nasty gods!"

Yun Xiaoxiao shrugged her nose and said with a look of disgust.

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