There was a flash of light in Fang Fan's eyes...

Yun Xiaoxiao's undoubted complaint just reminded Fang Fan...

"Xiaoxiao, are you sure... the smell of gods?"

Fang Fan took a cold breath, his eyes flashed with brilliance...

Don't be too surprised!

Isn't the so-called god's source power formed after the so-called true **** fell?

So it seems that there is a source of God's power there most likely?

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Although he didn't dare to pack the tickets, he felt that that was probably the case...

"The whole army gathers towards the white light..."

Fang Fan no longer hesitated, waved his hand and led people to fly over.

Instead of looking aimlessly here, it's better to find a direction and try it.

What if there is an unexpected gain?

As he marched towards the gathering place of white light, Fang Fan found that there were gradually more figures of other examiners around him.

Most of them are gathered together in small groups.

They are also very tacitly aware that they will not fight each other, but just rush towards the white light gathering place indifferently...

One by one, the speed was increased to the extreme, obviously very excited.

"White light warns, there must be a treasure born!"

"Hey hey! We've developed this time! There are treasures everywhere in the ruins of the gods! Now there is such a strong white artifact will appear, right?

"Divine tool? Very likely! Or... is it a divine pill left by the true god? Eat one and become a god?"

"You people, don't daydream! Where the **** pill artifact is definitely the source of God! That is the source of god! If it is refined by me, maybe I can directly understand the law of the number Power, and then I take off!"

" prodigal son, a trace of the source of God's power is worth a trillion crystals! The Purple Ling Sage has promised to come over, if I get a trace, I will sell it...Send it! I'm going to develop! "

"A group of buns who have never seen the world..."

"Stop the ink! Hurry up 1 is our chance! Don't be preempted by others! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!"

"Chong! Go! Go!"


The several bright camp examiners who leaped past Fang Fan were talking about these things with excitement.

It is not difficult to see the eagerness in their hearts from their tone and expression...

"It seems that there are a lot of people who want to win the treasure this time..."

"It's not that simple to get the top spot."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

He could see these extreme white lights, and immediately thought of the strange treasures and the source of the gods, and others could naturally guess...

At that time, it can be foreseen that it will be another **** battle...

Fang Fan and others speeded up, and when they rushed to the place of Bai Guang, they found that there was already a sea of ​​people...

The crowd concealed everything...

But what surprised Fang Fan was, since the treasure is in front, why hasn't the fight been started yet? And also looks kindly?

"It's a divine vein!"

"Such veins actually appeared in this place!"

"Shenmai was born! No wonder there is such a movement!"

Just as Fang Fan was astonished, Bai Piao on the side suddenly yelled in surprise, and his eyes were even more joyful.

"Do you know it again?"

Fang Fan glanced at Bai Piao, this guy is an encyclopedia...

"Sure enough, it is a divine vein!"

Yun Yun on the side also yelled in surprise...

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