The two sisters Yun Yun Yun Xiaoxiao embraced the spirit of the divine veins in their arms, kneading for a while... and laughing endlessly.

Fang Fan glanced at the Spirit of Divine Vein silently, and mourned it was indeed a bit miserable.

"What are you...what's the use?"

Fang Fan's gaze fell on the spirit of the Divine Veins with white light in front of him.

After spending so much energy, can't you just get a waste back?

"Huh! Kill me if you have the ability! You can get my people, but you can never get my heart!"

"When the gods cross the heavens and worlds, you still don't know where they are!"

"The **** is born to raise, if you are against me, you will definitely be in disaster...


Fang Fan said one thing, this guy can say ten things...

"[The Desolate God's Contract]!"

Fang Fan snorted, a golden light flickered, and then a golden scroll appeared in front of everyone...

Opening the golden scroll, gilded characters appeared in front of everyone...

"This...what is this? How does it feel... so comfortable..."

The Spirit of Divine Veins blinked, looking a little strange...

"Put your hand on this scroll, and then I will choose to let you go!"

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and it looked like a weird girl who deceived a little girl...

"Really? You... are you so kind?"

"How do I feel... You are tricking me? Big bad guy!"

The Spirit of Divine Veins was obviously not so foolish, as he spoke, and stared at Fang Fan.

"Ha ha……"

"I swear in the name of the true god...If there is a lie in what I just said, I will die and die..."

Fang Fan solemnly said that the so-called True God's Oath on him lost its original meaning and value...

As soon as the power of the true God's contract entered Fang Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, it would be cleaned up by the system as a toxin, and Fang Fan didn't have to worry about it.

"Brother Fan..."

Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Fang Fan nervously...

"It's okay, good..."

Fang Fan smiled, of course he knew what Xiaoxiao was nervous about.

This little Nizi didn't know that these true gods' oaths were not valid for him.

"Does the true **** swear?"

"Okay! I believe you!"

"You are a good person!"

The Spirit of Divine Veins said solemnly, Fang Fan suffocated a smile, resisting pretending to be amiable...

The Spirit of Divine Veins slowly stretched out his hand, and then directly placed his hand on the contract scroll created by [Death God’s Contract]...

Whoosh whoosh...

The gilt fonts on the scroll suddenly glittered at this moment...

"Desolate God's contract!"

"The spirit of the divine veins is a slave to the wild gods!"

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded, and the spirit of the divine veins was instantly stunned...

A delicate little face is full of horror...

" lie to me!"

"you are not a good person!"

"This contract...I won't sign it..."

The Spirit of Divine Veins panicked immediately, and wanted to repent, and immediately ran away.

"When did I lie to you?"

"According to the previous agreement... I have indeed let go of you..."

"It's just that you are sure to leave me..."

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, although the methods were not very glorious, but the results were good...

The body of the spirit of Shenmai had just escaped less than ten meters, and then retreated back with a bewildered face...

Under the constraints of the Desolate God's contract, the spirit of the divine veins has now become the deity slave of the Desolate God, and to some extent it has become Fang Fan's divine slave...

Since they were already **** slaves, Fang Fan wanted to control was easy.

Still need to do it yourself? Is it bound with both hands?

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