Fang Fan really dismissed this inferior control method.

Three minutes later, the Spirit of Divine Veins returned to Fang Fan with an innocent look...

It sadly discovered that every time it left Fang Fan for a certain distance, it would be flustered and feel a sense of panic from the heart...

Until the end, I tossed and ran back...

This emotion... is really too real!

"Let me go! I have no value..."

The Spirit of Divine Vessel said grievously.

"Ha ha……"

"Very helpless, I will only make a contract, but I will not untie it."

"That's how you want to unlock this contract? Are you willing to pay all costs for it?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, pretending to be heartbroken...

The Spirit of Divine Vessels immediately rejoiced. Does this mean... is it promising?

"Wish...Yes! As long as I can unlock the contract, I can do anything!"

"I was wrong just now, you are still a good person..."

The voice of the Spirit of Divine Veins trembles slightly...

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly... a bit interesting...

"OK then!"

"This should be the only way to terminate the contract that I know so far..."

"Since you are determined to use... Then I can only fulfill you..."

"Kill you, the contract will be automatically cancelled..."

Fang Fan is holding a sword, with a very firm appearance...

The Spirit of Divine Veins glanced at it, and suddenly his gaze changed...


"Don't...don't...don't...I don't want to terminate the contract..."

" put the knife away first..."

The spirit of the divine veins was held in Yun Xiaoxiao's arms, and his feet turned upright...

The dazzling blade is placed in front of it, can you not be afraid?

"Hey... don't be afraid, I did this for your wish!"

"Didn't you say that any price is acceptable?"

"Anyway, you are so unwilling to ask for this contract. Why do you keep it? Cut it off... wouldn't it be better?"

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, as if I was thinking about you.

"No... I... I think this contract is good! Very good! Really! You misunderstood it! What I wanted to express just now is definitely not what I meant..."

The Spirit of Shenmai took a few deep breaths. Suddenly he was so frightened that he couldn't help but start to speak without a word.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Hey... but it's useless if you keep it... I don't have any rations to keep a pet... Let's kill it... After it's slaughtered, bake it and eat it, maybe it can make a lot of it..."

Fang Fan licked his lips, looking very moved.

"My meat is terrible... poisonous..."

"I wipe..."

"Don't move the knife... I'm afraid of pain!"

"I am useful...I can continuously produce the essence of the divine veins for you..."

"Furthermore... and as long as you give me time, I can still nurture your spiritual veins..."

"I'm very useful! I won't suffer if I keep it!"

After being frightened a few times, the spirit of the veins simply handed over to Lao Di...

Divine Vein Essence...

Breeding the veins?

If this guy didn't lie, it would be worthwhile...

"These are some of the essence of the divine veins that I have saved... you hold them first..."

Facing Fang Fan holding a slaughter knife, the Spirit of Divine Veins was completely convinced...

You can't escape, you can't beat it...

Under the eaves, it seems that people can only choose to bow their heads...

"Divine Vessel Essence? Only half a bottle?"

"It's only a thousand drops if it's up to the sky..."

Fang Fan curled his lips and looked disgusted.

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