The newest big man had finally appeared, and it was actually the Dark Sovereign profession!

Among the current God's Domain powerhouses, there were many marksmen and ghost swordsmen, with the most ghost swordsmen being sword spirits, and godly professions like Ghostbusters were rarely seen.

It wasn't that there were fewer people playing, but there were very few who could advance to God's Domain.

Less to less, the attack power of ghost sobbing or undoubtedly, especially the summoned ghost gods, is simply a group of big killers.

I just don't know how this big man's equipment is, alas, you can't see it in the video.

The newest player only feels that the newest big man's second sense of dress is particularly hanging, high-end players look at the inner equipment, from the video, the big man's power is definitely the upper middle class power.

No, some high level players who noticed Lin Shuo flying towards the interior of Arad immediately organized their manpower to see if they could catch him.

Divine Realm level powerhouses were able to travel through space, Lin Shuo didn't do that, he had to familiarize himself with all the power within his body.

Flying was something that could be done as soon as one reached Awakened, with a speed of roughly 1% movement speed equal to 60 meters per second.

Lin Shuo's movement speed was 122%, equal to 21 times the speed of sound per second, reaching 25,000 kilometers per hour.

It felt so good to travel between heaven and earth, and Lin Shuo looked at the rapidly passing scenery below him with a sense of pride.

There were still many Awakened flying over the continent of Arad, but they were not as fast as Lin Shuo.

The place Lin Shuo was going to was the power station, which was the highest level copy among the normal copies and was suitable for practice.

To get to the power station, you needed to go to the West Coast to take a teleportation formation to the Celestial Realm, and then teleport from the Celestial Realm to the Eaton Industrial Base.

After flying for about five minutes, Lin Shuo arrived at the West Coast port.After more than a decade of live video viewing, Lin Shuo is more than familiar with the coordinates of the major areas of Arad.


Eaton Industrial Base Lin Shuo took a step of several kilometers and arrived at the entrance of the power station in a few clicks.

The Dark Lord's might was strong, but the players here weren't too surprised.

After all, the power station was often frequented by big brothers, so everyone was not surprised.

The players who could come to the power station were honestly good, except for the upgrades, most of the full level players were either painting the abyss or moving bricks here.

The Alad gold coins in the water blue star common, one to one exchange rate, power station brick moving a day easily earn to about three thousand gold coins, a month down also have nearly 100,000, enough brick moving party comfortable life.

The abyss is exclusive to the big guys, brush abyss need abyss party invitations, a power station abyss need 22 invitations, a price of about 10 yuan, once is 220 yuan.

The abyssal burst rate is calculated by people who are interested, about three hundred times the abyssal out of an epic, ten pieces of powder clothing, epic burst rate is too low, no money people where the brush up.

You can say this, you have two or three pieces of epic that you can use to absolutely go out and show off.

Eaton Industrial Base is one of the important hubs of the Celestial Continent, and the power station has given birth to many monsters due to extra-terrestrial energy, and players can pick up quests in the Celestial Employment public board once they reach level 78.

It's not the main line, but it adds a significant amount of experience value.

There was no such thing as a mainline quest here, and upgrades could generally only be done by hard brushing, while the power station was a high difficulty copy that would take normal players half an hour to clear a normal level copy.

Lin Shuo did not stop, and the list of copies of the power station appeared in his mind immediately after stepping into the entrance of the power station.

[Clay Power Station] [Pruz Power Station] [Terrence Power Station] [Grundy Power Station] [Sloat Power Station] and five others.

When players entered the above five copies, they had the chance to be randomly teleported to a place called Heras Power Station, where there was a high chance of obtaining artifact-grade equipment.

Lin Shuo took out a Euro Abyss Pass, and the list of copies immediately appeared with the option to challenge the Abyss mode.

There was certainly no way he was going to brush a normal map, with a half epic in hand, the power station was a casual push.


Enter copy: grandi power station (normal level)" "Ding!

Player Classic Red Double Happiness activates the Grundy Power Station Abyssal Party mode..."


Since there was no challenge, the difficulty of the copy could only be selected as Normal level.


Lin Shuo's body was pulled and his entire body disappeared into the entrance of the power station.

Inside the Grundy Power Station Huff!

Just as he stepped into Grundy, a sizzling aura surged towards Lin Shuo.

It went without saying that the interior of the Grundy Power Station, a replica of various electronic parts and many machines, a single room covering an area of about hundreds of square kilometers, was large and irregularly square, and the air was wafting away with incomparably hot steam that dyed the environment a deep red color, with a temperature of about 500 degrees.


So hot!

Lin Shuo tsked, but didn't feel much.He was now a Divine Realm level player and his defense was high, so this temperature was actually no different from scratching an itch.

After surveying the interior for a while, Lin Shuo firmly ran in the direction of the twelve o'clock.

There was the direction of the entrance to the next room.

"Calipers, calipers, calipers..."

Within a few breaths of running, the ground about 6,000 meters in front of Lin Shuo suddenly distorted, and about three hundred strange creatures oozed out from within the floor, gradually forming a throbbing jelly-like shape.

[Magma Slime: normal level, lv85, HP: 300,000, Attack: 2300, Defense: 7000, Skill: ...]

Slime about meters tall, with fiery red skin, boneless creature, translucent.

The twisted jelly monster's attributes were clear at a glance.

"Hot chicken."

Lin Shuo spat out a comment, this kind of trash monster couldn't even break his defense.

With a ding, he drew his Soul Release Taisword, and a boundless and monstrous fury erupted from Lin Shuo's body.


The temperature inside the copybook dropped steeply, dropping to below zero in a flash.


With a large step, Lin Shuo didn't even bother to release his Ghost Shadow Step.

(Seven more sent,, begging for some flowers,, currently this data is a bit panic ah.)


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