Lin Shuo rushed towards the Slime, and the monster rushed towards Lin Shuo. While the Slime moved slowly, Lin Shuo's movement speed exceeded twenty times the speed of sound, and in an instant, Lin Shuo was in front of the Slime.


With a simple slash, the Slime died on the spot.



The physical attack was 150,000 up and down.

Lin Shuo's mind was clear before he made a violent retreat and distanced himself from the Slime.

"Kaja of Stigmata!"

Phew~ A light and eerie black ghostly shadow steeply wrapped around Lin Shuo, eventually stopping at Lin Shuo's back.

It couldn't be seen, but it could be seen as an oni in a sword-wielding state, and it looked rather bizarre.

[Kaija of the Remnants (Full Level): when attacking, increases its own movement speed, attack speed, and casting by 100%, with the option to actively vanish into the void, making its body impervious to damage from material energy].

The first ghost god Kaija, end game is invincible for a certain amount of time when charging forward, here you can always remain invincible, the downside is that it is very very blue consuming, with Lin Shuo's attributes also only maintain about five minutes.You know Lin Shuo's current Mp amount can be called one of the top few in the world, so you can't just turn on invincibility when fighting monsters and making copies, right?

So this skill is a life-saving and supportive skill, and should not be used for anything else.

The normal Kaja is to increase the player's speed by 100%, and will only use invincibility when necessary.

Lin Shuo immediately felt much lighter when Kaja possessed him.

"Phew, this Demon God is truly good."

Lin Shuo tsked in praise.

Being fast and invincible, it's hanging alright.

As for the issue of costing blue, huh, that was something only the average player would worry about.

The next skill.

"Saya of Frost!"


Suddenly, the temperature inside the copy plummeted as a pale silver-white formation descended!

Kahlua kahlua kahlua kahlua!!!

The moment Saya descended into the formation, a huge blizzard rained down within the copy, a blizzard laced with negative emotions such as resentment, grief, coldness, and pain, like the wailing sounds coming from hell.





The Giant Formation of Ice froze all objects within a 50 kilometer radius, and trashy little monsters like Lava Slimes were even given a direct freeze and crack.


Kill Lava Slime, gain 0 experience points!"


Kill Lava Slime, gain 0 experience points!"


A refrain of beeps sounded in Lin Shuo's ears.

At this moment, a thick layer of silver clothing had covered the copy, and the cold of Saya strongly suppressed the heat of the power station.

[Saya of Frost (Full Level): Summon Saya, the Demon God of Ice, to cast an Ice Formation, causing enemies below level to enter a forced freezing state and slowdown, increasing blast damage by 10% when the summoner is inside the Ice Formation, and taking 800% ice attribute attack damage per second when the enemy is inside the Ice Formation, current level skill covers a radius of 50,000 meters.


Lin Shuo grinned, having to give Saya a nod of approval.

A radius of 50,000 meters, that's a diameter of 100,000 meters, holy shit, that's huge.

However, Lin Shuo knew that this was only Saya in its regular state, if the caster could level up the skill, then Saya's power would be even more ferocious.

As a veteran player with Gold Finger, you are still afraid that the skill is not fierce enough?

Ice and snow!

The cold wind was howling!

Lin Shuo didn't feel the cold, after all, Saya was summoned by him.

With one strike, all the Lava Slimes died.

...No problem, keep testing.

Lin Shuo had just stepped into the third room and froze.

In front of him, a small half of the room was covered with ice crystals, and the clash of ice and fire caused a haze of steam to appear at the junction of the two.

The high temperature was trying to melt the ice, and the ice was trying to cover the high temperature.


Saya could still attack across the room?

Lin Shuo inhaled with some surprise, not expecting the skill cast in the previous room to still work here, not bad.

Sure enough it was the real world, what about the hundred kilometers in front and behind, it wasn't surprising that it could cover here.

Saya could attack enemies within a radius of 50,000 meters, the ceiling was now frozen as well, Lin Shuo was curious to know how high Saya's attack was.

Lin Shuo wasn't really sure where the ceiling of Ghostbusters was, one was that not many players played Ghostbusters, and the second was that it was hard to comprehend a skill to its full level.

It's unlikely that someone like Lin Shuo will be able to start the game with a king, so Lin Shuo doesn't have much of a reference at all.

He didn't panic, he always had to test the skill a few more times.

He was very much looking forward to taking the big monkey to pretend in a couple of days.

(Please spend,,, I'm panicking because the stats aren't moving,, boing boing.)


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