DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 387 No Survival

The wind and sand buried the white bones, and there were burning flames everywhere. Endless pain spread in all directions from this broken land.

In the air, filled with the smell of death and despair...

Standing outside the city, Carl sniffed, wiped away the drops of water from the corner of his eyes, and watched the black mist exuding a cold aura rushing towards the blue sky and roaring away with a blank expression.

"Turning a small town into a hell on earth so easily is really...horrifying..."

Karl walked slowly towards the city, the gate had already been blocked by a fallen boulder. He stretched out his bandage-wrapped right hand, and lightly pressed on the cracked city wall, only to hear a light click, and the city wall fell down with a bang, raising a large cloud of smoke and dust.

It was so easy, as if what he pushed was not a city wall, but a domino.

He silently walked towards the center of the town along the path he had just walked. On the streets and alleys along the way, one after another horribly dead corpses lay down.

Either they were smashed into meat paste by the falling stones, or they were strangely gray and white like the infernal corpses made by Voldemort, maintaining their movements in horror.

No survivors!

Karl silently watched the tragic deaths of Muggles. He understood that the former died of the turmoil that was silently created, while the latter showed such a terrifying posture because they were directly penetrated and plundered all the vitality in their bodies.

Along the way, he could hardly see a single intact building, there were ruins everywhere, and even the exposed foundation silently narrated the horrible natural disasters that happened here.

In this regard, this is also expected by him. In the United States in the 20th century, under the ravages of that silent man, almost half of New York's urban area has become a piece of scorched earth, and the quality of buildings after a thousand years is definitely not comparable to what it is now...

In front of him, a small stall selling flatbread and porridge was overturned, the food was scattered all over the floor, and a dozen dusty copper coins fell in the dust, reflecting the light of memories in the weak sunlight...

He seemed to have been sitting here for a while just now...

"I can't beat you, I can only use this method...

If two lives are not enough for you to die, then it can only be said to be God's will, but according to Professor Binns, you lived to be more than eighty years old, ahem~..."

The smoke and dust flying in the air was filled with the smell of death and blood, which made Karl cough uncontrollably.

The farther you go, the more corpses there are. But, again, let the dead bury the dead! Since we are alive, we must live well!

Carl covered his mouth and nose, and quickened his pace a little. He had seen too many corpses along the way, and he was almost numb.

Soon, he saw the tall and half-kneeling figure leaning on a long sword. The red hair was disheveled, covered with dust, and there were a few bloodstains on his handsome face, which was the same strange gray-white color as those of the dead Muggles, and a faint black mist lingered around him.

"Calculating the time, it should be almost the same."

Carl whispered to himself, then took out a Rolex from his pocket, closed his eyes and said silently in his heart: "Five...four...three...two...one..."

He opened his eyes, the corpse was still a corpse, not much had changed.

He smiled, not discouraged, closed his eyes again and repeated the above steps. After repeating back and forth for more than 20 times without interruption, a bright colorful radiance lit up from Gryffindor's body.

And when the black mist that remained silently on his body encountered this brilliance, he flinched like Banban encountered Sirius and wanted to escape. But it was just in vain, the black mist turned into green smoke and dissipated the moment it left.

Under the shroud of light, mysterious runes lit up from his body one by one, and then suddenly exerted force to form him into a big cocoon.

Carl tilted his head, he could feel the death energy lingering on Gryffindor's body gradually dissipating, and vigorous vitality was continuously pouring into his body.


The warm blood of the dead heart flowed again, and the sound of powerful beating reached his ears.

"The original was immediately unmasked, and this special edition has plenty of bells and whistles.

Sure enough, in terms of cheating money, I'm just a younger brother compared to the system~..."

Karl curled his lips, watching this miracle of the real resurrection from the dead for a while, feeling mixed feelings in his heart. He still remembered that a long time ago, when he had no money to buy resurrection coins and encountered a boss he couldn't beat, the holy blessing potion became his first choice.

Although only one-third of the blood volume can be recovered, the chance to come again is very precious no matter in the game or in reality.

At least, the price has doubled dozens of times.

This is one million gold coins, and just like that, he suddenly felt that he had difficulty breathing again.

This state didn't last long. After about five minutes, the colorful cocoon that covered Gryffindor gradually became transparent and then disappeared.

Carl bit his lip and looked down. Although Gryffindor's face was still a little pale, the strange gray-white like a ghost had disappeared. The chest rose and fell rhythmically, and the sound of even breathing came from his nasal cavity, and the wounds on his face healed.

"Hey, dead ghost! Are you alive? If you are alive, get up quickly!"

Seeing that the culprit who caused him to lose a huge amount of wealth fell asleep happily, Karl became furious, and immediately kicked him hard.

"Hmm~...don't move!"

Gryffindor murmured in a daze, turned over and hugged Carl's thigh directly.

"Heh...hehe~, I think you don't want to live anymore! No, if you dare to fight Momoran, you don't want to live in the first place, so you really should not care about your life!"

A few black lines appeared on Karl's forehead, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

He suddenly remembered that there was still the birthday present Snape gave him two years ago in his system space. Since he sealed it with dimensional magic to protect the world from being destroyed, he never took it out again.

And now, it seems like a good time to deal with this thing. Anyway, this town has been silently destroyed like this, at least decades of desertion is inevitable, so it seems that it is no big deal for him to deal with a biochemical weapon.

"Bubble-Head Charm! (Bubble-Head Charm!)"

Carl smiled charmingly, and slowly took out his wand and cast an enhanced version of the head-bubbling spell on himself—the kind that enveloped his whole body when he watched a football game with Niyari in the heavy rain before.

He doesn't want the smell of canned herring to get on him, even though the clothes he's wearing are not very valuable, but he has a cleanliness...

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