DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 388 We Should Go...


Carl rolled his eyes, and stepped back more than ten meters in disgust. Then with a casual throw, a round metal can collided with the cracked ground, making a crisp sound.


The can was fried, and it was so thoroughly fried that the foul-smelling juice sprayed out several meters away. Fortunately, he was far away so that he didn't splash on his body. Otherwise, even with the bubble head curse as protection, he couldn't stand it.

"Crack... vomit... wow~..."

Gryffindor had woken up when the can of herring had just exploded. Before his brain could be restarted, a smell mixed with the smell of dead fish and salty fish that Ollie gave came to his face, and he waved his arms wildly trying to grab the wand that Carl had already taken away.

"This... who... whose house... the cesspit exploded, vomit!"

I saw him half-kneeling, propping his body up with one hand, his face was as pale as paper, drops of cold sweat were continuously streaming down his forehead, and the vigorous beating of his heart could even be heard in his ears.

The vomiting continued, and the white porridge I drank before was thrown up all at once.

Carl looked at the miserable situation of Gryffindor, patted his chest and felt a little scared, Snape is really so insidious, if this thing blows up in the dormitory before, he will definitely die ugly of.

"Clear water is like a spring!"

There was a sound of drinking softly, and the overturned water gathered into a small waterfall, which poured heavily on Gryffindor's head, and he became a drowned chicken in an instant.


The power of the water slightly dilutes the strong stench around him, Gryffindor raised his head with difficulty, and Carl slowly walked towards him in his blurred vision.

"It seems that my method of waking people up is not bad, at least it is very efficient."

Gryffindor rubbed his eyes that were blurred by tears. The smell just now smoked out his tears, and the vision in front of him began to become clear. He clearly looked at Carl with the joyful look on his face after a successful prank , throwing his wand over from afar.

"∑(дlll), it really is you, the devil! Only you can come up with such a method!"

Gryffindor cursed secretly, stretched out his hand tremblingly to catch his wand, and then swiped lightly. A transparent shield covered himself in it, and at the same time cut off the bad air outside.

"I thought how powerful you are. You haven't survived for an hour. You are still struggling with such a spell. Why did Momoran confiscate you?"

Carl pouted and said coldly, in his opinion, Gryffindor's obvious behavior of giving away the head would be condemned by God no matter where it is.

"I died and came back to life because of that bottle of potion?"

Facing Carl's slightly mean look, Gryffindor smiled with some difficulty.

Everything that happened just now was replayed in his mind. He knew that he must be dead, but now he came back to life. Reminiscent of the potion that Karl asked him to drink but had no effect before, he was not stupid, he knew the true effect of the potion after a little thought.

Back from the dead! A true miracle!

"It seems that your brain has not been completely broken. It is really something to celebrate~..." Carl snorted softly, and then directly admitted it.


After getting this exact answer, Gryffindor was silent for a while, and then whispered a word.

"You picked me up before, now I don't owe you anything!"

Karl stared at him blankly. One million gold coins gave him a reckless opportunity. He always adhered to the principle of "you may make money, but I will never lose money." He felt that this time the loss was too big.

"In addition, although you are alive, the Holy Blessing Potion can only restore 30% of your vitality and magic power. Use this to restore it first. I will have to rely on you for the next few days. It's really annoying!"

Noticing Gryffindor's pale face, he thought for a while, then reluctantly took out two bottles of Single Remy's Aid and handed them to him. That Mo Ran is so terrifying, if one day he has lost his mind and meets him who can't use magic for a while, wouldn't he be called Tian Tian, ​​​​who can only lie down and wait for death?

Needless to say, Kaldor, the Gryffindor who came back to life has long since discovered that although the magic power in his body has not dried up as before, there is not much left, only about 30% of it.

Seeing the two bottles of potion that Carl handed over, he couldn't help being curious: "What is this?"

"Remy's assistance!" Karl waved his hand, looking a little impatient, "You can restore the magic power and vitality in a short time!"

"It's so powerful, why don't you use it? I think your injuries are much heavier than mine!" Hearing this, Gryffindor asked in surprise. He had seen those hideous wounds on Carl's body before.

"Remy's aid is useless to me now! So if I didn't see you pleasing to the eye, I wouldn't bother to care about your life and death. This wave is really a loss to me~..." Carl frowned slightly, acting like an idiot His eyes swept over him.

The vitality contained in Remy's assistance can only repair the most superficial wounds, and the real horror is the mighty power intertwined with the power of time and space. He can only rely on him to mobilize and operate the dimensional magic power in the Eye of Darkness to slowly expel or assimilate it, and this is obviously a long process.

Gryffindor nodded thoughtfully at this explanation. He had just experienced the terrifying power of silence, but he still felt that it was not as good as the terrifying power that erupted from the opponent when he picked up Carl just now.

While tearing everything apart, it has the charm of withering everything...

This is definitely the strongest power attribute he has ever seen! It doesn't sound like a surprise that potions don't heal.

Gryffindor sat down in a comfortable position, calmly uncorked the crystal bottle, and began to recover.

Carl stood beside him silently, with a complicated expression on his face. He looked around the devastated town, and didn't know what to say for a while, no matter what happened in this crazy era, it might not be surprising in the eyes of others.


"We should go..."

He stood there in silence for more than an hour, until Gryffindor stood up beside him.

"What about Moran?" Gryffindor asked calmly, wiping the dust off his silver sword and inserting it back into his waist.

"Going east..." Carl sighed softly, pointing to the sunset glow in the sky.

Gryffindor stared intently in the direction of Carl's finger, and the town that was not too prosperous was completely silent at the moment. Everything around is quiet, only the crackling sound of the flames showing what happened here...

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