DNF Meets Harry Potter

Chapter 389 Red Clothes

In the early morning, Carl and Gryffindor walked on the bare plain one after the other.

"Hey! Brat, can you stop pulling at the hem of my clothes?!"

Gryffindor looked back at him with some displeasure, this was the first time on the way.

"I'd love to bang your dog's head off, but I'm not going to. Because I'd have to jump up, and that would make me look stupid..."

Carl's face darkened. Gryffindor is really tall. Although he didn't measure it, he estimated it should be 1.9 meters.

And he, forget it, don't say it. He suddenly felt that he should follow Sirius' advice and arrange the height-enhancing pills one by one before putting them in the shoe.

Thinking about it, he looked down at the pair of thin and ugly linen shoes on his feet, and then gave up this unrealistic idea.

"Your head is really iron, you hung it up once, and you still want to find that silent trouble!

I take back what I said earlier, it seems that you do have some brain problems! I don’t know the value of life even after dying once, my resurrected soul is much more sensible than you! "

Karl took out a gold Galleon and fiddled with it in his hand, constantly muttering to himself.

"If I don't stop it, I won't feel at ease for the rest of my life... What's more, I'm not going to die this time..." Gryffindor didn't intend to stop at all, but just opened his mouth to explain from a distance.

"So, you're going to shake people? But with all due respect, those friends of yours have so much hatred against you that they insisted on stabbing them twice." Carl yawned and said in confusion.

Gryffindor opened his mouth and was about to explain something to him, but the extremely strong perception inherited from the golden lion was keenly aware of someone approaching quietly. He quietly narrowed his azure eyes, instantly expanded his perception range, and a familiar feeling came over his face.

"Danger! Get down!" Sensing the danger, he quickly reminded loudly.

Carl: "???"

As soon as Gryffindor finished speaking, in the next second, sharp milky white arrows pierced the air and fell straight down, most of them came towards him, but Carl found that he seemed to be within range... …

"I'll go! What the hell is this?!"

Carl gritted his teeth with a gasp in surprise, blood was oozing from his right hand holding the wand. But before he had time to put up his protection, Gryffindor instantly apparated behind him, quickly pulled him into his arms who hadn't reacted yet, and then rolled and easily jumped out of the white light's attack range with him in his arms .

"This is... the arrow magic of the Holy Light attribute..." Gryffindor shook his head, frowning, "The dog of the Holy See is really fast!"

"How is this going?!"

Carl looked up from Gryffindor's arms in shock, startled by the sudden onslaught.

He slightly turned his head to look at the place where they were standing just now—the large area of ​​land had been shot into a hornet's nest by the milky white arrows, and under the burst of the power of the holy light, the ground was full of huge deep pits. It was constantly breathing hot breath.

"It's so cruel!"

Karl tensed up, and the killing intent on his face could no longer be suppressed—if he had been hit by the white light just now, wouldn't he have instantly turned into a hedgehog?

"Your reflexes have improved a lot, Gryffindor. But who is this brat, I haven't heard that you have a younger brother or anything.

Dressed in such rags, I guess it's the wizard cub you met on your escape. It just so happened that we solved it together, saving you trouble in the future..."

A slightly playful voice sounded in surprise, and a man with light brown hair and blue eyes stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a scarlet robe, a shining ruby ​​ring on his right ring finger with white gloves, and a silver cross hanging down from his chest.

This is a cardinal in the Holy See!

"Long time no see, Gabriel, you still like sneak attacks as always~..."

Gryffindor guarded Karl behind him, and the silver sword at his waist was already ready to go. There was a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was just an unknown person chasing after him.

Hearing this name, Carl's eyes widened suddenly. Although he is not familiar with the ranks of the Holy See, the name Gabriel is a household name, and he is one of the seven archangels.

"The Holy See has seven cardinals active in England, each named after the archangel. This one is in charge of this area..."

As if hearing Carl's exclamation behind him, Gryffindor spoke lightly.

"But I'm a little strange, how did you find me? I didn't expose any traces along the way..."

As soon as he said these words, Gabriel's eyes on the opposite side suddenly darkened.

"You wizards should all go to hell to repent, if my guess is right, then that crazy silent one should have something to do with you!

It's really amazing, a small town will be slaughtered as soon as it is said! "

Gabriel floated in the air indifferently, and the scarlet cassock on his body seemed to be dyed red with blood. He also only recently received the notice, and he discovered some clues on the way to investigate—under the silent ravages, there are still many smart people who escaped.

"Heh...hehe... As a cardinal, don't you know the real reason for the formation of silence? Speaking of which, this is not a good thing you did!"

Mentioning this matter, Gryffindor became more and more angry. If it weren't for the lunatics in the Holy See, the matter would not have become as difficult as it is now.

"Save these words to God and ask God for forgiveness! And my duty is to send you to see Him!"

Gabriel stared at Gryffindor coldly. When the voice that had no emotion and was extremely cold enough to freeze everything came out of his mouth, a spear made of pure holy light shot out from his hand at the same time .

A dazzling divine light radiated from the spear, and it ran straight for Gryffindor's heart with great momentum.

"This guy seems to be quite strong!" Carl's eyelids trembled, and he quickly took a few steps back to stay away from the battlefield. He is completely a drag now.

Like a music conductor, Gryffindor shook his wand lightly. On the bare ground, a golden-red flame suddenly rose, transformed into the appearance of a lion, waved its claws and roared, and then slammed fiercely without dodging or evading. Pounced on.

There was a huge explosion, and the lion exploded and turned into a golden red flame, burning fiercely in the air. At the same time, a huge silver-white cross was smashed down...

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