Do not die

Chapter 143 Circular dependence, thunderous success

The fifth day of February, morning.

A figure flew from a distance.

Because Meng Zhou opened the formation in advance, the opponent went straight into the courtyard and landed directly in the elegant house.

Although they had not seen each other for a long time, Zhu Qian was not unfamiliar at all. She looked around and praised:

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, your cultivation of spiritual plants in this hospital is really good."

The thirty spiritual plants with second-level top-level potential, as well as the few plants that had participated in the Spiritual Dew test, were all covered up by Meng Zhou's formation.

Therefore, what Zhu Qian can see at this moment are all spiritual plants growing under normal conditions.

It's just that because of his superb spiritual plant attainments and Yaya's careful care, it appears to be so full of vitality, far beyond ordinary.

But Meng Zhou smiled and asked curiously: "Why are you here alone? I thought the two Luo Taoists would go with you."

At this moment, he was preparing spiritual tea. Four teacups were placed next to a large teapot, obviously expecting the Luo family and his son to be included.

Zhu Qi explained: “When they first came here, they were not familiar with the situation here, so they needed me to lead them.

Now that they are more familiar with the situation in Mikawa Plain than I am, why do they need me to take care of them? We have already separated.

Because of the different division of labor and the different areas they are responsible for, I have never met them at all these days. "

As Zhu Qian spoke, she sat down opposite Meng Zhou, picked up the cup of spiritual tea that Meng Zhou filled for her, brought it to her mouth, sniffed it, and praised:

“Zhuang Daoyou’s tea-making level is really getting better and better.

In my opinion, if you open a few hundred acres of tea gardens and become the tea garden owner yourself, you will make more money than running these thousand acres of jade heart and red fruit. "

Meng Zhou didn't answer, just smiled reservedly.

In fact, the spiritual tea he prepared today was just old tea made when the art of processing was still at the master level.

He didn't take out the spiritual teas made after he reached perfection in the art of processing.

It's not that he was stingy with the tea, he just didn't want to look too evil.

As his cultivation and strength improved in all aspects, Meng Zhou became more and more confident. He also consciously showed his genius side to people close to him such as Kan Yue and Zhu Qian.

But on the other hand, he is also controlling the degree very carefully.

Zhu Qian drank the tea soup in one gulp. Meng Zhou refilled her cup and asked:

"Fellow Daoist Zhu is very busy these days?"

Zhu Qian corrected: "It's not very busy, it's very, very busy!"

She complained to Meng Zhou:

“I thought I would feel a lot more relaxed after Fellow Daoist Luo came over.

Who would have thought that just after he came here, the head of the Fan family would be killed over there.

With each increase and decrease, the burden on me has not lightened at all. "

"I originally thought this was the limit, but I never thought that something like the Blue Blood Plains would pop up again!"

At this point, Zhu Qian couldn't help but shake her head and sigh.

Meng Zhou thought for a while and asked curiously: "Is it about opening up wasteland and expanding production?"

Zhu Qian nodded and said:

“Since Bixueyuan launched the two services of Shadi Mangniu and Rainforest Black Toad, the vast majority of farm owners have chosen to continue to expand production.

Those who are more conservative will only expand production by a few hundred acres, or directly double it, and many will expand production by thousands or hundreds of acres.

There are a few that are particularly radical. Do you know how much production has been expanded? "

"How much?" Meng Zhou asked.

"Four to five thousand acres!" Zhu Qian said.

"Uh... is this too exaggerated? Can they manage it?" Meng Zhou was really surprised.

Zhu Qian said: "Do you know how they settled this account?"

"How do you calculate it?" Meng Zhou was really curious.

"The Sanchuan Association has a preferential treatment for newly opened wasteland. Within ten years, only 10% of the output of the spiritual field will be used to cover spiritual planting and other expenses.

Within twenty years, it will be 20%, and within thirty years, it will be 30%. Starting from 31st year, the two sides will return to 40% to 60%. "

Zhu Qian first introduced the basic situation, and Meng Zhou nodded. Governor Li had told him about this before.

At first glance, Meng Zhou also thought that this policy was quite loose, but after gaining a better understanding and practical experience of Lingtian's management, this preferential policy seemed to him to be just that.

Based on the growth cycle of most second-level spiritual plants, one crop can be harvested at most every ten years.

If you want to harvest two crops, that is, compress the growth cycle to less than five years, the range of optional spiritual seeds will become very narrow, and the economic value will also be reduced.

Therefore, after comprehensive weighing, it is most appropriate to choose spiritual seeds with a growth cycle of six to seven years within thirty years. While you can get more discounts, you will also benefit the most.

This thirty-year preferential period for land reclamation cannot be said to be worthless, but if you take a closer look, it is just that.

Zhu Qian said: "They have never thought about managing the thousands of acres of newly opened spiritual fields themselves."

Meng Zhou was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It means that if you cultivate the land, you can look for the shaking cattle, if it rains, you can look for the rainforest black toads, and if there are problems in the spiritual fields, you can look for the spiritual planters. They don't have to worry about anything, just wait for the harvest to be done."

"Oh, I can't say that I don't worry about it. Daily care and checking the status of all the spiritual plants in the thousands of acres of spiritual fields at any time are always necessary.

But they don't need to do this themselves, they just need to recruit more qi-training servants. They just need to lie comfortably at home and be masters. "

Speaking of this, Zhu Qian's tone was obviously filled with sarcasm and displeasure.

It can also be understood that in this situation, the status of these spiritual planters is the same as that of the two monsters.

What's even more pitiful is that there are many of them, whether they are earth-shaking bulls or rainforest black toads, but there are only two spiritual planters.

You can imagine how busy they must be with this change.

Meng Zhou was surprised: "Do they really make money by doing this?"

Zhu Qian nodded and said: "Yes!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but show admiration on her face.

Although he was very unhappy with the shrewd landowners for increasing his workload, he had to admire their intentions and calculations in this regard.

“They used a rotational planting method, alternating long-cycle spiritual plants with short-cycle spiritual plants, and interplanting high-value and low-value spiritual plants. They also took into account the different needs of different spiritual plants for spiritual rainwater.

By their calculations, after maximizing this, they could successfully harvest two rounds every ten years.

Even if they do nothing, after deducting all expenses, they can enjoy 25% of the income from the newly opened spiritual fields in the first ten years.

Within ten to twenty years, you can enjoy 15% of the income from the spiritual field for free.

In the last ten years of this preferential period, they can also enjoy half of the income for free. "

Meng Zhou smiled and said: "Then if they continue to operate these thousands of acres of spiritual fields when the preferential period ends, won't they have to pour spiritual stones into them?"

Zhu Qian asked in return: "How many of the hundreds of village landowners in the Sanchuan Plain do you think, fellow Daoist Zhuang, are willing to farm here for more than thirty years?"

Meng Zhou was silent.

The vast majority of landowners in Ji Zhuang Village choose to farm here not because they like it, but out of necessity.

When they have accumulated enough capital, who will have the patience to nail themselves to this one-third of an acre of land year after year?

Which foundation-building monk doesn’t have the heart to pursue the great path?

Meng Zhou thought for a while and then said:

"This expectation is based on Lingtian's stable output, right?"

The output of newly opened spiritual fields is usually lower than expected.

Zhu Qian nodded and said:

“But as long as we benefit from regulating our qi and have the care of spiritual planters, even if the output is lower than expected, the reduction in output can be controlled within half a percent.

In this case, the income in the first twenty years is still guaranteed.

With the support of the Sanchuan Society, hundreds of people built foundations in the Sanchuan Plain. There were not only sixty but also fifty people who were proficient in the art of regulating qi. Therefore, it was not difficult to regulate the qi of the newly opened Lingtian.

The greatest pressure fell on me and Fellow Daoist Luo. "

“Furthermore, according to the contract between the Sanchuan Association and the Zhuang landowner, if the production of Lingtian is reduced to the point where the Zhuang landowner is no longer profitable, the Zhuang landowner can choose to directly destroy the land and stop operations.

Sanchuan Society's investment in these spiritual fields will all be in vain, and the owner of the village does not need to pay half of the spiritual stone as compensation. "

"The previous situation was that the landowners invested more time and energy in these spiritual fields, and they were the ones who were more sensitive to losses."

“According to the way these village landlords play now, most of the investment is from Sanchuanhui.

Once there is a reduction in production or even no harvest in Lingtian, Sanchuanhui will suffer the most.

Therefore, compared to those village landowners, Sanchuan Club does not want any problems to occur in Lingtian.

Once there are signs of a reduction in production, they will be more anxious than the landlords themselves! "

Meng Zhou suddenly realized that this sounded a bit like the village landowners voting for the Sanchuan Hui in reverse and collectively harvesting the wool of the Sanchuan Hui.

It seems that without doing anything, he has gained a thousand acres of spiritual land in vain.

——With four to five thousand acres of spiritual land, getting 20 to 30% of the income for nothing is equivalent to picking up a thousand acres of spiritual land for nothing.

Meng Zhou felt that things were not that simple. The first plan launched by the cooperation between Bixueyuan and Sanchuanhui could not have such a big flaw.

With this thought in his mind, he sighed with emotion:

"Listen to what you said, what's the difference between this and picking up spiritual stones for nothing? Are other village landowners not allowed to rush to follow suit?"

Zhu Qian nodded and said:

“Yes, in the beginning, only a handful of village landowners were brave enough to drink this verbal soup.

By the time other village owners came to their senses, they all wanted to follow suit, but they were no longer able to get in line. "

"Why is this?"

"The number of black toads in the rainforest is limited."

“Furthermore, in order to ensure their condition, we cannot squeeze them to death.

The spiritual fields they can take charge of are limited, and the current scale of expansion has reached the limit of what they can support. "

At this point, she took the initiative to equate herself with these black toads and complained: "This is also the limit of me and Fellow Daoist Luo."

Hearing her complaints, Meng Zhou didn't feel the same way. Instead, he felt that human endurance was indeed not comparable to that of monsters and beasts.

As long as you squeeze the limit of your potential, there will often be surprises.

Meng Zhou had listened to Zhu Qian complaining about the heavy task in Sanchuan Plain for several periods of time, but as the situation in Sanchuan Plain put more demands on the spiritual planters, he was able to handle them all.

Looking at her current state now, she is not much worse. She has obviously grown a lot compared to when we first met her.

Meng Zhouqi said: "But I think you are quite free now?"

Zhu Qian said hehey: "Because from today on, I can really relax."

At this point, she looked at Meng Zhou with an expression that said, "You might as well take a guess."

"Has your teacher arranged for reinforcements to come over again?" Meng Zhou said softly.

"You know?" Zhu Qian's eyes opened wider, as if she was curious about where he knew.

"This is the only possibility I can think of, right? Are there other possibilities?"

"Uh..." Zhu Qian blinked and realized that this was indeed the case.

Even if she was asked to guess, no matter how hard she thought, she couldn't think of a second possibility.

She added: "Then you can guess how many reinforcements are coming this time?"

"How much?" Meng Zhou asked.

"You can take a guess," Zhu Qian said.

"I won't guess." Meng Zhou said.

"Six spiritual planters, two second-level middle-grade ones, and four second-order low-grade ones."

"Plus Daoist Luo and I, we have four middle-grade and four low-grade, which is barely enough." Zhu Qian said "casually".

However, Meng Zhou still keenly captured Hua Dian and said "surprised":

"Has your level as a spiritual planter been raised to the second-level mid-level?"

Zhu Qian waved her hand, pretending to be nonchalant and wrote: "I have been busy for so long without touching my feet, so it can be considered a small gain."

Meng Zhou, however, congratulated him without breaking the rules of etiquette.

Her appearance was perfunctory and indifferent, but her movements and expressions engraved her true inner thoughts on her face.

After smoothing her hair, Meng Zhoucai asked curiously:

"There aren't many second-level spiritual planters in the association, so why are we giving you so much support this time?"

"Because last time it was my personal request for help, but this time it was President Pan who asked the association for help in the name of the Sanchuan Society. The nature is different."

Speaking of this, she also emphasized: "The association I am talking about is not a spiritual planter branch, but a professional association."

Meng Zhou asked unexpectedly: "What's going on?"

The information revealed by Zhu Qian was really beyond Meng Zhou's expectation.

Zhu Qian did not show off and discussed the matter with Meng Zhou in detail.

Faced with the increasing number of applications for the use of land-shaking cattle and rainforest black toads, the Sanchuan Association did not directly reject them. Instead, it said that the existing number of Sanchuan Plateau can only maintain this level of use demand.

Subsequent applications can only be queued up. Sanchuan Association is communicating with Bixueyuan to strive to transfer more rainforest black toads this year.

Therefore, it is conservatively estimated that after September this year, Sanchuan Plain will usher in another wave of land reclamation boom.

At this point, she suddenly stopped, looked at Meng Zhou, and asked, "Do you know who is the most anxious now?"

"Who is it?" Meng Zhou didn't even try to guess, he just acted as a competent compliment.

"Dai Shouli and the other local monks, to be more specific, are the new foundation builders they sent to Qinglinfang last year and have returned one after another.

The number of new foundation builders alone now exceeds two hundred! "

After her reminder, Meng Zhou also remembered it. He was practicing at home every day and almost forgot about it.

As for Zhu Qian saying that these people had the most violent reaction to this matter, Meng Zhou could understand it.

These people already have huge debts on their butts before they are promoted to Foundation Establishment.

——In order to bind these people, Dai Shouli and others would naturally not be able to use unreliable means such as friendship.

But it is also impossible to really tie them up as long-term servants. Even if they are bound by the Dao Heart Oath, the reaction, or backlash, caused by this method is also very terrifying.

Therefore, debt binding is used. You Daoxin swears to witness, and you are not afraid that they will not admit it.

After completing the foundation building, their most urgent need to earn spiritual stones is completely equivalent to their Taoist heart.

Even for ordinary people, missing out on a free bargain is equivalent to a huge loss, let alone them.

Furthermore, these are all new foundation builders, and it is still too difficult to manage a second-level spiritual field by themselves.

"At their collective request, Dai Shouli and others teamed up to ask for a guarantee from the Sanchuan Society." Zhu Qian said.

"What guarantee?" Meng Zhou was curious.

"The Sanchuan Society cannot discriminate against local monks. The treatment of local monks cannot be worse than that of foreign landowners." Zhu Qian said.

Meng Zhouyi was stunned. At first glance, these words sounded really weak and wronged.

When did the local monks, who had always been in a strong position, become so humble?

But after thinking about it carefully, Meng Zhou found out the interesting part.

Sure enough, Zhu Qian said: "Faced with such a request, it is naturally impossible for the Sanchuan Society to refuse to agree."

“No matter how long the queues are for those landowners’ applications, Sanchuan will meet every landowner’s needs, such as arranging for Shakedi Mangniu to open up 5,000 acres of spiritual land for them, and arranging for regular irrigation by Rainforest Black Toad.

Then, the same share must be arranged for the new local foundation builders at the same time. "

“So, based on these changes, by the end of this year, the scale of the newly opened spiritual fields in Sanchuan Plain will be conservatively estimated to be more than three times the current size.

If the Blue Blood Origin is powerful and can get more second-level monsters with natural rainfall ability, the scale will be even bigger! "

"If this is really the case, even if fellow Daoist Luo and I are split into two halves, we still won't be able to handle it."

"President Pan obviously also knows this. It is no longer possible for Sanchuan Yuan to increase the number of second-level spiritual planters in large numbers."

“At first, President Pan asked me to ask the teacher for help again, but the teacher did not agree.

Because after Jade Lake was transformed into a third-level spiritual land, many high-quality second-level spiritual lands were also added.

The demand for second-level spiritual planters is also extremely high. Under such circumstances, who is willing to come to Sanchuan Yuan?

If the teacher forcibly assigns the students, it will be like distributing them, which is very detrimental to the prestige. "

"After hearing my reply, President Pan finally brought this issue to the association headquarters through some unknown channel."

"In the end, thanks to the coordination and communication from the association headquarters, the teacher was able to mobilize six second-level spiritual planters to come to Sanchuan Yuan."

Zhu Qian told what happened, but Meng Zhou felt the traces of the game.

The gap in demand for second-level spiritual planters in Sanchuanyuan is something that President Pan must solve.

At first, he wanted to get more spiritual planters through Zhu Qian's personal relationship with her teacher.

This was directly rejected by her teacher, and the reason was clearly laid out in front of him.

The underlying intention is that if you can't solve these problems for me, even if you open your mouth to me in person, I won't agree.

If you want to recruit people from me, you have to solve my problem first.

Meng Zhou didn't know what kind of price President Pan paid for putting this issue in front of the Professionals Association. He thought it was not low.

The Professionals Association also needs to pay something if it wants to persuade Zhu Qian's teacher to arrange for more spiritual planters to come over.

This is not only about actual interests, but also involves changes in the voice and status of different professional branches within professional associations.

Looking at it from another angle, among the professional associations, the Alchemist Branch, the Weapon Refiner Branch, the Talisman Maker Branch, and the Formation Master Branch now have the highest status and the most say.

They have one thing in common - they all consume resources.

Only with resources can they have status. If they don't have resources, they are nothing. The so-called clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

Now, with the general trend of Qingxuan Territory changing, the importance of resources is increasing at a visible speed.

The Sanchuan Plain, which can produce resources stably and on a large scale, cannot be ignored by them.

Within the association, the spiritual planters group, which has a lower voice, is one of the few professions that does not consume resources but produces resources.

Resource areas like Sanchuan Plateau risked being unable to move without them.

Thinking about it this way, the relationship between several parties is a bit like a stick, a tiger, and a chicken, with one overcoming the other and circular dependence.

Meng Zhou also inexplicably became more interested in Zhu Qian's teacher.

She didn't seem to have done anything special, she just rejected her disciple's private request. But after she manipulated it so skillfully, the result was that "everyone was happy".

The key needs of all parties were met.

After this incident, it is conceivable that the status and voice of the spiritual planter group in the professional association have changed subtly.

The two chatted casually for a while. At a certain moment, Zhu Qian suddenly said:

"Fellow Daoist Zhuang, are you now a second-level spiritual planter?"

Meng Yiyi was stunned, and then asked: "Why do you say that?"

Zhu Qian said: "Fellow Daoist Luo and I have a division of labor. I am responsible for the spiritual fields in your area.

And before Fellow Daoist Luo came over, I was responsible for all the spiritual fields of all the landowners from outside the village.

Therefore, whenever you have any problems with this spiritual field, the Sanchuan Society will report it to me. "

“Before, I was so busy that I didn’t have the energy to focus on other things.

I had some free time the past two days and wanted to come over to your place to sit. Then I suddenly remembered that since your thousand acres of spiritual land were planted, there seemed to be no problems with your spiritual land. "

"Although you are proficient in the art of regulating qi, not all problems can be solved by regulating qi, let alone this newly opened spiritual field.

Except for your spiritual field, it was the place I visited the least last year. I went there three times in person, and even more times I went to Sanchuanhui for help. "

Facing Zhu Qian's determined eyes, Meng Zhou did not deny it, but just nodded and chuckled:

"It's a fluke. I have to thank fellow Daoist Zhu for his support."

Zhu Qian was a little depressed at first, then she smiled and said to herself:

"Haha, it seems that my vision is indeed right. Fellow Daoist Zhuang, you are a genius along with the spiritual plant masters."

At this point, she seemed to have thought of something again. She suddenly leaned forward and lowered her voice and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhuang, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Seeing her like this, Meng Zhou couldn't help but lower his voice in response to the question.

"My teacher will most likely come to Mikawa Plains in person this year. Do you want to meet him then?" she asked.

"Uh..." The news was a bit sudden and unexpected, and Meng Zhou was stunned.

Zhu Qian said quickly:

"My teacher admires Ling Zhi's genius very much.

As long as you let her know about your situation, she will definitely be willing to help you. "

Seeing that Meng Zhou didn't speak, she quickly added:

"I know that you like to be quiet and don't like to be in the limelight. You may not appreciate the benefits I mentioned.

Therefore, this matter mainly depends on your own attitude!

If you are willing, I will help you say more nice things.

If you don't like it, I'll pretend I don't know about it. "

Seeing that she spoke so sincerely, Meng Zhou also knew that this was a purely kind intention, and said:

"Thank you Daoist Zhu, but let me think about it... When will your teacher come over?"

“I don’t know about this, but since so many second-level spiritual planters have been transferred from Jade Lake at once, they have to be reorganized.

Therefore, she probably won't be able to come in the first half of this year. "

Meng Zhou nodded in understanding.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, mainly Zhu Qian sharing with him all kinds of interesting and interesting things she encountered while walking around the Sanchuan Plain.

When Zhu Qian stood up to say goodbye, Meng Zhou handed Zhu Qian a bag of spiritual tea weighing two or three kilograms.

Zhu Qian took it, opened it for tasting in front of her, and said in a perfunctory manner: "Fellow Taoist Zhuang, you make me feel embarrassed. Every time you come here, you eat and take it."

Judging from her expression, she should be very satisfied with the quality of these spiritual teas.

Meng Zhou smiled and said, "Just think of it as helping me eliminate inventory."

"Deleting inventory?" Zhu Qian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, I will help you with this... If you still have such difficulties in the future, remember to inform me immediately!"

Obviously, she took Meng Zhou's words as a joke between friends, and she started teasing him.

But what she didn't know was that Meng Zhou was telling the truth.

Ever since he drank the spiritual tea made after he perfected the art of processing, the spiritual tea that he had concocted at the master and grandmaster levels in the past has been placed in his storage space.

He also thought about giving it to Yang Chong and his wife, but this quality of spiritual tea was still too good for them.

With their current level of Qi training, it would be okay for them to enjoy such high-quality spiritual objects occasionally, but if they enjoy them too much, it would not be a good thing for them.

It is easy to keep the body in your mouth.

Even if they can overcome it subjectively, the principle of "it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality" also applies to the body itself.

Therefore, he did not continue to give them high-quality spiritual tea.

From now on, every time Zhu Qi came to visit, he would pack some and send them out, just to make room for storage.

What if I come too often and the delivery runs out?

Sorry, just drink boiled water.

Anyway, he was not going to serve the perfect quality spiritual tea to guests.

After Zhu Qian left, Meng Zhou continued his regular practice.

On the tenth day of February, late at night.

When Meng Zhou finished this round of practice and entered the quiet room to start his routine retreat.

Qi gazing experience +3500, Grandmaster 8300/16000;

Because of Zhu Qian's visit, the results of the lightning technique were not as good as expected, but they were not too different.

Thunderbolt experience +3800, Grandmaster 6000/8000.

February 13th, early morning.

Cultivation progress +35, foundation building six levels 309/1000;

Second level Spring Water Sutra +700, Grandmaster 15400/32000;

Soul Pool Refining Moon Heart +700, Grandmaster 4700/32000;

Black Turtle Body Refining Technique +700, Grandmaster 10730/24000.

February 16th, late at night.

The art of falling thunder has completed the accumulation of the master level and advanced to perfection.

In addition to gaining more experience and understanding about casting lightning strikes, the power has become greater, and the casting has also become faster and more flexible. Unexpectedly.

Meng Zhou also had another feeling, and that was the moment when he mobilized his magic power and soul power to prepare to use the lightning technique, but was about to release it.

There was a vague connection between his consciousness and the void marked by the lightning technique.

There is a feeling of being locked in the area that the lightning strike is about to attack.

A kind of enlightenment naturally arose in Meng Zhou's heart.

"Thunder is not in vain, it will hit!"

Previously, even if the Thunderbolt Technique was upgraded to the master level, the striking power would be improved.

Although the lightning strike itself is powerful enough and its speed is unparalleled, it ranks high at the level of foundation building.

But this kind of powerful spell that requires a lot of mana to cast has a common drawback: it cannot be cast quickly.

Even though he has now mastered it to a perfect level, there is still a short interval between the movement of thought and the movement of thunder.

After all, mobilizing a large amount of mana takes time.

Just like a person can't dodge bullets, he only needs to react faster than his finger can pull the trigger.

If experienced monks or monks who are good at dodging foresee the lightning strike in advance and dodge during the short interval between casting spells or arrange other defensive measures, they can theoretically avoid frontal lightning strikes.

But now, Meng Zhou knew that the other party could not avoid it.

Under his own lock, no matter how well the target dodges, he will be hit squarely.

"Well, it should also bring a touch of heavenly power. Although it can't be compared with the real thunder tribulation, but the natural deterrent to the soul, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is accompanied by a spiritual attack, right?"

Meng Zhou felt something unusual again.

He couldn't help but look at the two Xuanling turtles. They were lying quietly on the water. From time to time, arcs of electricity flashed on the turtle shells. Their heads and limbs were neither shrunken nor erect, but were hanging weakly. .

If they hadn't trembled slightly from time to time, he would have thought that they could no longer bear it and his consciousness was electrocuted first.

"How about giving it a try?"

Meng Zhou thought this in his mind, and his consciousness locked them in through a certain void above them.

The mana in their bodies had not yet been mobilized. The two mysterious turtles, which looked like they were only one breath away from death, suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Meng Zhou, full of pleading and fear.

It will kill the turtle, it will really kill the turtle.

Meng Zhou suddenly relented and waved his hand to break the connection between his consciousness and the void.

The eyes of the two turtles flashed with joy and luck.

However, the next moment, two thunderbolts struck the two turtles like two giant swords falling from the sky.



Lightning flashed, and the two turtles froze for a moment, then began to shake their heads and tails erratically. Meng Zhou nodded with satisfaction.

The Perfect Thunder Technique is eliminated, but the lightning will still strike.

"I still have time to pretend to be dead. It seems that I can continue to increase your strength."

After perfecting the lightning technique, Meng Zhou did not continue to learn new skills non-stop.

February 17, early morning.

Meng Zhou woke up from his deep meditation, and his soul, which had been exhausted due to the continuous use of Qi Watching, became full and full again.

He left the quiet room in high spirits and came to the elegant house.

He stretched out his hand and flicked it on the stove, filling a full pot with the freshly made spiritual water.

While waiting for the water to boil, Meng Zhou used a moon mirror to observe the growth of the jade-heart red fruit vine in the thousand-acre spiritual field.

"It's much better than the same period in the past."

Meng Zhou was very satisfied when he saw this.

From the outside, the Thousand Acres of Jade-Hearted Crimson Fruit Vine looked much sluggish and weak compared to the same period in the past, but Meng Zhou looked directly into its interior through the moon mirror, and its spiritual vitality became more restrained.

Through the heart of nature, we can intuitively feel that they have become more resilient and their tolerance to suffering (drought) has improved.

The fact that the two Xuanling Turtles used iron proved to Meng Zhou that as long as life is not broken, life can become stronger through continuous tempering.

In fact, this concept was implemented in Yuxin Zhuguoteng very early.

Under normal circumstances, although the water demand of Yuxin Zhuguovine has decreased during the growth period, in places like Sanchuan Plateau, water must be supplied once every five days.

The reason why it became once every ten days was due to Meng Zhou's "training".

With his attainments in Lingzhi and the confidence that he would never die as long as he didn't struggle to death, he trained the Qianmu Jade Heart Crimson Fruit Vine into a drought-tolerant spiritual plant.

Watering once every ten days coincides with the rhythm of his practice.

Every time they are watered, they will drink to their heart's content to cope with the hardships that follow.

Can't we just keep working hard?


Meng Zhou clearly felt that this bit of training was far from reaching the limit of the Jade Heart Vermilion Fruit Vine.

It's a pity that he can't delay his practice rhythm in order to give them more training.

He couldn't give them water during the retreat, which meant that if he wanted to continue to sharpen them, he would have to wait until he came out of retreat before he could replenish them with water.

The interval suddenly jumps from ten days to twelve days. It's such a grind that it will be "grinded to death".

For this reason, he did not continue to "grind" them.

But since the beginning of the first year, when the two mysterious turtles mastered the innate ability to rain, this obstacle has disappeared.

He only needed to make arrangements in advance - including communicating with Yang Chong and others in advance, and instructing the two Xuanling Turtles, "You need to get a few minutes, inches, centimeters, and centimeters of rain on a certain day and time."

With Yaya supervising, Meng Zhou believed that they wouldn't make even half a centimeter wrong.

In this way, the sharpening of the Jade Heart Vermilion Fruit Vine can continue.

Every time, Meng Zhou was more cautious, adding half a day and half a day, and every time he added half a day, he would stabilize one step further.

And Qianmu Jade Heart Crimson Fruit Vine will be properly comforted and treated in a timely manner before and after the incident.

Now, the irrigation cycle of Qianmu Yuxin Zhuguovine has been increased from once every ten days to once every eleven days.

It seems that it only improved for one day, but this improvement for Jade Heart Vermilion Fruit Vine is all-round.


The boiling spiritual water made the pot spout whistle like a whistle, and Meng Zhou ended his moon mirror inspection of the thousand-acre Jade Heart Vermilion Fruit Vine.

I brewed myself a pot of spiritual tea, took out a thick stack of books and placed them on the corner of the desk. I took out the top notebook called "Family Fun Talk" and started reading it carefully and leisurely.

From time to time, he would pause the page turning, or look back at the content of a certain page or paragraph.

He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, his eyes looking thoughtful.

After drinking a cup of tea, he also finished reading the book.

In his mind, there was a lot of information related to the Immortal Cultivation Family.

For the first time, he had a relatively complete and clear impression of the Immortal Cultivation Family.

Including the wonderful relationship of cooperation and struggle between the cultivating family and the cultivating family, the internal ecology of the cultivating family, the difference in thinking between family monks and casual cultivators, merchant monks, sect monks, etc.

After reading this note, Meng Zhoudu had a vague understanding.

It can't be said to be correct, after all, it is a family opinion, but it is far better than his previous complete ignorance about this area.

At least, let him have an understanding and thinking about this aspect.

After flipping through the notebook, Meng Zhou closed it and placed it on the other side of the desk.

Pour yourself another cup of tea and continue reading the second book.

"Guide to Second-Level Artifacts"

After reading this book, Meng Zhou's biggest feeling was that he was both laughing and crying.

"It's obsolete, you're obsolete."

This book lists in detail the names, uses, and most crucial prices of all common second-level items.

It mainly includes the prices of magic weapons, elixirs, talismans and some common spiritual materials of various series.

This is a price list of common second-level items. Meng Zhou guessed that this should be prepared by a certain family for those new foundation builders.

But compared to the current Qingxuan Domain, these contents are too old and have long been out of date.

Those price guides have no reference value at all.

But Meng Zhou did not just brush it off because of this. Instead, he read the entire content carefully, word for word.

While watching, my mind didn’t stop functioning.

In this way, Meng Zhou spent four days reading through more than half of all the paper classics he bought on the black market last time.

For ordinary people, this speed is considered very fast.

But for a foundation-building monk, it's not too slow, not to mention incredibly slow.

For Meng Zhou, if he was just satisfied with memorizing them, it would be really simple. He could just scan them with his spiritual consciousness and collect them all into the sea of ​​consciousness.

If necessary, you can browse through the sea of ​​​​consciousness at any time to obtain relevant information, which is more convenient and faster than using the computer search function.

But Meng Zhou was obviously not satisfied with memorizing them. In addition to memorizing them, he was more thinking, deducing, and trying to break the "information wall" between different books and compare them with the information in other books. Create relationships and connect them into a larger piece.

Perhaps it was because he had seen so many skills at the perfect level that he was used to the rhythm of peeling away the surface to reveal the essence.

Or perhaps, this is his habit of thinking, and he is not satisfied with the information recorded in books.

He even wants to set aside the "word world" and "virtual world" built by words, and try to restore a real real world.

Although, it is somewhat wishful thinking to make up for the missing decades of experience with just a few dozen books.

——Normal foundation building, to his level, he has at least several years, ten years, or more decades of experience, but for Meng Zhou, this is a blank, it is a lesson he is missing.

But in any case, such an attempt is beneficial.

February 20, late at night.

Meng Zhou finished flipping through another book, got up and left the Yashe, returned to the quiet room, and prepared for the routine retreat practice.

"Well, it's been two months."

"This time when I leave the customs, I can get the loot back. I don't know what it contains."

Well, it seems that the extra update will be tomorrow morning.

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