Do not die

Chapter 382 Prison? Shield?

Try it?

Try and die.

This thought only circulated in Meng Zhou's mind for a while before he took the initiative to suppress it.

If Qinglin Peak's upgrade and his breakthrough in cultivation happened at the same time, and if they happened within an extremely short period of time, a time lag could be made with proper planning.

When the Nascent Soul in the Constellation Palace reacted and arrived, he had already completed the breakthrough.

If so, this plan is worth a try.

But it is a pity that whether it is upgrading the third-level spiritual veins to the fourth-level spiritual land, or whether he is in seclusion and sprints to break through the Nascent Soul from the pill formation, it cannot be completed in a short time.

If he really follows this plan, he might be able to take advantage of Xingxiu Palace's unpreparedness and successfully complete the upgrade of Qinglin Peak.

But if you still want to use the upgraded Qinglin Peak to break through, unless everyone in Xingxiu Palace has their brains wet!

Meng Zhou shook his head.

Moreover, in accordance with his true intention, after conducting an on-site inspection of the Realm of Death again and understanding the true situation of the five realms, he also had great doubts about making a breakthrough in such an environment.

"Based on the real situation of the five realms, do we really have the foundation to break through and form a Nascent Soul?"

"Even if you have really cultivated the Nascent Soul...will the Nascent Soul that was cultivated in an environment like the Five Realms leave some innate hidden dangers due to the incompleteness of the heaven and earth?"

Although this is just Meng Zhou's conjecture, what if it happens?

Even if this possibility is only one in 10,000, it is related to one's own future, and it deserves to be treated with the most prudent attitude.

Therefore, unless it is completely unthinkable, otherwise...

Let's think differently.

Any other ideas?

Of course there is.

But no matter which one, they can't get around the behemoth of Xingxiu Palace.

Although there are great risks, after Meng Zhou's careful calculation, as long as he acts more carefully and plans more carefully, the movement caused is far more reliable than directly upgrading Qinglin Peak and using it to break through.

With the calculation in his mind settled, Meng Zhou, who left the Realm of Death, did not go straight to implement any new plan. Instead, he came to the "gap zone" in the center of the Five Realms.

This irregular "gap zone" is between the Qingxuan Domain, the Alchemy Domain, the Jinding Domain, the Yuling Domain, and the Hehuan Domain. It occupies a very vast area. Compared with the five domains, its most significant feature is the rules of heaven and earth. It's even more unstable in this area.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wind disasters, snow disasters...

The crazy climate change, from extreme heat to extreme cold, is probably just a matter of wind, full of uncertainty and no rules at all.

The tetrahedron altar hidden deep in the volcano that Meng Zhou discovered at Yaya's reminder existed somewhere in such a "gap zone".

Back then, after leaving the crater with unexpected gains, Meng Zhou had this thought in his mind -

"Is there only one such magical and unique altar, or are there many?"

Although there was no more evidence, Meng Zhou was already leaning towards the latter possibility.

It is even speculated that there may be more similar altars hidden in other craters, and even other areas where the rules of the world are unstable.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary complications and avoid any unexpected twists and turns in the established practice plan, Meng Zhou suppressed his curiosity at the time and did not pursue this doubt further.

The current situation is that Meng Zhou needs to eliminate as much as possible the "unknown factors" within the five domains before taking formal action.

For Meng Zhou, the mysterious tetrahedral altar is the last "unknown factor" and may be the "unknown factor" that interferes most with his plan.

Then, it is necessary to spend some time doing some blanket search and troubleshooting.

For Meng Zhou, as long as he has this idea, it is not too difficult to implement it.

After the "Transparent Dao Body" was completely completed, the maximum viewing radius of the "Transparent Moon Mirror" reached two thousand miles.

In other words, he only needs one exploration to find a "transparent zone" four thousand miles wide.

In addition, although the detection ability of the "Transparent Round Mirror" is much weaker than that of the "Transparent Moon Mirror", after years of accumulation, most of the area has been eliminated.

When he made up his mind to conduct a comprehensive "demining" operation, each key area was directly generated in the "deduction world", continuously emitting flashing red light outwards.

With such full preparation, Meng Zhou only spent about a month to travel through the five realms.

Without anyone noticing, a "big survey" of the five regions was made.

The result shocked Meng Zhou.

In addition to the altar hidden deep in the volcano that he had discovered long ago, Meng Zhou discovered four more regular tetrahedral altars.

And just as he originally guessed, they all exist in the "gap zone", the area where the rules of the world are the most unstable and the most dynamic.

Two of these four newly discovered altars are hidden deep in the magma of the earth——

One of them is also a crater, and the other is a strange large lake.

Above the large lake is a black, viscous, high-temperature fluid that exudes a peculiar pungent stench.

The deeper you go, the higher the temperature becomes, and eventually it turns into red lava very naturally. A tetrahedron altar hovers motionless in the red lava.

There are two others, one is hidden deep underground in a core area with frequent earthquakes, and is integrated with a piece of black rock that stretches into a huge mountain range under the earth.

The black rock greatly interferes with the exploration of spiritual consciousness. Even if this point is overcome, it is easy to confuse the black tetrahedral altar with the black continuous mountains.

There is another one, deep underground in a huge desert, where storms and various weather disasters occur frequently.

If he had just discovered these four altars, Meng Zhou would have been surprised, but he would not have been shocked and lost his temper, given that Meng Zhou's nerves were far thicker than those of other monks, and he had been mentally prepared.

But when he once again discovered a new tetrahedron altar from the magma sea deep in another volcano, he almost lost his temper at the first sight.

The reason is simple. This newly discovered regular tetrahedral altar is very "clean".

There is no characteristic substance at all, which Lian Ziling calls "Tianchi Star Mud", which covers the entire altar in the form of a thin film.


Very very unreasonable!

Soon, Meng Zhou used the method of time retrieval to find the reason why he felt that this was inconsistent and unreasonable at first glance.

When the time went back to about nine years ago, in the sea of ​​lava that seemed to have remained unchanged forever, the outline of a human-shaped flame appeared.

Meng Zhou even saw some familiar traces in the outline of the human-shaped flame. Because of its orange flame flow shape, Meng Zhou could easily think of what he had discovered many years ago.

At that time, Meng Zhou was at the first tetrahedral altar, using the massive soul power stored in the Divine Soul Armor to go back in time to before the retreat in the Constellation Palace.

At that time, he discovered a human-shaped flame in the form of an orange flame stream.

Different from the human-shaped flame in the form of a blazing white flame that appeared regularly, this orange flame human-shaped flame appeared just before the Xingxiu Palace was about to close the mountain.

The time was stuck so accurately that it was difficult for Meng Zhou not to think twice.

This orange stream of human-shaped flames was also labeled as "sneaky" and "theft" in his mind.

Now, the same orange flame humanoid flame reappeared in the magma sea, just shortly after the Constellation Palace re-emerged from the mountain.

Meng Zhou naturally equated these two "orange humanoid flames" with one existence.

The time is stuck so accurately, the temperament is so similar!

What's deplorable is that this time, the "thief" succeeded.

Looking back at the traces of time, Meng Zhou watched helplessly as the orange flaming human-shaped flame appeared, and then took away all the "Tianchi Star Mud" that had been accumulated on the altar for more than a hundred years, and then left decisively.

Because of this discovery, Meng Zhou specially returned to the place where the first altar was found, and it was also the same magma sea where he set up a trap to deceive Lian Ziling.

Meng Zhou went back in time to the same time point, that is, nine years ago.

This time is actually very strange.

On the one hand, Lian Ziling has quietly sneaked in, and Xingxiu Palace has reappeared, powerfully occupying five third-level spiritual veins;

On the other hand, at that time, I had already concentrated on meditation in the Lotus Space, and all the arrangements for Lianzi Mausoleum had been completed, including "editing" a pale green and cold flame human figure out of thin air in this magma sea. The whole process of appearing here and taking away the "Tianchi Star Mud".

Nine years ago, Lian Ziling was still carefully circling around the Five Realms, and there was still a long exploration process before he discovered the last secret.

"If this existence really appeared here nine years ago, doesn't it mean that when Lian Ziling finds the traces I arranged, he will find the traces of this existence first?"

“But looking at his performance at the time, it didn’t look like this…

Or maybe Lian Ziling is actually an actor? He had realized something at that time and deliberately acted like me? "

Because of the appearance of the orange flame flow, Meng Zhou suddenly had a lot of doubts in his heart. His thoughts were a little messy for a while, and he even had huge doubts about Lian Ziling's performance at that time.

Soon, Meng Zhou turned back the time to nine years ago.

He used the time when the orange flame humanoid flame appeared in the magma sea as a reference, and searched carefully back and forth.

No trace of its appearance was found around the tetrahedral altar.

Meng Zhou's first reaction was to let out a long sigh of relief, which meant that his suspicion about Lian Ziling just now was to scare him.

But then new doubts came to mind.

Xingxiu Palace appeared here before it was closed, which shows that this place is no secret to that mysterious existence.

After Xingxiu Palace came out of the mountain again, its traces appeared again in the five regions, but they avoided this place.

Does this make sense?

It makes absolutely no sense!

Could he know in advance which altars would yield harvests and which altars would not?

But this is wrong again!

The time he appeared here before the Xingxiu Palace closed the mountain, he didn't take anything with him.

Come empty-handed and leave empty-handed.

Unless, these two orange flame humanoid flames are not the same existence at all, or even have no relationship with each other.

With such suspicion, Meng Zhou expanded the scope of time retrieval and sorted it out more carefully.

Suddenly, a slight abnormality in the magma sea some distance away from the tetrahedron altar attracted Meng Zhou's attention.

In the surging magma sea, a little orange light appeared.

This orange light is not too bright. Against the background of red magma, it easily blends into the grand background, making people ignore its existence.

This orange light took about the time of a cup of tea from its appearance to its disappearance, during which it was flickering slightly.

After nine years of time, Meng Zhou's eyes seemed to be flashing as he looked at the orange light that kept flashing.

"Is this appearing, but not fully showing up?"

"Did someone get there first because they discovered the 'Tianchi Star Mud' here?"

"But if we just confirm this, is there any need to stay so long?"

If you just want to confirm whether "Tianchi Star Mud" is present or not, you can tell with just one glance.

There are obviously other reasons for staying so long.

And the reason doesn't seem difficult to guess.

"So, could this person also see the layout of Lian Ziling that I used to deceive?" Meng Zhou speculated in his heart.

With such speculation, Meng Zhou felt a little inexplicable.

After leaving the crater, Meng Zhou continued to "find out the bottom".

After discovering three other tetrahedral altars one after another, it was no surprise that I saw the existence of the "orange humanoid" again.

However, in the third magma sea, this existence is still a human-shaped flame with orange flames.

Near the other two tetrahedral altars hidden deep under the earth, the "orange flame stream" turned into a human-shaped outline of "orange light", no longer showing the characteristics of burning flames.

Its existence form seems to change depending on the environment.

Except for the place where Meng Zhou quickly arrived, all the "Tianchi Star Mud" accumulated on the tetrahedral altars for more than a hundred years was drained away by this non-existence.

Based on the different chronological order in which the "orange humanoid" appeared at the five altars, Meng Zhou restored the more specific action trajectory of this special being in his mind.

At the same time, its different forms of existence that were adjusted and changed due to the environment when it appeared on the five altars reminded Meng Zhou of the situation where the statue of Lihen appeared on the altar of Lihen and reacted differently according to the actual situation.

Meng Zhou felt that there was some kind of common principle in the way the two appeared in the Five Realms.

"They all use some special method to ignore the barrier of the sky barrier outside the Realm of Death, appear directly inside the Five Realms, and then leave directly after completing their mission."

"However, the barrier's restrictions on them are still very obvious. If not for this, they would never be able to act in such a regular manner... They would just focus on harvesting resources and ignore everything else."

So, the sky-connecting barrier that he regards as a cage is actually a kind of protection for the five domains? !

If not, wouldn't it be possible for the phantom of the God of Lihen, or this "orange humanoid", or more similar beings, to be able to enter and leave this realm more freely?

Thinking of this, Meng Zhou's mood suddenly became a little complicated. (End of chapter)

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