Do not die

Chapter 383 The fourth level spiritual master unites heaven and earth

In any case, Meng Zhou's worries disappeared again.

But he did not leave the "gap zone" between the five realms, but stopped in a place with rugged rocks and cracks in the ground.

He casually made some arrangements in an area to cover it up, and then he did it by himself with his legs crossed.

Soon, Meng Zhou entered a deep state of trance.

He did this in a non-reclusive state simply because such a state could make him more sensitive to the world around him and make it easier for him to enter a state of harmony with the surrounding environment.

Because the Rope Knot Master and the associated Alchemy Array have advanced to the fourth level, Meng Zhou's ability to perceive the world has become more acute. In a state of deep trance, this advantage is brought into full play.

Coupled with the bonuses brought by the environment here, Meng Zhou finally touched the deeper context of the world.

The real world is complex, changeable, and complicated. It seems to be close at hand and within reach, but it is like a mess that is constantly being cut and sorted out. If you fall into it, you will get lost and go astray if you are not careful;

The real world is simple and clear, but it is like the eternal starry sky in the distant sky. It is elusive and can only be viewed from a distance, not played with.

This was the impression given to Meng Zhou by the "real world" and "real world" in the past.

But now, in Meng Zhou's deep state of concentration, he felt that the originally "out of reach" reality was being truly touched by him.

This is due to the improvement in "vision" brought about by the Knot Master as the core, as well as the alchemy and talisman formations that have been promoted to the fourth level.

It is also the special environment here.

The originally tightly-knit reality that "can only be viewed from a distance" has a flaw here, objectively giving Meng Zhou an "opportunity to take advantage of."

Previously, after Meng Zhou explored the Realm of Death for the second time, he had a clearer positioning of the Five Realms.

Meng Zhou had doubts about planning to break through the Nascent Soul within the Five Domains.

Even if the factors that Xingxiu Palace will definitely intervene to obstruct are completely eliminated, this level of doubt still exists.

This is not Meng Zhou’s groundless imagination.

For Meng Zhou now, there is nothing he cannot help but know about everything within the five realms that he is determined to know.

Naturally, this also includes various inheritances from various schools and sects.

Among them, the forces with fourth-level inheritance will receive his focus, including the five sects whose core leaders have been hiding for many years, as well as other forces with fragmented fourth-level inheritance.

Unknown to these parties, the core inheritance they regarded as top secret had become Meng Zhou's collection.

Although, after mutual confirmation, Meng Zhou found that these inheritance records involving the formation of pills to break through the Nascent Soul were mostly exaggerated and contradictory.

However, after using these unrelated inheritances as an ax to attack each other, he was able to extract a large amount of authentic and credible information that was of great reference and guidance for him to break through the Nascent Soul.

Among them, one of the most core points not only explains the fundamental difference between Jiedan and Yuanying, but also reveals the main problem that the Danjie monks need to overcome when breaking through Yuanying.

This "core point" is the real world.

Everything about a Qi-training monk is located on his body, that is to say, all the power of his practice is located in the "real world".

The foundation-building monk opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul separated from the flesh and blood, and had its own "residence". From then on, until the realm of elixir formation, the monk's cultivation skills basically landed in the "real world" and the "spiritual world".

However, due to different methods of practice, the emphasis will be different.

Some focus more on the cultivation of physical body, qi, blood and magic power in the "real world";

Some focus more on the practice and training of the "spiritual world", sea consciousness, soul, and other related secret techniques.

Although the alchemy monks can directly intervene and influence the "real world" by virtue of their powerful souls or some related secret techniques.

But to achieve this, it is extremely difficult and the cost is extremely high.

More often than not, the "spiritual world" and the "real world" are two distinct worlds that do not interfere with each other.

The most critical step in forming a pill to break through the Nascent Soul is to step out of the exclusive self-world of the "spiritual world", penetrate the real world, and truly travel in the "Three Realms".

Since then, the real world has also officially intervened in the monks' spiritual life, and even occupied an extremely important core position.

One side is connected to the "real world", and the other side is connected to the "spiritual world", and it itself contains the rules of heaven and earth and the secrets of the great road.

From a certain point of view, if "seeking the Tao" is really regarded as the core of spiritual practice, then only at this step can it be considered a true entrance into the spiritual world.

After understanding this, you will know how important the "real world" plays in the process of forming the elixir and breaking through the Yuanying.

The vast sky and poles at the edge of the Realm of Death, the sky-connecting barrier that envelops the entire Five Realms from the real world, not only isolates the Five Realms from inside and outside, but also causes some other problems.

The various earth and natural disasters that frequently occur in the vast "gap zone" between the five realms are its appearance. The reason behind it is that the "real world" behind the appearance has flaws, and the rules of heaven and earth have become unstable.

"This is probably a problem that was forced out of me." Meng Zhou thought with some irony in his heart.

Under such circumstances, it is normal to have concerns about breaking through the Nascent Soul in the Five Realms.

However, what Meng Zhou was doing at this moment was focused on another point——

There are flaws in the "real world", and the rules of the world are unstable. To put it in a simpler way, isn't it just "sick"?

If you are sick, you must treat it.

If you are sick, I have medicine. This is Meng Zhou's self-cultivation as a pharmacist.

Healing world?

Such a crazy idea was not a sudden idea on Meng Zhou's part, but a matter of careful consideration that had been brewing in his heart for decades.

A long time ago, Meng Zhou was promoted from a pharmacist to a medicine spiritual master, and he had expanded the target of treatment from "human beings" to the level of all living things.

At that time, he wanted to continue to expand along this path, from living bodies to non-living bodies, and then to a larger level of heaven and earth.

However, to Meng Zhou at the time, this was really just a "wild thought", and the idea was suppressed in his heart.

Later, Meng Zhou took "Spirit Master", "Medicine Spirit Master" and "Spirit Adjuster" as the foundation, and combined them into one profession, "Spirit Master".

Since then, his control over "spirit" has almost reached the point where he can do whatever he wants, without the need to subdivide control, treatment, conditioning, etc.

And if he still views it from the perspective of "healing", the moment he became a "spiritual master", he had actually expanded the path of treatment to the level of inanimate objects.

It's just that we no longer use the term "treatment", but if we delve into its core essence, it is actually the same truth.

At this moment, after Meng Zhou deeply "touched" and realized the instability of the rules of the world, he tried to understand it from the perspective of a "spiritual master" and use the ability of a "spiritual master" to alleviate or even completely bridge this situation. an unstable state.

In other words, he is trying to "treat", trying to heal this "wound of heaven and earth".


A year later, Meng Zhou is still at the stage of "touching and understanding".

It wasn't until the end of the year that Meng Zhou left this place and went to the nearest third-level evil channel to choose a place to retreat.

After the retreat, Meng Zhou returned again, sat in his original position, and expertly entered a deep state of concentration.

At this moment, Meng Zhou has just turned ninety. After gaining another 720 points of cultivation progress in the round of retreat that just ended, his current cultivation level is [9th level of pill formation 3885/10,000].

Meng Zhou continued to maintain a state of "touching and understanding" the "wounds" of Fang Tiandi, and unknowingly, another year passed.

At the end of the year, Meng Zhou left in a hurry again.

About a month later, the ninety-one-year-old returned again.

[Cultivation progress +720, ninth level of elixir formation 4605/10,000]

The cultivation level has taken another step forward, and before you know it, nearly half of the ninth level of pill formation has been completed.

Meng Zhou, who returned again, quickly became familiar with the "wound" of this world.

Although Meng Zhou was still focused and calm, but he still made no progress, he still warned himself in his heart:

"This is the last year. If there is no progress this year, we can't continue to fight here."

Months passed by in a hurry.

Seeing that the time had come to the middle of the year, Meng Zhou's heart suddenly moved. His body, which was sitting cross-legged and motionless in deep trance, suddenly floated into the air.

And not long after his body floated up, a huge roar came from the depths of the earth.

Then, the ground beneath Meng Zhou undulated like waves.

Roaring roared in the ground, and the waves of earth started from under him and continued into the distance.

It seemed like a giant dragon was rolling and moving deep in the earth.

This sudden and earth-shaking change came with almost no warning. Meng Zhou did not make any more movements except that his body floated in the air and just avoided the disturbance of the huge waves.

After the earth wave, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and Meng Zhou's whole body was submerged in it, but he paid no attention to it.

The roar of the earth that resounded throughout the world did not even really enter Meng Zhou's ears.

At this moment, his world was still absolutely silent.

He deliberately chose this place because the rules of heaven and earth in this area were unstable and earthquakes occurred from time to time.

If he doesn't come here a few times a year, he's just blind.

After staying here for so long, Meng Zhou has long been accustomed to earthquakes.

The "intimate contact" and "in-depth understanding" in the past few years have not been without gains.

As for when an earthquake will erupt and its estimated eruption power during the forecast period, it cannot be easier to "understand by looking at pictures".

When the unstable rules are disturbed at the "wound", an earthquake breaks out.

The greater the disturbance, the greater the explosive power.

But the current explosion is the biggest disturbance to the rules of heaven and earth since Meng Zhou came here, and it is also the most violent explosion of earthquake power.

In addition to avoiding the most ferocious ground wave impact, Meng Zhou devoted almost all his energy to the changes in the "wound".

Then, Meng Zhou discovered another characteristic of this disturbance in the rules of heaven and earth, which lasted far longer than before.

However, because of this, the harvest this time is equal to or even better than all the harvests in this place in the past few years.

One day later, the ground below almost turned into fine yellow sand. The loud noises that had been "roaring" deep in the ground finally stopped, and the churning ground finally became quiet again.

In the real world, the "wound" of the rules of heaven and earth that Meng Zhou felt finally stopped disturbing randomly and became completely quiet.

Moreover, perhaps it is an illusion formed after long-term relative and in-depth research.

Meng Zhou always felt that the "wound" that had become quiet again at this moment had become "weak and vulnerable" like never before.

Meng Zhou didn't care whether this was an illusion or not, and immediately took action.

Driven by his thoughts, the spirituality that diffused between heaven and earth automatically poured into the vicinity of the "wound", and was spread by him seemingly randomly like styptic powder.

Another part of his spirituality was condensed into a spiritual string. Then, driven by his thoughts, this spiritual string pierced left and right at the "wound", meandering and swimming.

Wherever it passes, the "wounds" disappear.

This is really a unique surgical operation.

The method used was "spiritual master" plus "knot master".

Looking at the disappeared "wound", Meng Zhou did not relax, but his heart was high.

In the past, he had failed at this step many times.

The "wound" that he forcibly closed will soon burst open again, and the "wound" that reappears seems to be mocking his whims and self-deception——

Do you really think it will be enough to sew it up by force?

Meng Zhou waited and waited. As long as the "wound" did not burst open, his hanging heart would never dare to fall to the ground.

Until, Meng Zhou discovered that a new skill filled with question marks appeared in the skill column.

Only then did he finally become convinced that this time, he had indeed relied on his own means to forcibly heal this "wound" in the world.

"So, the previous failure was not only my problem, but also the cause of the 'wound' itself."

"These 'wounds' are like pus spots, and the unstable rule disturbance is the 'pus of heaven and earth'.

Only after it is emptied and drained as much as possible can the 'wound' be ready for healing.

Otherwise, even if it is forcibly sutured, it will soon fall apart again. "

Thinking like this, Meng Zhou finally thought of what kind of name should be given to this new skill.

"If it unites heaven and earth, let's call it uniting heaven and earth."

As Meng Zhou's thoughts were confirmed, the skills that were originally full of question marks were also confirmed.

[Entry to Hetiandi 500/100,000]

After "Flesh and Blood Rebirth" and "All Things Pearl", Meng Zhou has a third level four skill.

What's even more rare is that he has learned all these skills himself.

At the same time, the "spiritual master" skill that originally stayed at the third-level extreme level also crossed the barrier between the third and fourth levels. After the knot master, Meng Zhou once again became a fourth-level spiritual master.

[Level 4 Healer 200/100,000] (End of this chapter)

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