Do not die

Chapter 95 Foundation Building (Part 1)

As the stone door of the quiet room is closed, the corresponding formation is activated, isolating the inside and outside.

Meng Zhou walked around the quiet room and inspected it carefully.

With his current ability, he is still unable to lay out such a second-level formation, but it is enough to check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

The final result was still satisfactory, Qingxuanzong did not do anything in this regard.

Meng Zhou took out a pure futon and sat cross-legged on it.

He took off the seemingly ordinary rope spirit from his wrist and began to braid it.

He first weaved a spirit-gathering talisman array, then a shielding talisman array, and then a spirit-gathering talisman array and a shielding talisman array.

In this way, these two talisman formations were alternately born between the fingers of his hands.

Whenever the rope seemed to be exhausted, under the control of his mind, the thread would extend forward for a long time, allowing him to continue knitting without stopping.

When will it end?

It doesn't matter what he said, it depends on the limit of this rope spirit that has grown to the first level limit.

In an anecdotal note related to foundation building, Meng Zhou saw such a statement.

In the process of foundation building, the monk's demand for spiritual energy is no more than a normal retreat in the early stages of foundation building.

But its demand for the "quality" of spiritual energy is very high.

The higher the quality of foundation building, the stronger this demand.

If the environment of its retreat place cannot meet its needs, then the body will instinctively expand the absorption range, which is reflected in the foundation building phenomenon.

This is also a way for outsiders to judge the quality of a person's foundation building. The larger the scope of the anomaly, the higher the quality of the foundation building, and vice versa.

But this kind of judgment does not have standard reference value.

The same monk who builds a foundation in a second-level spiritual land of average quality may cause a foundation-building phenomenon that is huge and lasts a long time.

But if it were to be a third-level cave, its scope of influence might be limited to the cave.

And if you switch to a higher-level fourth-level cave, there is a high probability that there will be no external abnormalities, and the breakthrough will be completed silently, and no one will notice the abnormality except the person involved.

Meng Zhou had a premonition that if he didn't make any preparations, his foundation-building vision might be extremely exaggerated.

When the time comes, it might attract the attention of the Qingxuan Sect’s alchemy master.

He who only wants to develop in a low profile does not want to be in such limelight.

He was inspired by this notebook, and his plan was to arrange as many spirit gathering talisman arrays as possible, and from the first day he entered the quiet room, he would continue to extract spiritual energy from the outside world and store it.

When he is preparing to officially break through, the richer and higher the quality of the spiritual energy in the quiet room, the smaller the foundation building phenomenon will be exposed.

Of course, this all comes quietly.

Therefore, a spirit-gathering talisman array must be matched with a shielding talisman array to ensure concealment.

To the entire second-level spiritual vein where Qinglinfang is located, his current behavior is like secretly opening a hole in the pool and making a clever disguise at the entrance of the hole.

Unless someone catches you on the spot, this hidden leak is difficult to find.

This was a plan that he had planned in his mind as early as when he chose which talisman formations to choose.

The reason why he did not make preparations in advance in Ruyiju was because after he reached a perfect level of mastery of these two talisman formations, he no longer adhered to the dogmatic and rigid production methods in the inheritance.

He can flexibly adjust the weaving techniques of these two talismans according to different times, places, and needs to perfectly fit the local environment and maximize the effect.

Meng Zhou kept knitting and knitting until he finally reached the rope spirit's current limit and no new rope ends grew.

Meng Zhou carefully counted and found that there were forty-nine spirit-gathering talisman arrays and forty-eight shielding talisman arrays strung on this rope.

Meng Zhou spread it evenly around the quiet room, and then braided the first and last rope ends into a ring.

In an instant, as if electrified, spirituality circulated among the talisman arrays, and a steady stream of spiritual energy was absorbed into the quiet room, which was already extremely rich in spiritual energy.

Originally, these two talisman formations were only of first-order high-grade quality.

But after his skills reached Master, Grandmaster, and Perfection, his quality improved one after another.

Now, he adapted to local conditions and designed and weaved a talisman array that best suited the local environment.

Its comprehensive level has reached the second-level low-grade level.

One is like this, everyone is like this.

In less than half a day, Meng Zhou felt that there was nothing but spiritual energy in his breathing.

"There's no such thing as drunken spiritual energy, right?"

At first, Meng Zhou was still a little uneasy, worried that too much spiritual energy would also cause physical discomfort, something like being drunk on oxygen.

Fortunately, the body's feelings don't lie.

As the spiritual energy in the quiet room became more and more, he not only did not feel uncomfortable, but became more and more comfortable and light, and Meng Zhou felt relieved.

After doing this, Meng Zhou began his leisurely retreat life.

Although the aura environment far exceeds that of Ruyiju, the practice of basic skills has already reached the daily limit, and no further progress is possible.

Therefore, he still maintains a daily +1 practice progress.

The rest of the time, Meng Zhou either slept, read through various notes, or let his mind wander, simulating ideas.

It was a very relaxing and comfortable time.

Suddenly, ten days passed by in a flash.

March 26, early morning.

Meng Zhou, who was sitting cross-legged on the pure futon with his eyes closed, finished the last week of mana transfer.

Feeling the mana in his body that was about to overflow, Meng Zhou had a feeling that at this moment, he could successfully build the foundation with just a slight leap forward.

Among the many notes on breaking through barriers and building foundations, the most admired and enviable one is that "when water is full, it will overflow by itself, and everything will fall into place".

When cultivation, mana, and physical and mental state all reach this critical point, foundation building is a natural thing.

But Meng Zhou did not follow this instinctive guidance, but opened his eyes and woke up.

[Realm: Nine levels of Qi training 100/100]

"This should be regarded as the ultimate perfection of Qi training, right?" Meng Zhou thought jokingly in his heart.

The quiet room at this moment looked very strange.

Meng Zhou didn't feel like he was on land, but in an underwater world. His whole body was immersed in the spiritual energy that was so rich that it was completely liquefied and even seemed a little viscous, almost semi-solidified.

After ten days of continuous accumulation, this is equivalent to a quasi-third-level spiritual land.

However, this has also reached the limit that the forty-nine spirit-gathering talisman arrays can support. They have stopped operating at this moment, and no new spiritual energy can be drawn into them.

In the final analysis, their comprehensive quality is only second-level low-grade. Although the quantitative change has caused a certain degree of qualitative change, they cannot truly cross the class and advance from the second-level to the third-level.

In such an environment, Meng Zhou does not need to worry about hunger. The abundant spiritual energy can not only meet his physical needs, but also keep him in the best condition.

Meng Zhou stood up from the pure futon and mobilized the power of Qi and blood throughout his body, causing it to pour out continuously from the body's organs, blood vessels, bone marrow and even brain marrow.

The majestic power of Qi and blood turned into a circle of light visible to the naked eye around him.

At this moment, he was really shining.

The power of Qi and blood in the body was squandered in this way, and the rapid loss of Qi and blood power created a "cold" low-lying area.

The overflowing "Shengji" mana began to flow naturally, filling this gap continuously.

However, because he did not stop squandering the power of Qi and Blood, the support from Shengji Mana never stopped either.

Shengji's mana continued to replenish the consumption of Hanji's energy and blood, and the abundant spiritual energy around him began to flow into Shengji, and the spiritual energy was refined into mana.

Due to the consumption of spiritual energy in the quiet room, the stopped spirit gathering formation started to work again, and external spiritual energy was continuously extracted and replenished into the quiet room.

In this way, Hanji's body, Shengji's mana, and spiritual energy outside his body were connected, forming a directional flow.

During this process, his body was like a white bear that had been sleeping for a long time, gradually "waking up" under this constant stimulation.

Meng Zhou recovered bit by bit all the insights he had on that day when he created the White Bear Hanji Body in Shuiliandong and initially built the framework of practice based on the four properties of water.

He regained his physical condition bit by bit, and the full power of Qi and blood no longer squandered outside the body, but all poured into the brain.

In an instant, the power of divine consciousness was easily stimulated by him.

After going back and forth like this for a long time, Meng Zhou recovered all the insights he had when he first created the technique that day.

"Essence", "Qi", and "Shen" all entered the best state. After fully warming up, he sat down cross-legged on the pure futon again.

Meng Zhou felt the vitality and eagerness to try in his revived body, and felt satisfied in his heart.

"For normal monks, breaking through the pass and building a foundation at the age of fifty-two is already a bit too old.

But my lifespan has reached 157 years, and the lifespan of a normal monk is within 120 years.

Compared to a normal monk, the stage of life I am currently in is less than 40 years old.

Although he is still a bit older, he is still in his prime, barely at the peak of his life. "

With this thought in his mind, Meng Zhou slowly fell into concentration.

Soon, he regained the feeling of being overflowing with water.

Then, he took a small step forward.

The Hanji body and Shengji mana, which had reached their full state, simultaneously broke through a small barrier and stepped into a whole new level.

Whether it is the power of Qi, blood or magic power, they are quietly transforming.

The mana that filled the meridians, so rich that it was half atomized, began to dissolve into drops and fall into the meridians.

At first, it was just a drop or two, scattered into dots.

Soon, there were more and more, and it became a trend, like a rain cloud pouring down the meridians.

The transformation of Qi and blood scattered throughout the body is more obscure and silent.

His body seemed to have turned into a giant gluttonous mouth, and the rich spiritual energy around him was continuously sucked into his body.

Then, the magic power and qi and blood power that completed the transformation circulated in the meridians and body. After entering the head area, a strange obstacle was felt.

This obstacle is not somewhere specific in the mind, but somewhere between reality and reality.

Until the power of mana and blood completes its transformation, its existence cannot be felt.

Now, he finally felt it clearly.

Meng Zhou tried using magic power and qi and blood power respectively, and felt that the obstacle was slippery. With his control over magic power and qi and blood, it was difficult to fully use his strength.

However, when he controlled these two forces at the same time, they turned into two rotating spikes, pushing forward from two different directions.

That layer of slippery obstacles no longer had any room for maneuver and was easily overcome.

The two forces did not stop, but instead used their full strength to attack the depths of the obstacle that had been broken.

Just like the creation of heaven and earth, Meng Zhou forced his way out of the sea of ​​consciousness, the place of existence and non-existence, in his mind.

This is the newly opened original sea of ​​consciousness, with no sky and no earth, only a void.

With the successful opening of the original sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Zhou's soul manifested.

It was just a faint shadow at first, and then gradually became clear, turning into an ordinary-looking young man.

Wearing a homely set of shorts and shorts, eyes slightly closed, he stood casually in the center of the sea of ​​primordial consciousness.

This is Meng Zhou's soul image, the initial image of his subconscious self-recognition.

Before a practitioner opens up the sea of ​​consciousness, there is no clear soul.

Souls and flesh and blood live together in the same room. The spirit and the body influence each other and are bound to each other, making them inevitably mixed and impure.

It wasn't until the sea of ​​consciousness opened up that the soul had the basis to become independent from the flesh and blood.

For ordinary monks, breaking through the barriers and building the foundation is considered complete at this point and can be over.

The magic power transforms, breaking through obstacles, opening up the original sea of ​​consciousness, peeling off the soul and flesh and blood, successfully settling in the sea of ​​consciousness, and stimulating the power of divine consciousness.

In most foundation building notes, completing this step is complete and you can leave and have a celebration banquet.

In Meng Zhou's opinion, this step was very easy, with almost no obstacles.

But for ordinary monks, every step is extremely difficult.

In some cases, even the step of mana transformation cannot be completed independently, and must be assisted by external objects such as foundation-building pills.

There are not a few people who can't hold on until halfway through. They insist on taking this last step, and they are already exhausted and mentally exhausted.

But for Meng Zhou, this was just the beginning of his real foundation building.

Meng Zhou saw such words in a travel note.

In the eyes of seekers, real foundation building is not what ordinary monks think at all.

Building the foundation of the avenue has not laid the seeds of the avenue. Claiming to be "building the foundation" is just putting gold on one's own face.

Meng Zhou didn't know what the so-called "Seed of the Great Path" was, but based on other notes, experiences, and his own thinking and accumulation, Meng Zhou also had a set of ideas in his mind.

At this moment, he is focusing all his energy on the "Blooming Pole", the "Cold Pole", and the complete system that includes these two poles and circulates between them.

Meng Zhou's thoughts were completely immersed in this cyclical system with the bipolar core as the core.

Gradually, he peeled them away from the tangible and returned them again to pure concepts.

[A breeding ground for growth and vitality. 】

[The flow circulates and goes back and forth. 】

【The sea is open to all rivers and embraces all things. 】

[Cold and heat are innate in nature. 】

The four properties of water with infinite potential constitute the original framework system. As long as you are willing to work hard, you can unearth almost endless treasures.

But if you go one level higher, you can find that these "four properties of water" are all extracted from objectivity, reality, and rationality, and they all stay at the level of "discussing things based on facts."

To put it more bluntly, it is "too reasonable".

Lacking a more subjective, metaphysical refinement.

But this is even more important to practitioners.

It is the core, it clarifies the direction of the great road, it is the general outline of the fundamental law, it is the source, and it is the program.

And this is a natural fit with the soul.

Meng Zhou had already had clear thoughts on this.

[The best and most virtuous, be weak and don’t fight]

For people who don't understand, they may think this is a shame.

But let Meng Zhou comment that if the Tao is tangible, there is nothing more consistent with the Tao than this.

Meng Zhou believed in this unwaveringly.

Believe in it, believe in it——

The true nature of Meng Zhou's soul, which was just separated from the flesh and blood body, the initial image of self-recognition from the previous life, began to melt quickly like hot wax and turned into a puddle of water.

A pool of clear water that exists in the ocean of consciousness.

As his soul turned into water, the framework system that originally only circulated between the two poles of "jing" and "qi" underwent fundamental changes.

The two poles of "jing" and "qi" turn into the three poles of "jing", "qi" and "spirit".

The new three poles are contained in a system that is constantly changing, yet extremely balanced and stable.

The qi and blood of "jing", the magic power of "qi", and the consciousness of "god", these three forces circulate and chase each other.

As this system was reshaped, the water surface of Meng Zhou's soul in the sea of ​​consciousness was like a mirror, reflecting the changes in it from time to time.

Through this "water surface", Meng Zhou can easily grasp the overall changes and make accurate adjustments.

With a thought, every detail can be accurately presented on the water.

All this is a long story, but a short period of time has passed since Meng Zhou opened up the original sea of ​​consciousness and manifested his soul.

In this short moment, he completed one of the most important tasks of this foundation building, that is, further perfecting the general framework of practice.

And take advantage of the breakthrough and before everything stabilizes to complete the reshaping.

Only during this window period can all this be as easy as kneading mud.

At another time, if you want to change the soul into another shape and complete the three-pole linkage of essence, energy and spirit, that would be even more difficult than reaching the sky!

You must have no idea how many times I went through this plot over and over, and how many words I wasted, at least 20,000!

There is only one reason. It was too confusing at the beginning. The writing was too obscure and there were too many new settings.

The first edition, just for the opening up of the sea of ​​knowledge, created a brand new way of opening up, and wrote nearly 10,000 words.

I scrapped everything and started over again. I did subtractions along the way. After doing it several times, I just managed to squeeze out this edition. There are still several thousand words in the back that I plan to scrap and start over. That’s why this chapter is so strange that it has 4800 words. word count.

Before writing about this plot, I never thought there was any problem with it. It wasn’t until I actually wrote it down that I realized what the problem was.

The setting of the exercise system can be a highlight, but if it really turns into a lengthy and difficult-to-understand, brain-consuming and exhausting text, then it will only be annoying.

Now, I feel that it is smarter to write all the breakthroughs in one stroke. For innovation, just focus on the name of the realm or the name of the exercise, which is simple and easy.

It's thankless for me to do this, and it's really difficult to completely justify it. There may be fatal bugs. The more ink I put into it, the greater the possibility.

No more talking, go to sleep first and continue to think about it in your dreams.

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