Do not die

Chapter 96 Foundation Building (Part 2)

Meng Zhou took advantage of the fact that the sea of ​​consciousness had just been opened up and the soul had just been peeled off from the flesh and blood body. It was in the short window period of the most plasticity to complete the reshaping of the framework of the large system.

With the three poles of essence, energy and spirit, he further clarified the future direction and the general outline of practice.

When it comes to how much strength this adjustment has improved, Meng Zhou has no obvious feeling.

But many of the doubts that had troubled him felt like they were gone at this moment.

After dealing with all this, the next step is to take this opportunity to take the five professions that he has cultivated to the first level limit to take a step further.

Sublimate your career path and test the idea that certain professional skills have the opportunity to turn into some innate talents.

Meng Zhou has not fully understood the principle behind this "professional skill talent".

But one thing that is certain is that this is an opportunity that can only be found during such a great breakthrough.

This was a profound realization he had after personally verifying it.

He can seemingly easily reshape his soul form, reset his practice framework, and expand the bipolar system of energy, energy, and spirit into the three-polar system of energy, energy, and spirit. This is all due to this, and he is taking advantage of this precious and short window. Expect.

On weekdays, the human body is like a tightly sealed earth.

Only when this great realm breaks through and life as a whole sublimates and transforms, will this closed earth take the initiative to reveal many gaps.

This is the best or even the only time to reshape it or plant something into it.

Meng Zhou thought to himself that the so-called foundation building of the avenue and the implantation of the "seed of the avenue" should be taking advantage of this.

Just as the soul is most easily reshaped at this moment, the meridians, mana, body, energy, and blood that are undergoing comprehensive transformation are also the most active and open.

According to Meng Zhou's understanding, this is the window period when the stubborn gene lock temporarily fails.

And this is the main premise for professional skill talent.

“However, there are not many records in this regard among the notes I collected.

There seems to be no rules on whether skills will be naturalized, or which specific skills will be naturalized.

It's like a complete hit and miss thing. "

"It would be best if I could personally designate which skill should be gifted!"

Just as Meng Zhou was thinking this, in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, in the water of the soul pool that was as clear as a mirror, groups of light suddenly appeared.

"Hey, what is this?"

They come in different sizes and colors, some light and some dark.

When Meng Zhou thinks of a certain skill in his mind, a ball of light will immediately appear in the soul pool.

"Could it be that as long as I think about it, there will be a corresponding light group appearing in the soul pool?"

In order to verify this conjecture, Meng Zhou deliberately went through all the skills he had mastered from beginning to end.

Then I discovered an implicit prerequisite, that is, only when a skill reaches the perfect level, will a light group appear in the soul pool and have a place.

Because it was the only Feihong technique that had not been perfected, he tried it many times but failed to load it into the soul pool.

"Why does it have to be perfect?"

This question arose in his mind, and Meng Zhou soon had some guesses.

Meng Zhou had thought before that the fact that he had cultivated an ability to perfection meant that he had broken free from the shackles of the ability itself and touched some kind of "reality" and "truth" behind it.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that he has glimpsed the shape of the great road. After all, the first-level abilities are still too shallow and superficial. No matter how perfect they are, they are still too far away from the great road.

But it deserves the word "true".

Get "truth", see "truth", and touch "truth".

Therefore, the essence of these light groups is not the skills, but the various "realities" and "truths" he has touched through the various skills.

When such thoughts flashed through Meng Zhou's mind, the large and small light groups scattered throughout the soul pool suddenly dispersed, revealing their specific "true shapes".

It's like being half asleep and half awake, and everything you see is just a ball of light of different brightness, size and color.

Only when I woke up and focused my eyes on them again did I see their true appearance.

The true form of the perfect water step is the undulating water surface, with a pair of footprints walking on it as if walking on flat ground.

The true shape of a finger sword palm knife is a rotating blade surface and an extremely sharp cone tip.

The true form of the straw grasshopper is really a vivid grasshopper;

This is a true form that is more realistic, and there are many true forms that are more stream-of-consciousness.

But as long as Meng Zhou concentrated his thoughts, he immediately knew all the information in detail.

And just after these abilities showed their original form in the soul pool, Meng Zhou felt something strange in his blood and mana.

As if longing for something.


Because of the framework system he built, the sea of ​​consciousness, the body, and the mana are not independent of each other, but are cyclically integrated.

When these true forms appear in the soul pool, it is equivalent to opening the door to the circulating energy, blood and mana.

Although Meng Zhou was a little confused about the strange changes in Qi, blood and magic power, he still allowed the changes to happen and did not forcibly stop them.

Then, Meng Zhou saw that the true form representing the perfection of the fourteen martial arts disappeared from the soul pool, mixed with the circulating qi and blood, and as the qi and blood flowed throughout the body, little by little it melted into the limbs and bones. middle.

These true forms disappeared, but miraculously, the corresponding abilities he mastered did not disappear. Instead, they perfectly fit with this powerful body that had completed the transformation from Qi training to foundation building.

From martial arts ability to a talent that this body is born with.

Meng Zhou was confident that he could still walk on water.

With a wave of his hand, he can still use his finger sword and palm knife easily, and the power is even more powerful than the perfect martial arts skills of the past, and it is more in line with his current strong physique.

“Isn’t this why skills turn into innate talents?!”

This wonderful change made Meng Zhou feel surprised and happy, as well as the pleasure of solving a puzzle.

He has long known that if he upgrades his professional level during the process of passing the level and building the foundation, there is a chance that the practitioner will gain some innate talents related to professional skills.

Among them, the most common ones are that alchemists and weapon refiners will receive innate talents in controlling flames, or they will be further strengthened.

This is exactly the same as the changes happening in my body now!

The biggest difference is that other professionals rely on the summary of experience.

But I have already seen the essence.

He also understood that career level promotion was not a real necessary condition.

Not only professional skills can be gifted, any skill, as long as the method is appropriate, can be gifted during this window period!

In this case, he naturally does not need to rush to allocate energy to advance to the professional level at this time.

It is most important to take advantage of this short window period to maximize the discovery and utilization of this discovery.

Just as these thoughts were swirling in Meng Zhou's mind, the true forms of the eight medicine master's spells had also been taken away by the magic power, and they were transformed into the meridians, Dantian, and magic power.

The effect is the same as when the true form of martial arts is integrated into the body, and the original magical ability becomes the body's special innate talent.

In addition to the natural fit between the true form of the fourteen martial arts and the body, Qi and blood, and the mutual attraction between the true form of the eight medicine master spells and the mana of the meridians, there is no situation where one is "more pleasing to the eye" than the other.

"Since no one has taken the initiative to go to each other, let me help you matchmaking."

Meng Zhou thought in his mind, the first test subject was the true form of the Breath Condensation Technique.

If you fail, you don’t feel bad. If you succeed, wouldn’t you have earned an interest-gathering talent? !

Meng Zhou used his spiritual consciousness to wrap the true form of the Breath Condensation Technique, and actively sent it into the flowing Qi and blood. He watched it flow with the Qi and blood, and gradually dissolve into the skin of the muscles and bones.

"It's really feasible!" Meng Zhou laughed in his heart.

But also because its fit with the body is far less than the true form of the fourteen martial arts, the efficiency of transformation is much slower.

If we say the former is like blending wine and water, it can be fully integrated easily.

The latter is like injecting oil into water. It is more difficult and takes longer to fully integrate it.

But this proactive attempt was successful after all.

Then, Meng Zhou looked at the true forms of the four talismans.

After thinking about it carefully, Meng Zhou sent the true form of the Light Body Talisman, the Flying Arrow Talisman, and the Ice Talisman into his blood, hoping to let them transform into his body.

The true form of the cleansing talisman is sent into the mana, allowing it to be transformed into the meridians and Dantian with the flow of mana.

Meng Zhou still had his own considerations for making this choice.

At the beginning, he just wanted to maximize the effect of talent.

He felt that the true form of the flying arrow talisman and the true form of the ice talisman should be matched with mana and transformed into the meridians and dantian. There is a high probability that he could pick up two innate spells for free that can grow with his cultivation.

But he soon realized that this might increase his immediate combat power, but from a larger perspective, Hanji's physique was the most suitable for it.

Let it be transformed into Shengji's mana, which may increase some immediate combat power, which will be beneficial in the short term.

But if you look further ahead, you are causing trouble for your future self.

The speed at which the true forms of these four talismans are transformed into the muscles, bones, body, and Dantian meridians is slower than the previous true form of the breath gathering technique, and it is getting slower and slower.

It looks like one is getting harder to digest and the other's teeth are getting worse.

Meng Zhou had a premonition, "There is one last chance!"

Meng Zhou immediately selected the true form of sword control, wrapped it up with his spiritual consciousness, and forced it into his blood.

Watching it disperse into the limbs and bones bit by bit, and finally completely dissolve into the muscles and bones, Meng Zhou let out a long sigh of relief.

"No energy!"

Meng Zhou seemed to see that from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, to the body, to the Dantian, the door that was briefly opened when the great realm was broken was closing the last gap.

Meng Zhou didn't do anything more, and he didn't feel any regret.

Although he still doesn't know what a "road seed" is, he is confident that he has maximized the use of this short window period.

The harvest even exceeded his most optimistic expectations before seclusion. So, what else could he be dissatisfied with.

Meng Zhou withdrew from his trance with a satisfied emotion, and saw that the foundation-building vision centered on his body and spreading out to the surroundings was slowly dissipating.

Because the quality of the spiritual energy in the quiet room has reached the quasi-third level, the rich spiritual energy is completely liquefied, and the foundation-building phenomenon that should have spread wantonly in the sky is concentrated in the liquid spiritual energy.

Although it was inevitable that some of the aftermath would spread outside the quiet room, most of it had been compressed within the quiet room, and Meng Zhou was already very satisfied.

If this didn't cover it up, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he had tried his best to do his best, so what could he do?

Not long after, the foundation-building phenomenon that slowly began to dissipate from the periphery completely retracted into the quiet room.

Meng Zhou compared it secretly in his mind and breathed a sigh of relief again: "Looking at the speed of dissipation, the scope of the foundation building phenomenon outside is not too large.

Excluding those who failed to pass the level, among the monks who successfully built the foundation, they should be at the middle to lower level. "

Meng Zhou retracted his thoughts and closed his eyes to feel.

The power of infinite spiritual consciousness can be wonderfully used, and it can shine like the rays of the sun, or it can gather and disperse like light smoke, or it can sneak into the night with the wind, invading things silently.

The completely liquefied magic power surges like a river in the meridians and Dantian, and can deliver a powerful blow at any time and anywhere.

After completing the transformation, the power of Qi and blood becomes more obscure and delicate, spreading into the limbs and bones.

It seems to be without a trace, but as long as he is willing, this power can respond to his call at any time.

Like water gathering and scattering.

They can "gather" and appear anywhere in the body, and can also "dissolve" and disappear anywhere in the body.

But Meng Zhou, who closed his eyes and realized it carefully, did not focus mainly on these changes.

What he was feeling was the changes in this body at the bone level.

From the muscles and bones to the Dantian meridians.


Something is really different.

There is a more transparent feeling.

If he used to close his eyes to experience the world through this body, it was like looking at the world outside the window through frosted glass filled with moisture.

Now, the water vapor has disappeared, and the frosted glass has become more crystal clear.

But in a short period of time, it was difficult for him to accurately grasp those changes.

He didn't have this idea. He did this just to confirm his feelings personally and collect first-hand information.

After confirming that the bones of this body had indeed changed, Meng Zhou opened his eyes and directly checked the current situation.

At the first glance, Meng Zhou was shocked.

Compared to when I was practicing Qi, this is simply a comprehensive revision and upgrade.

[Name: Meng Zhou]

[Life span: 52/320 years]

[Status: Overflowing with vitality]

[Talent: Variety Spirit Body (Incomplete), White Lotus Spirit Body (Incomplete), Natural Sword Body (Incomplete)]

[Realm: 0/1000 at the first level of foundation building]

[Exercise method: water nourishing and nourishing the body is perfect, white bear cold body is perfect]


Master of Feihongshu: 330/960

The rope knot is perfect

The six items of the talisman array are perfect, the three items of the magic weapon are perfect, the three items of the elixir are perfect, and the four items of the straw puppet are perfect (the details are omitted)]

[Contract Oath: Rope Spirit Level 1: 100/100]

[Occupation: Pentathlon first-order limit (details omitted)]

There are so many points worthy of attention.

What most aroused Meng Zhou's concern was naturally the newly added [Talent] and the three innate physiques that were all displayed as "incomplete".

Apart from his understanding of the natural sword body as its name suggests, Meng Zhou knew nothing about the other two "variable spirit bodies" and "white lotus spirit bodies".

This knowledge has long been beyond the scope of what he once had access to.

"It seems that after coming out of seclusion this time, I must improve my knowledge in this area." Meng Zhou thought in his heart.

In addition to the new talent and its content, the second thing that made Meng Zhou pay attention was the change in life span.

With the breakthrough from Qi training to foundation building, the upper limit of life has doubled.

And because of the high base number, he has just broken through the foundation building, and his life span has already exceeded that of most foundation building monks.

But for him, this is just the beginning.

As his cultivation improves, even if the increase is not as exaggerated as when he broke through this great realm, his life span will definitely increase.

For the current Meng Zhou, the greatest significance is that he, who is already fifty-two years old and can barely be called middle-aged, has once again returned to a stage of life equivalent to that of a twenty-year-old youth.

If the complete life of a life is regarded as the entire process from sunrise to sunset, then its most dynamic stage is the first quarter or even one-sixth of the process.

As the saying goes, "The rising sun rises in the east" and "You are the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning."

His life background is positive, high-spirited and upward.

When it reaches the middle of the journey, it is indeed the peak of strength in terms of strength. But the so-called "peak" doesn't mean that it will get worse and worse from now on, going lower and lower.

There are many practitioners who persistently pursue the Great Way in order to keep their life in the "eight or nine o'clock sun" period.

This is the most fascinating and irresistible aspect of spiritual practice.

A breakthrough in a great realm will not only increase the length of the rest of your life.

Or truly go against the rules of heaven and earth and turn back the clock of your life.

Move the sun that has passed the zenith back to the eight or nine o'clock position, and return to your youth.

Because of this, it is “overflowing with vitality”.

Then there is the realm item, which has also changed significantly. The percentage progress bar has changed to a thousand percent.

[Realm: 0/1000 at the first level of foundation building]

Meng Zhou's first feeling was that the progress after foundation building must be much slower than the Qi training stage.

Of course, there is no hindrance to being unchanged, but in that case, each time the progress of practice is improved, it will be +0.1 or even lower, which is a dispensable sense of gain.

If things go on like this, it might even give people extra psychological burden.

After turning off the message, Meng Zhou looked at the spiritual energy in the quiet room that was so thick that it turned into water.

Now, he can't wait to get out of seclusion. There are really too many things he wants to do right away.

But the quiet room looks like this, obviously it is impossible to go out.

"I have to clear it as soon as possible... It was March 26th when I officially started to pass the level. Since the transformation of mana, I have basically blocked out all interference from the outside world. I don't know how long it has been."

If you want to restore this quiet room to its original appearance as soon as possible, you can't just collect the spirit gathering talisman array.

Without the spirit-gathering talisman array and shielding talisman array that circled the house, it would be like a dam full of water suddenly disappearing, and the concentrated liquid spiritual energy in the quiet room would inevitably flow to the surroundings quickly.

The monk Hexinlou will immediately notice something strange.

However, Meng Zhou also has a way.

He circled the quiet room and knitted forty-nine spirit-gathering talisman arrays and forty-eight shielding talisman arrays. He readjusted the direction of the rope spirit, from gathering spirits inside the quiet room to "gathering spirits" in all directions outside the quiet room.

At this time, the "Spirit Gathering Talisman Array" has essentially become a "Spirit Gathering Talisman Array". Its original shortcoming of not being of high quality has instead become a flow-limiting valve.

Let the spiritual energy dispersed through the spirit gathering array not escape too much at once.

Coupled with the shielding talisman array, after the spiritual energy spreads out, as long as there is a slight concentration difference, it will quickly spread further and will not be concentrated in one place.

It's like quietly filling a pool of water through a hidden hole.

No one would know what happened unless they were caught red-handed.

"Now, all we have to do is wait."

After dealing with this, Meng Zhou finally sat back on the clean futon again.

While waiting with nothing to do, Meng Zhou's only pastime was to pay attention to the three powers of qi, blood, magic power, and spiritual consciousness flowing over and over again in the three-pole cycle.

He has verified that the Water Nourishing and Moisturizing Technique, the fundamental method in the Qi training period, has become useless as the cultivation level breaks through to the foundation building, and the Qi training magic transforms into the foundation building magic.

It can't even move the foundation-building magic power around, let alone refine the external spiritual energy into new foundation-building magic power.

It's like a child pushing a cart. Except that it feels unbearable, the cart doesn't move at all.

The same goes for Baixiong Hanjishen, a technique that specializes in physical training. It can no longer improve physical fitness, energy, and blood.

The unexpected joy is that when the three powers of mana, qi, blood, and spiritual consciousness circulate between the three poles, not only are they not consumed, but the external spiritual energy is slowly extracted, and the mana, qi, blood, and spiritual consciousness are slowly restored and strengthened. power to maintain the continuous flow of this cycle.

However, the efficiency is too slow and currently cannot replace the role of fundamental practice methods.

After leaving seclusion, finding the cultivation method for the foundation-building period was already the top priority listed by Meng Zhou.

Although Meng Zhou was already a little impatient, he could only wait in the quiet room for now, waiting for the spiritual energy that was so rich that it turned into water to be continuously drained out by the forty-nine spirit gathering talisman arrays.

outside room.

Deacon Zhang who received Meng Zhou that day, because of Meng Zhou’s strange request before entering the quiet room, and because he personally agreed, taking on an extra layer of responsibility, he paid extra attention to the quiet room where Meng Zhou was. focus on.

After other monks took the foundation-building pill, after a day or two of adjustment, they all started taking the pill to pass the test.

Regardless of success or failure, the result will basically be six or seven days after the auction ended on March 15th.

But only in the quiet room where Meng Zhou was, there was no movement at all for ten days.

Seeing that everyone in the building has begun to make new arrangements for the treasure auction in a few days, that is, March 30th.

There was no movement in the quiet room where Meng Zhou was, and his heart was in his throat a little bit.

Fortunately, the other party finally did not break his promise.

In the middle of the night on March 26, some foundation-building visions began to appear in the sky outside the quiet room.

The scale of the foundation-building vision can only be regarded as average. It cannot be compared with the best, but it is not bad either.

But there's something weird about it.

It has been tepid, grinding and chirping. It neither continues to expand nor dissipate and declares failure. It just hangs in the sky, neither big nor small.

All day long on March 27th, that group of foundation-building visions hung in the sky above Hexin Tower in such a strange way.

Because of this rare performance, it attracted a lot of curious attention.

How can anyone not seize the time during the foundation building period and instead work hard at it?

Deacon Zhang cursed in his heart.

Fortunately, on the evening of March 27th, the foundation-building phenomenon finally disappeared.

Looking at it like that, the other party finally succeeded in building the foundation.

Deacon Zhang also breathed a long sigh of relief and waited for the other party to come out.

But after waiting and waiting, three days passed in a flash, and a new auction was about to begin. People were already entering the auction, but the other party hadn't come out yet.

Deacon Zhang was furious.

I thought to myself, is this guy going to use the second-level quiet room of Hexin Tower after successfully building the foundation?

This is not possible!

Absolutely not!

Deacon Zhang was already considering whether to ask for instructions from above and arrange for someone to forcefully "invite" the other party out.

But Foundation Establishment, the other party is now a Foundation Establishment monk!

He was tangled in his heart, and at this moment, a voice came into his ears.

Listening to this voice, Deacon Zhang felt like hearing the voice of a fairy.

That was the sound of the stone door of the quiet room opening.

Meng Zhou strode out of it, looked at Deacon Zhang who was looking here not far away, and said with a smile, "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you for being so thoughtful!"

After saying that, he looked at the crowd queuing up at the corridor entrance and smiled again: "It's better to arrive early than to arrive by chance. I just happened to be in time for another auction!"

Meng Zhou strode towards the auction house, leaving Deacon Zhang alone standing there with a resentful look on his face.

Now that this plot is over, I don’t know how to evaluate it.

If any readers feel that the subsequent plot is a little incomplete, you can refresh it again, because I chose to upload it before twelve o'clock and added another two to three hundred words.

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