Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 252 Turtle Soup and Lamb Wine [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

It’s almost past Mao hour (around 7 a.m.)

In the palace,

Concubine Rong woke up and touched her belly as a habit. After a moment of confusion, she remembered that she had given birth to a princess last night.

Feeling the soft fabric on my forehead,

Concubine Rong's mood cannot be said to be good or bad, there is some disappointment and some relief.

Now that Zhao Fang is the only prince, Concubine Rong doesn't know what the queen will think of the child if she gives birth to a prince.

She is a princess, which saves her a lot of trouble. She is one of the two younger sisters of Prince Zhao Fang, and her status is very noble.

If the younger siblings in the family could get married to Gao Men, the Duke of Beijing, the Rong family would be able to get rid of the reputation of being a shabby nouveau riche of masons.

Concubine Rong turned her head slightly and saw her daughter, who had been washed and was sleeping soundly beside her pillow.

She no longer had those calculations in her mind, she just felt that her heart was about to soften.

The personal female officer on the side said:

"Mother, my lord, I look like you."

Concubine Rong smiled slightly, she couldn't tell who the baby looked like, but it was a great thing to look like herself.

"Your Majesty, the Queen has sent some things that Her Highness and Princess Yue'er have used. Do you think so?"

Concubine Rong was stunned for a moment and then said: "Thank the queen for me, use whatever you can, and let her enjoy the blessings of her brother and sister."

"Yes, concubine."

Si hour (9 a.m.)

The emperor and the queen took Zhao Fang to Concubine Rong.

The baby is being held by a female official,

When he walked to the couch, Zhao Fang looked at the small mattress spread on the couch and said in surprise:

"Mother, the little mattress that my sister made before!"

The queen smiled and nodded: "You also paved it when you were a child!"

Zhao Fang wondered: "Why don't you know?"

The queen and Concubine Rong looked at each other and smiled. Concubine Rong said:

"His Royal Highness was still young at that time, so naturally he cannot remember."

The emperor on the other side took the child from the hands of the female official, his movements were skillful, looked at the infant daughter and said:

"I think this child's skin is as fair as mine, why not call her Liqiu? Her nickname is Yu'er."

The queen looked helplessly at Concubine Rong again and curled her lips towards the emperor.

Concubine Rong helped her forehead and said:

"The name Your Majesty chose is certainly a good one."

Zhao Fang walked to the emperor beside the couch. The emperor quickly sat on the chair and showed Zhao Fang the child in his arms.

Zhao Fang rested his arms on the armrests of the chair, held his chin in his hands and said:

"Sister, grow up soon. I will also give you new gourds and dates!"

After hearing this, everyone in the hall was stunned and started laughing.

"Fang'er, how old is your sister? It's a little early to say this."

"Oh, let's wait until my sister is older!"

The empress and Zhao Fang stayed in the palace for a while and then left.


The Rong family entered the palace again.

With the help of a female officer, Rong Feiyan finally learned how to hold a child.

Looking at the infant princess Rong Feiyan, she said: "Sister, Yu'er is so red! I want her to be whiter."

As she spoke, Rong Feiyan showed her baby fingers.

Concubine Rong smiled and said:

"The skin color of a newborn baby becomes redder and then whiter! I remember when your mother gave birth to you, you were also red! It must have been when I was three months pregnant with Li Qiu that I visualized the mutton-fat white jade and it had an effect! "

Looking at Rong Feiyan's surprised eyes, Concubine Rong continued:

"Your sister, I have already collected that mutton-fat white jade. You can also meditate on it later."

Hearing this, Rong Feiyan frowned:

"Sister! What are you talking about! What's next? Ignore you!"

As she spoke, Rong Feiyan turned her back to Concubine Rong and her mother.

He continued walking in the palace while holding the princess in his arms, not knowing what he was thinking of.

She leaned towards her niece in her arms and said:

"Yu'er is so beautiful! Prettier than your mother and concubine!"

After listening to her sister's words, Concubine Rong smiled and looked at her mother.

Mrs. Rong was a little disgusted, and whispered beside Concubine Rong:

"Why is she a girl? If she were a prince, our Rong family would."

Seeing Concubine Rong's smile disappear and her eyes piercing her like needles, Concubine Rong closed her mouth.

For some reason, she was a little afraid of this eldest daughter.

"Yu'er is Tianhuang noble, the prince's only sister. Mother will tell you this later. Don't blame your daughter for falling out."


"Now that I have a daughter, Brother Xian cannot continue to walk dogs and fight cocks in the capital. Didn't he want to join the army before? I begged Your Majesty to find him a job in the Forbidden Army!"

Mrs. Rong's eyes were panicked and she said: "Forbidden Army? You were scared to death before, how could you show him?"

"Listen to you, listen to you!"

Concubine Rong retracted her glare, and then shouted to her sister: "Feiyan, bring Yu'er over!"

Before the eldest lady of the Rong family left the palace,

Concubine Rong looked at her sister and warned her, "There are some things that I have to accept from the Xu family. Sister, I naturally have a thank you gift here, and our family can't miss it."

After hearing what her sister said, Rong Feiyan said, "Then, my mother and I will find an opportunity to go to Xu's house to express our gratitude?"

Concubine Rong nodded:

"You have to watch your brother and don't let him fool you when it comes to setting up a porridge shed."

"Yes, sister."

The next morning,

The news that there is an extra princess in Dazhou has spread in Bianjing.

This information was also added to the newspapers leading to the state capitals.

The ladies of the clan and nobles were not in a hurry to enter the palace, but were waiting for the little princess to be full moon.

Youshi (after 5 p.m.)

Jiying Lane,

Because the location is not considered expensive, and it is surrounded by mostly wealthy households from Bianjing,

It is incomparable to Xingguofang, Huimingfang and other areas.

There are no mansions for high-ranking officials.

On the roadside to the outer city, there are often people begging in distress.

When Xu Zaijing returned home with his brother in the afternoon,

Near Jiying Lane, I saw soldiers from the Street Department listlessly building sheds.

After Qingyun asked a few questions casually, he found out that it turned out that the Rong family had set up many porridge stalls in Bianjing to accumulate good fortune and virtue for the little princess.

After Qingyun asked, he took out a lot of money from the bag on his horse and threw it to the soldiers as hard-earned money.

I received endless thanks.

Behind the Xu family, the boys of the Gu family and the Qi family who had not yet left the alley also followed the same example and threw a few strings of reward money.

Wait until they are far away,

The busy soldiers gathered together and said:

"You can't tell that this Jiying Lane is not in a very good location, but the reward is unexpectedly large."

A pawn dressed as a corps leader said:

"They must be relatives of the Rong family! Kids, please tie it firmly! If it's not done well, tomorrow you may not be rewarded with money, but with a whip!"

"After we're done, let's go eat something good!"

After hearing this, the soldiers worked hard.

On the way back to Quyuan Street, there were a lot fewer sheds.

There are also servants dressed as stewards standing beside the soldiers who are working.

He kept talking to the people around him about delivering something tomorrow.

What is being prepared is not cakes or rice porridge.

Instead, there are more expensive meat buns, fried cakes and other foods from the surrounding stalls.

When the time comes, you can receive it for free by saying some auspicious words.

Crossing Quyuan Street,

Arriving at the gate of Xu's house, Qingyun looked back at the stalls passing by.

Shu Bo is cooking food with a smile on his face today.

However, there were no traces of the few busy boys at the surrounding stalls.

After entering the gate and arriving near the racecourse, I saw the pond not far away.

Several large wooden barrels are being washed.

Chu Zhan was holding a claw crab in one hand and was running after the children from Bai Gao Kingdom, shouting,

The frightened screams of several children in Bai Gaoguo seemed to be some monster chasing them behind them.

When they looked back, they saw that Chu Zhan had not caught up. They were about to relax, but saw Chu Zhan throwing the crab directly over.

The children behaved like birds and animals again,

This made Chu Zhan laugh so hard that he held his belly.

When Zai Zhang saw this, he smiled and shook his head and went straight to find Hua Lan, whom he hadn't seen in a day.

Xu Zaijing drove his horse to the pond.

Alan and the Li brothers who were helping quickly saluted:


Sitting on horseback, looking at the big word "Qiao" on the big bucket, Xu Zaijing said:

"Is this river food sent by the Qiao family?"

The servant on the side raised his hands and said:

"Yes, sir, it was delivered in the afternoon. The inner courtyard sent us to clean the buckets."

Seeing the servants picking up wild food by the pond, Xu Zaijing said:

"Stop picking them up. If you want to eat them, I'll ask the yard to bring them to you later. Just let them go into the pond. Maybe they can catch them and play with them next year."

"Yes, sir!"

After getting off the horse, the horse was taken away by Alan,

Xu Zaijing shouted to Chu Zhan who was still running: "Come on, let's go to the kitchen and pick some fat ones and bring them to Shu Bo's stall to eat."

After saying that, he waved to the Li brothers,

After the two of them followed, Xu Zaijing looked at the children from Bai Gao Kingdom curiously:

"Why are they so afraid of this guy Chu Zhan?"

Li Taotie said: "In my case, in the Bai Gao Kingdom, they have never seen these crabs before, so they thought they were monsters."

Seeing Qingyun's surprised look, Li Jinmei said:

"When we first came to Bianjing, we didn't dare to eat this monster crab."

"Too ugly."

Xu Zaijing said: "What about now?"

"I wish this monster were bigger."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Several people came to the Xu family's kitchen with a smile, sent someone to bring some in a basin, and then came to Shu Bo's stall.

Xu Zaijing was called back to the inner courtyard by Mrs. Sun before he could eat.

Qingyun accompanied Shu Bo and asked him to serve fried chicken and rabbit first.

In less than two quarters of an hour,

The cooked crabs were brought to the table.

There are several children from Bai Gao Kingdom, some boys and some girls.

Seeing the trustworthy Li brothers eating happily, they hesitantly tasted the 'monster' in their eyes.

"Well, monsters are so good."

A quarter of an hour later,

Chu Zhan, who was doing it slowly and carefully, looked around at the children he had scared just now, who were now staring at the crab in his hand.

"Forget it, I, your eldest brother, have had enough. You can eat."

Shu Bo came over with a smile and put the old wine bought from the main store on the table:

"Big or small, drink some."

Qingyun quickly stood up and responded.

Shu Bo smiled and waved his hand,

The inner courtyard of the Xu family,

Xu Zaijing sat at the dinner table,

The crabs on this plate are much larger than those served by Xu Zaijing.

When Anmei wanted to eat the fourth crab, Mrs. Sun slapped her with his hand, and she could only eat the river shrimp helplessly.

Xu Zaijing, who was eating slowly and carefully, smiled when he saw this scene, which made An Mei roll her eyes.

After rolling her eyes, Anmei picked through her plate, trying to find the crab claws her little brother was eating.

When the meal was almost finished, a maid came in carrying a large soup bowl with a lid.

Xu Zaijing wiped his mouth and looked expectantly at the soup bowl being opened.

When Xu Zaijing hurriedly handed over his bowl, Sun frowned and said:

"Jing'er, get rid of these crabs!"

"Mom, crabs are cold in nature, I think my child is."

"You are not a woman! What are you thinking? You just want to eat crabs!"

Xu Zaijing stretched his neck and looked at the turtle in the soup bowl. He said with a straight face:

"Yes mother, I just want crab."

After looking at the knowledgeable Xu Zaijing, Sun said with a smile:

"Xiao Zhu, go and get him a bottle of the lamb wine given by the palace."

"Yes, madam."

Hearing Sun's words, Anmei looked at the others at the table happily:

‘I’m having a good time today’

This lamb wine is the best gift from the emperor. Sun's treasure is as precious as anything, and it can't be opened easily.

As she said that, Mrs. Sun looked at Hua Lan and gave her a look that said, "You haven't put the soup in the bowl yet".

When Zai Zhang on the side was serving the turtle soup, his attention was attracted by the blushing Hua Lan on the side.

He only heard Xu Zaijing's "I just want to eat crabs", and then he gave the crab in his hand to Xu Zaijing with a smile.

Xu Zaijing sighed helplessly.

Soon, Mother Zhu brought in the lamb wine. The mud seal of the wine bottle had been opened and placed next to Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing waved to Hua Xiang, who was standing there.

After she came closer, she whispered a few words,

Soon Hua Xiang placed a clean bamboo tube containing tea leaves next to him.

Later, Xu Zaijing diligently poured wine for his mother, two sisters-in-law, and sister. When he passed Zai Zhang, who was holding a glass, he passed by as if he hadn't seen them.

When he came to his seat, Xu Zaijing secretly filled the bamboo tube while he was pouring himself wine.

Hua Lan tugged on the confused Zai Zhang's sleeve and gestured to him to drink a lot of turtle soup in front of him, so Zai Zhang gave up.

Mrs. Sun, her daughter-in-law and her daughter both drank a cup of lamb wine. They didn't feel anything bad just now, but after finishing the drink, they felt warm in their lower abdomens.

When Zai Zhang finished drinking the turtle soup,

The family talked for a while,

After eating, they went back to the hospital.

As soon as he left Sun's courtyard, Xu Zaijing was caught by An Mei and said in a low voice, "Blackmail":

"Hand over the rest!"

Xu Zaijing had no choice but to hand the small wine jar he was carrying into his sister's hand.

"You know the truth."

With that said, Anmei gave the wine jar to the female servant Ye'er and walked back to her yard.

Ye'er said on the way:

"Girl, you are so awesome!"

An Mei smiled and said: "So, he can escape my eyes? Humph!"

After saying that, she continued walking and came to her own yard. Anmei didn't know what she thought of, her eyes were full of relief, and she didn't know that her little brother was hurting her.

"Quick, put the crabs you've hidden on the plate, Xi Liu."

Xu Zaijing also returned to the courtyard at this time.

Hua Xiang, who was serving, also had a snack box in his hand.

After entering the room, Qingcao and Yun Xiang looked at the food box in surprise. When the food box was opened, they both looked a little disappointed.

Qingcao had experienced stomachache, but he thought crabs were the culprit and didn't dare to eat them.

Xu Zaijing put the bamboo tube in his hand directly on the table and said:

"After eating, each person must drink a cup before going to bed!"

Hua Xiang on the side quickly smiled and saluted: "Thank you, Master, for your care!"

Seeing Qingcao and Yunxiang's confused expressions, Huaxiang hurriedly explained what was in the bamboo tube.

After the three of them finished eating the fresh crabs from the river and drank the lamb wine in the bamboo tube,

Soon they turned into three little drunk cats, sleeping together on the couch outside the green grass.

The next day,

When Xu Zaijing returned to the hospital after morning practice,

Qingcao saw him and said happily: "Master, I don't have a stomachache!"


Xu Zaijing waved his hand.

When I arrived at Sun's courtyard, I saw that only I and my sister-in-law, Mrs. Xie, were here for dinner.

After asking my mother, I found out that both my brothers and sisters were feeling unwell.

When going to Shengjia,

Zai Zhang walked with Xu Zaijing, but instead of riding a horse like Xu Zaijing, he chose to take a car.

When getting in the car, he secretly rubbed his waist.

On the way to Sheng’s house,

Xu Zaijing saw that people were already distributing food under the shed that was set up yesterday.

From time to time, the people of Bianjing could be heard saying auspicious words, and their voices became louder and louder after receiving the food as gifts.

There were also young men wearing shabby green shirts, holding two meat buns in their hands.

Looking at the flag with the word "Rong" under the shed, he bowed and saluted, then turned around and started eating.

After eating a meat bun, I hesitated for a while.

He smacked his lips and swallowed.

He still put the other meat bun in his arms.

When Xu Zaijing saw this scene, he pointed towards Qingyun,

Qingyun understood and rode up to the young man in green shirt.

After getting off his horse, Qingyun bowed and put a bunch of copper coins in his hand into the young man's hands.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Qingyun said: "My master saw that the young master was in trouble, so he wanted to help him."

The young man in green shirt said: "Please tell me your name, and I will repay you generously in the future!"

"My master said that if the young master sees other people in trouble in the future, he can also lend a helping hand, which will be a repayment."

After saying that, Qingyun bowed his hands again and rode away.

Looking at Qingyun going away, the young man said softly: "Okay! If I see another person in trouble, I will lend a helping hand!"

Although he had a few copper coins, the young man had no intention of taking out the steamed buns and continuing to eat them.

As we approach Jiying Lane,

From time to time someone on the roadside said,

In the porridge shed in front, there is a beautiful young lady serving porridge, and a handsome young man handing out cakes.

When Xu Zaijing rode over, he saw a familiar-looking female envoy and a young servant named Rongxian who was busy.

The green grass in the last carriage opened the curtain and said:

"Young master, this is Sister Ningxiang who is with the Rong family girl."

Xu Zaijing nodded.

When turning into Jiying Lane,

There are two other carriages with wooden signs with the word "Rong" on them.

Stopped by the wide alley,

There were several tall and strong soldiers standing around.

Hearing the sound of horse hooves, Rongxian opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage:

"Brother Jing! Hahaha! I have good news for you, your brother. Your brother, I am going to join the Forbidden Army and become a general!"

Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and said, "Brother Xian, why is it so early today?"

"Hi, my sister has a princess, and I was sent to give porridge!"

In the carriage in front of where Qingcao was sitting, Zai Zhang opened the carriage door, yawned and asked:

"What general?"

Rong Xian said with satisfaction: "Your Majesty rewarded me for letting me join the Forbidden Army."

Zai Zhang frowned and thought, looked at the tall and strong soldiers and said:

"The Divine Warrior? That guy is so tall and strong, which is normal."

Rong Xian said with a smile: "Brother Jing, I will treat you to a party to celebrate, so you must come!"

Xu Zaijing cupped his hands and said, "Easy to say!"

As he spoke, the horse walked forward.

At this time, the curtain of the Rong family carriage on the roadside was opened.

Rong Feiyan and Xibu were sitting in the car and saw Xu Zaijing, who was riding a horse with his eyes higher than the roof of their car.

Rong Feiyan quickly turned her head to look outside, smiled slightly and said:

"Feiyan has met brother Xu."

Xu Zaijing nodded and smiled politely before saying, "Good morning, Miss Feiyan."

The horse kicked past, and the green grass in the carriage behind opened the curtain. He nodded politely towards Rong Feiyan and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Miss Feiyan, sister Xibu meets again!"

Rong Feiyan smiled and waved.

Seeing Xu Zaijing dismounting in front of Sheng's house,

Entering the gate of Shengjia courtyard,

Rong Feiyan then put down the car curtain and said, "Go back home."

Rongxian outside the car:

"Sister, don't you want to watch the soup?"

After school, I returned to Xu’s house.

On this last day before the Mid-Autumn Festival,

The Xu family received a message from the eldest girl Pingmei,

After the Mid-Autumn Festival,

The Chai family will invite many noble ladies from other families to participate in the gathering of fragrant clothes, to taste incense and arrange flowers.

When she was in Yangzhou before, Pingmei knew that Qingcao and Fang's mother had learned the art of tying hair for a long time.

I need to hire foreign aid for my sister-in-law Tingyi.

Xu Zaijing is good at everything, and Qingcao is also happy to see Qingzhi.

Chai family

Chai Zhengzheng looked at the puppet armor in the room with some uncertainty.

She hesitated and said to herself:

"Qingcao, an inner court envoy, probably wouldn't recognize this as his armor."

"Otherwise, I won't move."

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