Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 253 Township Party and the Festival [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

(The little princess has been renamed: Liqiu)

The north is still some distance away from the place where the three countries meet.

Fortress Mizhi Village,

On the roadside outside the village, there is a post station for soldiers coming and going to rest, eat, and change horses.

A group of capable young people rode horses to the outside of the inn.

The gatekeeper at the inn door casually raised his hands and shouted:

"Hey! I've invited some officials. Only the generals of Zhou Dynasty are allowed in here. You guys should go ahead and find an inn!"

The leading man on horseback raised his hands and said in return: "Please also ask Marquis Yu to read the seal!"

After saying that, he dismounted and showed the things in his arms to the postman.

"Ouch! Several of you are invited inside!"

Soon, the horse snorted and was led into the stable.

The postman hurriedly entered the posthouse and announced: "Postmaster! Boss! A noble person is here!"

When he came closer, he whispered: "I got the post from Yongyi Hou Mansion."

at night,

Looking at the clean room and sumptuous dinner,

The capable young people who had met the Xu family's children outside the Taoist Temple took their seats one after another.

The leading young man did not eat, but came outside the house and placed a few pieces of silver in his arms on the counter in front of the postmaster:

"This is the food and lodging expenses for me and my horse."

"Officers, there are too many, too many!"

"The rest is your hard-earned money."

The postmaster was stunned for a moment, then quickly put it away with a smile: "Thank you, officer, for the reward!"

Back at the house, the young man who was eating said:

"Brother, I will keep the money given by the Marquis Mansion, why should I give it to this little official?"

The leader shook his head and said:

"How about I keep you busy for a while and give you nothing?"

"Getting the post from the Hou Mansion will be so convenient along the way, so don't be stingy."

Several other people nodded.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, several people arrived outside Junzhou City in the north.

On the huge city wall, flags fluttered and whistled in the autumn wind.

Zhu Qinghu, who had finished his tour of the camp, and his soldiers were standing at the crenellations on the city wall, talking to Feng Dabao, who had been promoted from private soldier to junior high school.

The two of them looked at the bottom of the city wall,

The capable men were handing the posts written by the clerk in the Hou Mansion to the soldiers.

Feeling the glances from all around them,

These capable young men all looked back.

Feng Dabao on the wall said: "Boss, these guys look like unruly horses!"

Zhu Qinghu said with interest in his eyes:

"What kind of Trojan horse? That's called unruly! Let's go and have a look!"

"What's so good about the new melon egg?"

Zhu Qinghu walked down without saying anything.

Ye Fang beside him said angrily:


"Say it again!"

Zhu Qinghu and the others came to the city wall while talking.

The soldiers who saw several people along the road saluted one after another.

After stopping a few people in front of the doorway and asking some questions, I found out that they actually had taken the post from the Hou Mansion.

The capable young men immediately felt that the men dressed as lieutenants in front of them looked at them with affectionate eyes.

Talking while walking,

"Where are these brothers from?"

The leader said:

"Go back to Marquis Yu, we are from Xiangzhou!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Qinghu stopped abruptly, turned around, and glanced up and down at several people.

Nodding his head, his expression was even more affectionate.

"What a coincidence! Our leader is also from Xiangzhou!"

After Feng Dabao finished speaking, this group of capable young people also showed surprise and surprise.

Zhu Qinghu turned around and said, "My hometown is in Zhujiapu in the north of Xiangzhou City. Who are you?"

"Back to Yuhou, we are in Yonghe Township, Tangyin County, south of Xiangzhou."

Zhu Qinghu nodded. Before, he looked like a capable young man.

Now that I am thousands of miles away from my hometown, the distance between Xiangzhou and Tangyin is not very far.

Suddenly, he felt that they were also villagers, so he took them to the courtyard where they were reporting in the city.

Seeing Zhu Qinghu bringing people in person, the officials in the courtyard hurriedly stood up to greet him.

After politely inviting a few people to the table, the official asked with a smile while holding a writing brush: "Such strong men, please tell us your names, ages, places of origin, etc. We will enter the file."

"This Shangguan, whose name is Yue He, is twenty-six years old. His native place is Yonghe Township, Tangyin County, Xiangzhou, West Road, Hebei Province."

"But the famous general Le Yi's music?"

"The peak of the mountains is the harmony of the mountains."

The officials hurriedly wrote and wrote,

"My wife, Mrs. Yao, has a six-year-old son."

After finishing writing, the official said:

"Okay, this strong man has received his robe over there. Come here in the afternoon to receive his identity card. Next one please!"

While the file was being entered, someone was invited over.

That man's eyes were like those of an eagle,

After carefully looking at the young man named Yue He, he asked a few questions,

"You are from Tangyin County. Your wife's surname is Yao? Her family is from Taojiaying Village, Wuling Township?"

When this question was asked, Yue He nodded and said, "It's Taojiaying Village! Could it be you?"

"Tao's camp, then your wife must have told you that this village is older than the Bianjing family, right?"

After Yue He looked at each other, he whispered in a voice that could be heard by the three of them: "Of course it's the British family and the Lian Guo family."

After asking several village elders, local grievances, and marked rivers, etc.,

The man patted Zhu Qinghu on the shoulder and said:

"It's okay. He's a well-founded person. I'm going to get busy."

In other words, he is trustworthy.

"Sorry, brother."


With that said, he walked away.

Looking at Yue He's confused eyes, Zhu Qinghu said:

"This is also from Tangyin, and his surname is Tao."

After several people who were traveling with him also recorded files, Zhu Qinghu took them to try their skills on the school field.

Three quarters of an hour later,

Ye Fang, who was panting, rubbed his shoulders and said:

"They are not easy to deal with!"

At this time, Xu Zaiduan also came to watch.

During the competition, Zhu Qinghu introduced the person and said:

"Then there will be more variables in the personal martial arts competition tomorrow!"

"Say it first! If you let me know that cousin you deliberately let people lose, I will really report it to my father."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Qinghu quickly waved his hand to indicate that he would not continue.

In the competition before the Mid-Autumn Festival, several people from Tang Yin, Yue He and another companion joined the soldiers of Marquis Yongyi.

Jiying Lane


A carriage stopped at the door,

The nun beside the car walked a few steps, handed the post to the servant who came over, and said a few words,

The servant hurriedly walked towards the inner courtyard.

Lin Qi Pavilion, Xue Niang walked in quickly:

"Mother, there is a visitor coming to my house."

Lin Sushuang, who was making incense, stopped what she was doing and said, "Which company is it from?"

"It's said that the eldest lady of Viscount Zhu's family is here to visit our old lady."

Lin Sushuang then continued what she was doing: "I know."

"Mom, why don't we go find out something?"

"He's just a viscount. Don't you see what kind of people are sitting in our school."

"This slave is confused."


"The mistress is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Wang Ruofu and Liu's mother walked in,

Then he saw the eldest lady of the Zhu family standing beside the embroidered pier in front of the old lady.

Ni Qiqiu quickly bowed his head and saluted: "I've met my aunt."

Wang Ruofu nodded as he walked, walked closer, bowed to the old lady and said, "I've met my mother!"

The old lady smiled, and Wang Ruofu said to Ni Qiqiu: "Sit down, sit down!"

After Ni Qiqiu sat down, he rubbed his hands on the old lady's legs.

Looking at Wang Ruofu's curious eyes, Fang's mother said:

"Just now, Mrs. Ni saw the old lady beating her legs. Now, she sat in front of the old lady and wanted to rub her legs. The slaves couldn't stop her!"

Ni Qiqiu smiled and said:

"Auntie, I learned the art of stilts before I left the palace. I'll let my grandma try it today."

Hearing this, Wang Ruofu looked at the old lady curiously. Normally, the old lady would not receive favors from others for nothing.

Ni Qiqiu explained while pressing the button. After pressing for a quarter of an hour, the old lady's face showed a cheerful look.

He looked at Ni Qiqiu with gratitude in his eyes.

Later, despite Wang Ruofu's repeated attempts to push her away, Ni Qiqiu took her hand and slowly rubbed her wrists and neck.

Wang Ruofu's expression changed from embarrassed at the beginning to one of surprise.

"You came to our house as a guest, but you have been working as a coolie for half a day."

The old lady smiled.

Ni Qiqiu hurriedly said: "Grandma! This is nothing compared to my natal brother being able to go to Li's school!"

After hearing this, Wang Ruofu felt the relaxation in his neck and said with a proud smile:

"These children are all relatives, so don't worry so much!"

The children of the Ni family can go to the Li family school because of their relationship with the old lady of the Wang family.

Ni Qiqiu smiled and said nothing.

Then, Wang Ruofu said to the old lady:

"Mom, I heard from my relatives that Ni's brother is famous for being hardworking and studious in the school!"

Looking at the old lady, Ni Qiqiu said: "He is not smart, so he can only work hard."

Wang Ruofu smiled and took Ni Qiqiu's hand and said:

"Okay, take a rest now, my neck is much looser!"

Seeing that Ni Qiqiu’s thanks were in place,

The old lady then said leisurely:

"I remember that in Yangzhou before, did Brother Hu lose his status to a female envoy in our house?"

Mother Cui on the side said quickly:

"Yes, madam! Miss Xiaodie from Miss Wei's courtyard is said to be Zhu's brother Paoze's biological sister."

Mother Liu behind Wang Ruofu, after hearing this, looked at Ni Qiqiu carefully, her eyes clear.

"My wife and I are both sweating a little and can't move."

"Ruan, you take my niece and nephew around the house to see the female envoy Xiaodie."

"Yes, old lady."

After the two of them left the house, Wang Ruofu said:

"Mother, just ask the female envoy to come to Shou'antang. Why do you need to ask Sister Ni to take these extra steps?"

The old lady shook her head and said, "It's better to let Sister Ni see Wei and Xiaodie."


In the voice of the little envoy,

Ni Qiqiu and Cui's mother entered the yard.

Wei Shuyi and Xiaodie walked out of the house together. After bowing, the master and servant looked at the viscount's wife with smiles on their faces.

"Little girl?"

After hearing Mother Cui's reminder, Wei Shuyi hurriedly invited the two of them into the hall.

Ni Qiqiu didn't say anything after entering the hospital. He looked at Wei Shuyi's figure, appearance, jewelry, and eyes.

After entering the hall, Ni Qiqiu looked around at the calligraphy and painting decorations in the room, and the stack of books on the table.

The two sat down,

When she looked at Wei Shuyi again, Ni Qiqiu smiled slightly. For some reason, she felt something familiar that she couldn't describe.

"Mother Cui, who is this lady?"

Wei Shu asked with a smile.

Cui's mother stood aside and said, "Miss, this is..."

After listening to Cui's mother's introduction, Wei Shu smiled in realization, and then looked at Xiaodie beside him.

Ni Qiqiu came to see her as Xiaodie's sister-in-law.

Wei Shuyi and Ni Qiqiu chatted casually for a few words

‘Autumn cold and heavy dew’

‘Clear Sky and Blue Sky’ said afterward:

"Xiaodie has grown older in the past two years, and she will have to worry about her affairs in the future."

Ni Qiqiu did not answer, but looked at Wei Shu and said:

"With all due respect, I think you seem to have read a book?"

After Wei Shu was stunned for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something warm.

She said with a comfortable smile:

"Yes, when I was a girl, my father read several poetry books with me."

After speaking, he glanced at Xiaodie and said: "A concubine with a low status is being served by a good wife like Xiaodie."

Xiaodie bit her lip and looked at Wei Shu and said:

"Little girl! I won't leave you!"

"You and I have been called master and servant all these years, but you treat me as your sister and cherish me!"

"Ms. Ni, I will never leave my little mother!"

Ni Qiqiu looked at Cui's mother helplessly.

Cui's mother smiled bitterly and said: "Oh, I mean Miss Xiaodie, you, you, you are not trying to hurt me!"

Xiaodie looked at Cui's mother in confusion.

Mother Cui said:

"Look at Mother Liu next to the eldest lady, and Mother Fang and I next to the old lady. Which one is not married? After we get married, we can still serve the master's family!"

"That may sound a little harsh, Miss Xiaodie. After a few decades, we will all be buried and no one will burn paper to worship you. I feel sorry for you. Will she feel better?"

Wei Shu smiled and nodded to Xiaodie.

Ni Qiqiu on the side said:

"What I said to my mother is that I came here to see Miss Xiaodie, so that I can talk about your appearance in front of others in the future."

Looking at Xiaodie, Ni Qiqiu continued:

"The ladies of the Paoze family who have good relations with the officials have also asked me to take a closer look!"

Amidst the laughter of the three women, Xiaodie lowered her head in embarrassment.

Later, Ni Qiqiu asked the Zhu family's mother who had followed him to place a piece of material in Jin'anzhai, as a sign of the wishes of the Zhu family and the other eldest ladies of the Paoze family.

After agreeing with Wei Shuyi that if he found a good family, he would let Wei Shuyi take care of him, Ni Qiqiu and Cui's mother returned to Shou'antang.

When Ni Qiqiu left the Sheng family and went back, Wang Ruofu forced many fruit gifts into the carriage.

Wang Ruofu bluntly said that he would visit Zhu's house in the future to experience what it feels like to have his whole body pressed.

The moon is full on the 15th Mid-Autumn Festival.

The private rooms in the main stores of major restaurants in Bianjing were booked early.

The higher the floor, the more expensive the price.

But it still can't stop those wealthy people from Bianjing.

Drinking and admiring the moon upstairs is so enjoyable!

The three-story wooden building of Yongyihou Mansion was decorated with ribbons and large lanterns.

Because my father and elder brother are not here,

In order to prevent the atmosphere from becoming deserted, Xu Zaijing specially invited the Zhu family to Quyuan Street.

He also invited the pipa player Yang Xingshou and led several elderly musicians to play cheerful tunes on the wooden floor.

the sound of music,

The news reached the front yard where the Li brothers lived, where women, children, old and young from the Bai Gao Kingdom lived.

But the atmosphere in the yard was a little sad, maybe thinking of those relatives who were still alive at this time last year.

South Lecture Hall Lane,

Rong family courtyard,

There are banquet tables in the three-story pavilion.

The musicians did not play,

Because the drunk Marquis Fuchang was talking about the Rong family's "future plans" with the drunken Rong Xian.

Rong Feiyan was standing by the railing,

Put your arms on the railing,

She rested her head sideways on her forearm, looking at the bright jade plate in the clear night sky.

Because it is relatively close to the palace,

Rong Feiyan could hear the sound of silk and bamboo wind music coming from the palace. If he didn't investigate carefully, he would think that the music was coming from the sky.

This sideways posture made her think of something.

She smiled slightly.

At this time, children's voices came from the alley downstairs. Rong Feiyan looked down,

It turned out that a few neighbor children were chasing and playing with lanterns.

There were also those waving at her,

When she withdrew her gaze, she glanced into the distance.

There was also a tall building with lights and colorful decorations in the distance. After thinking about it, I realized that the courtyard might be the Chai family.

Maybe the parents in the family were drunk.

No one controls it,

When Chai Zhengzheng got up early the next morning and went for a walk,

You can still vaguely hear the sounds of children playing and noisy in the alley outside the side door:

"You're lying again! What fairy?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, my brother and I both saw it last night!"

"Yes! Standing on the railing, the clouds are fluttering."

"It's right at Nan Lecture Hall Lane!"

"I even waved to the fairy!"

"Take me there and see!"

As he spoke, his voice faded away.

Chai Zhengzheng wrinkled his nose and continued walking in the yard.

Six quarters past chen hour (after 8:30 a.m.)

Carriages from other families began to appear in front of Chai’s house.

Gu Tingyi, who came early, planned to visit Chai Zhengzheng's bedroom.

Half an hour later,

There is no eldest lady, so the tea-tasting gathering for ladies is about to begin.

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