Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 303 The Marquis of Xiangyang is different from the past [Thank you for your support! Goodbye

The first quarter of the chen hour (after 7 a.m.)

Quyuan Street

A group of people rode out from the Xu family gate, followed by a flatbed carriage.

Xu Zaijing and his elder brother walked side by side. Behind them were Qingyun, the Li brothers, Alan, Xun Shu, and Zai Zhang, a young boy who accompanied him personally.

There are more than a dozen horses in a row, and the knights are all strong men. They are very eye-catching on the streets of Bianjing.

Xu Zaijing and others headed west as they did yesterday, out of Bianjing Xinzheng Gate, passed Baojin Tower south of Jinming Pool, passed the official road for yesterday's horse racing, and passed Wu Tower before arriving at the entrance of the polo ground.

There were three men in winter clothes standing at the entrance of the polo ground.

Seeing Xu Zaijing and his party, the three of them hurriedly kowtowed their horses and came over to hold their hands:

"I've seen Goro."

Xu Zaijing replied: "You three have been waiting for a long time!"

Lu Junyi glanced at the carriage behind Xu Zaijing and smiled: "We have just arrived."

Xu Zaijing nodded, and then introduced Zai Zhang beside him. Everyone bowed their hands and saluted again, and then entered the polo field.

It was still early at this time, and there were few people in the vast polo.

There are only a few tents that appear to be equipped with thick cotton curtains.

There are also servants from the Liang family who are busy carrying pebbles and charcoal.

Lu Junyi and the others looked around the polo field with some curiosity. Although they were Zhou Tong's disciples, they didn't have much chance to come in and play on weekdays.

Seeing that there were no "atmosphere groups" with scoring flags and drums beating as others described, Lu Junyi and his seniors looked at each other and said:

"Goro, why didn't you ask me to wait here today to play polo?"

Xu Zaijing nodded and said:

"What Brother Lu said is true. Today is to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses with the warriors in the Jin envoy. After all, they have fought several battles with Beiliao."

"Invite three people here, firstly, I think I can give you more help! Secondly, some of them are Zhou Du's disciples, and they can also see different things."

Lu Junyi and the other two nodded. Their master, Zhou Tong, also came from the Western Army and fought against the Han Dynasty. Naturally, he had taught them about battle formations.

After that, everyone came to the tent and got off their horses. The people entered the tent, and the horses were led to the shed aside by the Xu family.

After sitting down, Wu Song, a tall man, looked at Xu Zaijing and said:

"Wulang, I heard my master say before that the Jin Kingdom and Beiliao have won consecutive battles. How do they look different from us!"

Xu Zaijing shook his head and said:

"It doesn't look like it from the outside!"

Zai Zhang on the side interjected: "The Northern Liao Dynasty has been established for many years and has many soldiers and generals. The Jin Kingdom must have its own merits for being able to win consecutive battles!"

After hearing this, everyone in the tent nodded, especially the Li brothers, whose eyes were full of recognition of Zai Zhang's words.

Soon, Qingyun brought the boiled tea over from behind the tent.

Before everyone had a few sips, a servant of the Xu family standing at the door of the tent reported that dozens of people on horseback had entered the door of the polo field.

Xu Zaijing put down the tea cup and walked to the door of the tent and said, "Here, the one who came in is the warrior of the Kingdom of Jin."

Lu Junyi and others hurriedly followed.

After the Jin warriors entered the polo field, they were divided into two teams, one large and one small. The small team went to the Xu family tent where there were people, and the big team went to the stable.

Wanyan Zongjun dismounted in front of the tent and glanced curiously at the three people behind Xu Zaijing who were looking straight at him.

Then he nodded to Xu Zaijing and asked in stiff Zhou dialect: "If we have a chance today, let's... compete."

When Xu Zaijing heard this, his eyes lit up and he cupped his hands and said, "Young man, I'll take care of you!"

The translator who had lived in Bianjing for a long time looked at Wanyan Zongjun's happy look, shook his head slightly and sighed.

After the "battle appointment" was successful, the Jin warriors continued to walk towards the big tent prepared for them by the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Another quarter of an hour passed,

More and more people came to the polo field.

In the Xu family tent, Lu Junyi was refereeing the arm wrestling match between Qingyun and Wu Song.

Before the winner could be decided, Zheng Xiao flew off his horse at the door of the tent.

After seeing Xu Zaijing, he quickly waved and said:

"Brother Zhang San, Wu Lang, come out quickly, several princes and important ministers are here!"

Everyone in the tent was stunned and quickly stood up.

Standing with Zheng Xiao at the door of the tent,

Xu Zaijing looked at the large group of people entering the racecourse, and while looking at it carefully, he moved his lips slightly and asked:

"Brother Zheng, what's going on? Why?"

"Who is riding side by side behind Lian Guogong, Xiangyang Marquis and Qi Guogong?"

Zheng Xiao whispered: "It's Duke An, Duke Ling and Duke Guo. Behind me, together with my father and Marquis Yongchang, is Duke Xin."

No wonder Xu Zaijing didn't know each other, because the elders of An, Ling, and Han really had little contact with each other.

Lu, Luan and the martial arts brothers standing behind Xu Zaijing looked at each other and swallowed.

Xu Zaijing: "Oh! But why do those three people look so depressed?"

Zheng Xiao coughed lightly and said:

"These three people have a close relationship with Mr. Kang."

Xu Zaijing nodded and summed it up: They are all lustful.

Then in the field of vision, the Marquis of Xiangyang was talking, and the Duke of Qi who was following the Marquis of Xiangyang kept nodding.

Wu Song whispered behind Lu Junyi: "Senior brother, why is the Duke of Qi so respectful to the Marquis of Xiangyang?"

Lu Junyi whispered: "The Marquis of Xiangyang is the father-in-law of the Duke of Qi."

Wu Song nodded.

Soon, the Duke of Bianjing on horseback passed by the Xu family's tent.

Zai Zhang took Xu Zaijing a few steps forward, bowed and saluted,

Lian Guogong, who was walking in front, looked at his grandson's adopted brother, smiled and waved: "Zai Zhang, hurry up, don't be so polite to your brother."

The Marquis of Xiangyang next to Lian Guogong glared and said to Xu Zaijing:

"Brother Xiao Jing, you brat, you didn't even come to my house to see me! I'm giving you such a nice couple for free."

He glanced at Qi Yiqiu and did not continue.

Duke Qi looked at Xu Zaijing with a smile, nodded and said: "Brother Heng is behind, Brother Zhang and Brother Jing will take a look at him later."


Xu Zaijing and his brother replied.

The old man knew who was trying to seize the Gu family's Guangrui army before. The Marquis of Xiangyang was also named Gu!

So the Marquis of Xiangyang continued:

"Children from the Zheng family, when you and brother Xiao Jing confront the brats from the following families, don't be merciful and beat them up."

“I dare to imagine anyone’s things!”

Zheng Xiao quickly responded.

The three of them walked towards the Jin envoy's tent.

The three princes An, Han and Ling who followed behind them looked at the sons of Xu and Zheng with some indifference.

He just nodded politely and didn't say much.

The last ones, Marquis Liang of Yongchang and the elder Marquis Zhongjing, said a few words to them.

Duke Xin Guo looked at Zheng Xiao and the Xu brothers and said:

"Two children from the Xu family, are you really better than your elder brother?"

Xu Zaijing and Zai Zhang looked at each other and said, "Brother is awesome!"

Duke Xin Guo and the two princes beside him looked at each other and said with a smile:

"Brother Zhang, you can believe what you say! Brother Jing, you can fool my three silly sons who have never been on the battlefield."

As he said this, Duke Xin gave Xu Zaijing a virtual nod, and then he and the two princes chased after the preceding Dukes.

Several more officials from the Sanyamen and the Ministry of War came later, including Gu Tingyu.

Gu Tingyu followed the senior officials from Sanya and the Ministry of War, nodded with Xu Zaijing, and entered the tent next to the Jin envoy.

After a while, a large number of noble young people from Bianjing entered the polo field.

And they naturally divided into two groups, one group gathered in front of the Xu family's tent, and the other group gathered in front of An Guogong's tent.

Walking at the back was the carriage from the Ministry of War, which contained many Zhou-style armors, swords and shields. These carriages stopped behind the tent where Gu Tingyu was.

When Qi Heng, Gu Tingye, and several other men living in Xingguofang arrived near Xu Zaijing,

Zheng Xiao looked at Qi Heng who was close and said next to Xu Zaijing:

"The old Marquis's concubine is pregnant, so his aura and thoughts are completely different!"

Gu Tingye smiled and glanced at Qi Heng, who was a little embarrassed.

Because there was only Princess Pingning in the past, the Marquis of Xiangyang might give her to a side branch with no blood relationship in the future.

The Marquis of Xiangyang was naturally a little disheartened, but since his two concubines became pregnant, the Marquis of Xiangyang was like a dead tree sprouting new buds in the spring, and his whole person was full of vitality.

As for the Xiangyang Marquis Mansion, the few relatives they had were the Duke of Qi State and the Marquis Mansion of Ningyuan. At this time, they actually felt that they shared the same hatred.

Of course, the Xishuimen Sun family can barely be considered relatives.

Judging from the appearance of the Marquis of Xiangyang just now, he might be able to talk to Gu Tingye and Qi Heng on the way out of Xingguofang.

Xu Zaijing on the side also smiled and said hello to Zheng Xiao's four nephews.

When he looked up, he saw Hu Yanjiong following behind.


Zai Zhang took Xu Zaijing and talked to Hu Yanjiong affectionately. The brothers from the Zheng family and the Gu family were also familiar with each other, and the smile on Hu Yanjiong's face gradually grew.

after awhile,

A warrior from the Kingdom of Jin was sent over to say something to the distinguished young men.

After a few words, the translator had some difficulty in translating, but Hu Yanjiong on the side took over. After all, he had stayed in the Kingdom of Jin for a long time.

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