Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 304 Wu Niang knows more [Thank you for your support! Goodbye! 】

"Shishiro, ask him again how many battles he has experienced."

Hu Yanjiong raised his hands to the translator and said, "Let me tell you first. If there are any fallacies, please ask the translator to correct them."

The translator from the Da Zhou Concierge Hall on the side raised his hands and said: "Ashamed, ashamed."

Just now, the middle-aged Jin warrior said a slang that the translator had never heard of. If Hu Yanjiong hadn't come to the rescue, the translator's words would have been inconsistent and embarrassing.

Hu Yanjiong chatted on the phone, and the Tongshi (translator) next to him also added a few words,

As the Jin warriors spoke, Hu Yanjiong and Tongshi translated together,

"He said there were four or five times when there were more than ten thousand enemies."

"For the first time, Wanyan Zongjun's father, who is now the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, personally served as the target and killed the Northern Liao general with a bow and arrow."


"In the fifth time, they had less than 20,000 people, and they faced the 600,000-strong army of Bei Liao, and they won a great victory!"

Listening to Hu Yanjiong's words, the noble disciples next to Xu Zaijing all looked surprised.

Seeing the Jin warriors holding up their chests and raising their heads with serious expressions, not joking, Gu Tingye whispered beside Xu Zaijing:

"Brother Jing, this is too awesome."

Xu Zaijing did not reply to him, but said to Hu Yanjiong: "Brother Jiong, ask him how he knows this number of people?"

Hu Yanjiong translated, and after listening to the warrior, he said:

"Listen to what this person said. It was the envoy sent by the Emperor of Northern Liao to persuade them to surrender."

"There are also captured soldiers from the Northern Liao Dynasty who say this number is the same."

The general on the side nodded.

Xu Zaijing, Zheng Xiao, Gu Tingye and the Pei brothers looked at each other, and Zheng Xiao said again:

"If it is a bluff to scare the opponent, it has no credibility."

Xu Zaijing nodded and said:

"Maybe only 120,000 to 30,000 people."

Looking at the expressions of the noble young men in the tent as they spoke, the middle-aged Jin Kingdom warrior understood something, so he said a few more words,

Tongshi saw that Hu Yanjiong didn't open his mouth, so he hurriedly said:

"This person said that they not only killed the inner circle of the imperial guards of the Northern Liao clan, but also captured the emperor's ceremonial guard and carriage, and captured the women of the nobles of the Northern Liao."

Hu Yanjiong nodded and said: "I have indeed seen it in the Kingdom of Jin before."

The three brothers of the Pei family looked at Xu Zaijing in confusion, and one of them said: "Brother Jing, how could you guess 120,000 or 30,000 people?"

Before Xu Zaijing could speak, Zheng Xiao beside him said:

"Brother Jing once made a mistake and helped the Imperial City Secretary to send a descendant of the Northern Liao clan back to the capital. Maybe that person said it."

"I heard that the clan's children were used to replace several strongholds in strategic locations in the north."

Hearing this, the Pei family brother nodded in realization.

Zheng Xiao was indeed right. Xu Zaijing did know these things through Yelv Falcon and Zhaomeifeng.

Xu Zaijing nodded and said:

"Even if there are only 120,000 or 30,000 people in Bei Liao, they are still one against six! Especially the fact that they defeated the heart of Bei Liao's imperial guards shows their extraordinary strength."

Everyone in the tent nodded.

Xu Zaijing looked at the middle-aged Jin warrior, pointed at his face, and said: "Looking at the scars on this face, it seems that they were not caused by swords and arrows."

The general translated Xu Zaijing's words. After the Jin warriors said several words, the general translated:

"This person said that Wulang had good eyesight. The scars on his face were caused by the tiger's claws when he and his tribe were forced to hunt bears and tigers for the Northern Liao Emperor during a hunt in autumn more than ten years ago. "

"Many of his tribesmen died at the mouth of tigers."

Hu Yanjiong interjected: "I've seen the big bugs there. They have gnarled muscles and are much larger than the big bugs here, nearly ten feet long."

After hearing this, the three brothers and sisters, Lu Junyi and Lu, who were standing by the tent, all nodded with admiration on their faces.

Xu Zaijing also nodded. The tiger captured by the warrior clan of the Jin Kingdom is the Siberian tiger that grows in the mountains and forests of the north. It is extremely strong!

This kind of tiger is not only strong but also very fast. Like a small river three to four meters wide, the tiger does not need to run at all. It can jump across it with a slight jump while standing on the bank.

Those who dare to face such ferocious beasts are not courageous enough to hold weapons firmly, let alone fight.

Thinking of this, Xu Zaijing turned his head and glanced at Wu Song in the crowd.

Sensing Xu Zaijing's gaze, Wu Song, who had no idea what Xu Zaijing meant, nodded towards him and gave him a thumbs up.

Xu Zaijing smiled in return and continued to ask the Jin warrior: "Then the soldiers under your command are all from your own tribe?"

After the general translated, the Jin Kingdom warrior nodded, made gestures with his hands close to his sides, and mumbled a few words.

"This one said yes. The young man you helped before is his nephew."

"After his nephew went to the battlefield, he had to be tied up after drinking alcohol, otherwise something would happen."

Xu Zaijing nodded.

Zheng Xiao on the side said: "Why don't you ask this person to tell you what happened in the last scene?"

After the general translated, the middle-aged warrior nodded and spoke with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Half an hour later,

After the translator took a sip of the tea served by the Xu family servant, he hurriedly said:

"Listen to what he said. On the way to pursue the Northern Liao Emperor, there was a young general in the Northern Liao Dynasty who led the Northern Liao Imperial Guard to cut off his back. The warrior and his colleagues fought fiercely with him from noon to dark before defeating him."

The middle-aged warrior said something, and the translator said: "He is a rare elite soldier in the Northern Liao Dynasty."

Xu Zaijing discovered that from the moment he entered the tent,

Whenever the translator was translating, the middle-aged warrior's eyes kept scanning Zhang Fangling, Gu Tingye and others.

Whenever I see the luxurious robes and gold jewelry on people's bodies, there will always be a glint in their eyes.

Gu Tingye clicked his tongue and said, "At least three hours."

The other distinguished disciples all nodded.

The middle-aged warrior jabbered another sentence,

Translator: "It's a pity that we didn't catch the young general and let him run away."

Xu Zaijing thought to himself, in fact, you have caught him, and then he cleared his throat and asked: "Is this the longest time he has fought?"

Hu Yanjiong translated, and the middle-aged warrior waved his hand and said a few words.

Hu Yanjiong said: "No, the longest fight lasted from sunrise to sunset. He changed four or five horses, and many good men were killed before he won."

Zhang Fang, who had been silent all this time, asked: "How many times did they attack in this battle?"

After the translator translated, the middle-aged warrior said a few words with a serious expression.

"He said he hadn't counted them, but there is a saying in the Kingdom of Jin that as a horse soldier, as long as you don't die, it doesn't matter if you attack a hundred times."

Hearing this, all the noble disciples of Zhou Dynasty in the tent looked at each other.

Xu Zaijing said softly: "The Jin Kingdom's cavalry army can have such an idea, which shows that they have a tough character. It is not unusual to defeat more with less."

Zheng Xiao nodded and said, "What Brother Jing said, especially what this person said, is that if a general can personally serve as a target, his morale must be extremely high."

Zhang Fangling and the children of the Pei family on the side asked a few more questions about the military law of the Jin Kingdom, the distribution of spoils, etc.

After a conversation, the middle-aged warrior asked the translator a few more questions, then nodded to everyone in the Xu family tent, said a few words, and turned to leave.

The translator took a look at Hu Yanjiong and said:

"He said that for the sake of Brother Jing and Brother Xiao, he won't be merciful when we practice foot combat with you later."

After the translator finished speaking, he bowed his hands and followed.

There was an uproar in the Xu family tent. Lu Junyi held down his junior brother who was about to jump and said: "I will see Zhenzhang on the stage later. It is useless to yell at him now."

Zhang Fangling on the side looked at Xu Zaijing and Zheng Xiao with a smile and asked: "What's going on? What conflict do you two have with them?"

Zheng Xiao and Xu Zaijing looked at each other and said, "At Qingfeng Tower before, they wanted to see our Da Zhou's powerful crossbow, but Brother Jing and I blocked it."

"Let's go, let's go change clothes and overturn the houses of Han Guo Gong and An Guo Gong first."

In the tent of the Jin envoy,

Wanyan Zongjun was talking to the princes of Zhou Dynasty.

"You defeated Beiliao, but are you as handsome as that horse as a trophy?"

The Marquis of Xiangyang said and pointed to the edge of the polo field, near the Xu family's stable.

After Wanyan Zongjun asked the translator beside him a few questions, he said in blunt Zhou dialect: "The Northern Liao Kingdom once presented such a horse to my father."

The Marquis of Xiangyang nodded.

The Korean duke on the side looked at each other and asked, "Do you have a noble girl from Northern Liao?"

Wanyan Zongjun nodded, looked at the two princes and said: "If the two elders like it, I will send someone to send some over in a while."

"This, this, you can't ask for it for nothing, let's buy it, buy it!"

Wanyan Zongjun waved his hand and said: "Now that we, Dajin and Dazhou, are friendly countries, how can we talk about money?"

Lian Guogong glanced at the smiling people and sneered in his heart.

At this time, the middle-aged warrior who came out of Xu's tent returned here and said a few words beside Wanyan Zongjun.

Before I could wait for the translator from the Concierge House to translate,

Another Jin warrior who went to An Guo Gong's tent came back shaking his head with an ugly face, mumbling in Jin dialect,

You can tell by looking at his face that what he said was not a good thing.

Wanyan Zongjun narrowed his eyes after hearing the muttering.

Duke Guo of Qi turned to look at the translator, who bowed and said:

"The man who went to Xu's tent said that he had already brought Wanyan Zongjun's words."

"The person who came in later said, the little one in the tent over there."

Believe in the justice of the country:

"Tell it like it is."

The translator said:

"Yes! The kid in the tent over there said that the Jin Kingdom and Bei Liao were fighting for a long time because the Jin Kingdom was an uncivilized barbarian."

"Because Da Zhou, Bei Liao, and Bai Gao always defeated each other in one battle, why did it take so long!"

"What I just said is that I will teach some of the brothers from Duke An Guo's family a lesson later."

The warriors beside Wanyan Zongjun of the Jin Kingdom continued to talk,

Several translators on the side also kept translating.

"The warriors who came back from the Xu family's tent said that they had no chance to teach Anguo Gong's brother a lesson."

Hear the words of the translator,

The elderly Duke An Guo looked at the warrior and nodded approvingly, and then he and Duke Guo looked at the Marquis of Xiangyang proudly.

"Because, Mr. Anguo's brother will be beaten to pieces by those in the Xu family's tent."

An Guogong's old face drooped.

The attendant beside An Guogong angrily shouted: "How can you speak? Do you know how to translate?"

The translator hurriedly apologized.

Wanyan Zongjun on the side said doubtfully: "This general manager is very good and knows how to translate! This is what he said."

The Marquis of Xiangyang smiled and said:

"Hey, hey, don't be angry, let the juniors see the real thing! Go and ask those bastards if their armors are on!"

Duke An Guo took a deep breath and said, "Let's go and see if our family is ready."

The polo ground was busy, and there were people in the Xu family's tent and An Guogong's tent.

Next to the polo field,

The third floor of Wu Building

Because the earth dragon and the wall of fire are burning,

It's not very cold on the third floor.

The window panes on the side facing the polo field are raised, and the view can overlook the polo field.

What was decided on the first day of the Lunar New Year has already spread throughout Bianjing.

I don’t know how many people live in Yujin Garden outside Nanxunmen.

But today, most of the noble sons of Bianjing gathered in the polo field, and because it was a military exchange, the noble ladies were naturally not allowed to enter the polo field to watch.

But, nowadays, there is no place in the city that is more lively than the Polo Grounds.

Therefore, the noble ladies followed their fathers and brothers out of the city and directly occupied the third floor of Wu Tower. The female envoys from each family either brought their own or bought a lot of dried fruit preserves.

It was put on a plate and placed on the table together with the tea cup.

But there is no table near the window because it takes up too much space, so people can only stand.

For a time, the voices of sisters and sisters could be heard on the third floor of Wu Tower. Although the ladies were scattered on the third floor, they were invisibly divided into two groups.

One group includes Tan, Han, Lu, Ma, Wei and other families.

One group includes Zhang, Gu, Xu, Zheng and other families.

The atmosphere between the two groups of ladies was somewhat tense.

Especially Gu Tingyi, although she was talking to Chai Zhengzheng and Zhang Jiawu Niang, whenever the girl from Anguo Gong's house not far away looked over, she would always roll her eyes.

Rong Feiyan was also minding her own business as she stood beside An Mei and kept saying,

The female envoy Ningxiang behind her came to Rong Feiyan and whispered: "Girl, which family's noblewoman is the one next to your Duke?"

An Mei, who heard Ningxiang's words, took advantage of her height, took a look at her and said, "The head of Jiacheng County, the four sons of the Yongwang family, is just such a girl. What's wrong?"

Ningxiangfu bowed: "Thank you, Miss, for clearing up the confusion. That girl looked at my girl a little bit."

An Mei looked at Rong Feiyan, then glanced at the county head and said, "The girl from the You family has the same style of clothes as the county head."

Ningxiang: "Really?"

The fifth lady of the Zhang family on the side nodded and said: "Same! A new style from Tianyi Pavilion."

An Mei shook her head and said:

“So, it’s the same pink shirt, so there’s no comparison!”

"But now there is a comparison. Your girl looks fair and beautiful in her clothes, while the county owner looks dark in her clothes."

"It's strange that the eyes are so friendly!"

After hearing An Mei's words, Chai Zhengzheng and Ting Yi looked at each other, and then looked at the Lord of Jiacheng County together.

Anguo Gong Tan's family and other noble ladies are there,

Everyone who felt the gaze of Ting Yi and others also looked at the Lord of Jiacheng County and then at Rong Feiyan.

Someone whispered:

"The little vixen from the Rong family is wearing all kinds of fancy clothes, who are you trying to seduce! Bah!"

As soon as I finished speaking, someone tugged my sleeves: Just say vixen. If you wear anything flashy, you will accidentally get hurt!

"Then why did the girl from the Chai family come over?"

"Perhaps it's because those are Young Master Qi's classmates?"

"Then Chai Zhengzheng won't rush to find Young Master Qi, right?"

"She's just an old girl who is older than us. The young father-in-law doesn't look down on her."

"What my sister said is true, but the jewelry on Chai Zhengzheng's head is quite beautiful."

The girls were talking and looked at Chai Zhengzheng, but were blocked by An Mei's tall figure.

"Stop looking! Don't look! Be careful if you offend that demon star's sister, and let the demon star pick a fight and beat our brothers!"

At this time,

The six golden flowers of Consort Lu's family went up to the third floor, and the atmosphere became even more lively.

When the six Lu girls saw Anmei, they gathered around and said, "Sister Anmei, have you started?"

An Mei looked at the cousins ​​of Xu Zaijing's adopted brother and said with a smile: "Not yet, I just saw a Jin warrior entering the tent of the two families."

Just as An Mei finished speaking, Chai Zhengzheng by the window said: "Come out! Everyone is out!"

Hearing this, the window was instantly filled with ladies, some of whom cared about their brothers, some of them.

Maybe it's because I care about my young father-in-law.

In the polo field,

Xu Zaijing was wearing the armor that he had put on his carriage. Not far away from him, behind the tents of the Ministry of War and the Third Division, the three brothers Lu Junyi and Anguo Gong Tan's family were also wearing armor.

Among this group of people, there was no one unfamiliar with wearing armor, they were all obviously veterans.

Wu Song, who was robbed of a hard bow, wanted to start a fight, but was stopped by Lu Junyi:

"I'll give them a good look when we compete later!"

Wu Song stared at the man who snatched his bow, smiled and nodded.

Everyone has finished dressing,

When the three brothers Lu Junyi came over, they also brought two tubes of feather arrows to Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing took out a feather arrow, touched the position of the arrowhead, and found that it had been replaced by a semicircular blunt iron arrowhead.

It was also wrapped with cloth, and the bottom of the quiver was also covered with white ash.

Everyone is wearing armor. This kind of arrow has no power as long as it doesn't hit the eye.

On Xu Zaijing's side, the total number of children and servants from each family was only twenty.

Before putting on the armor, everyone divided the work.

Because the Zhang family and the Zheng family are relatively familiar with each other, plus the three Pei family brothers, they form a team.

Brothers Xu Zaijing, Qingyun, Gu Tingye, Zhique, Lu Junyi, brothers from the Li family and Hu Yanjiong formed a team.

Each team gathered ten people, and then divided them into teams of five.

Although they are all wearing armor, it is easy to identify them because the armor of the son of the Duke's family is extremely worn and full of traces of use.

On the contrary, it was senior brother Lu Junyi and a few others who were very new.

Four groups of twenty people walked in an orderly queue. As soon as they walked out from behind the Xu family tent, there was a faint sound of noble ladies talking from the Wu Tower not far away.

Xu Zaijing's eyesight was very good. He could see clearly who was standing next to his sister waving at the window.

Xu Zaijing raised the shield in his hand, causing several people next to him to follow suit.

Before Gu Tingye could get over the joy of being surrounded by ladies,

Not far away, from behind the tent of Anguo Gong Tan's family, more than forty people came out with a huff and a puff.

The third floor of Wu Building,

At first, there were cheers from An Mei and Ting Yi.

But when the people behind Anguo Gong's tent came out,

The huge gap in the number of people can be seen at a glance from a high place, very clear!

This made the ladies on An Mei's side soften their voices.

The cheers of the girls from the Tan family, Han family and other families suddenly became louder.

The fifth lady of the Zhang family looked helplessly at the sluggish ‘teammates’ around her, and said helplessly:

"Why are you so silent when there are so many people?"

"If the number of people could determine the outcome, the Kingdom of Jin would have been destroyed long ago!"

Hearing this, everyone around nodded.

Ting Yi said embarrassedly: "We, don't we not understand this? Wuniang knows better."

The fifth lady of the Zhang family raised her chin proudly: "Humph! That's it!"

Then he turned his head in confusion:

"Zhengzheng! Why don't you praise me?"

Chai Zhengzheng was stunned.

Thought: Because I know who will win!

But she still looked at Rong Feiyan and said with a smile: "Wu Niang, you know so much!"

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