Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 46 Hua Lan chooses a girl

"Grandma, it's freezing cold today. If my sister from Zhizhou's family hadn't decided to treat me, I wouldn't have gone."

Hualan handed the cloak to Fang's mother, put down the stove in her hand, and came to her grandmother's side.

Mrs. Sheng touched Hua Lan's clothes and said

"How about it? Are you still warm in these white velvet clothes?"

Hua Lan nodded several times with bright eyes.

"Grandma, it's very warm.

Several sisters in Yangzhou are asking me what stuff is used to make it so warm. "

"What did you say?"

"Hey, grandma, my granddaughter said this is a novelty item sent by relatives in Bianjing.

But it made my granddaughter lose her temper. "

"You, you, it's true."

As he said this, the grandfather and grandson laughed.

Normally, Hua Lan is naturally not the type to stand up to the wind.

The old lady will also teach her to see clearly the purpose of these gatherings.

Some of them are noble ladies having nothing to do,

Naturally, we have to compete for superiority.

Make a splash.

But a purposeful gathering may be a gathering of a certain noble lady’s personality.

Hua Lan naturally wanted to tone down her style and keep a low profile to give people face.

The second day

Linqi Pavilion,

Lin Sushuang looked a little ugly as she listened to the words of her personal servant, Xue Niang.

He placed the teacup in his hand on the table, his eyes becoming more and more angry.

"This old man, my Mo'er is also the master's daughter!

How could the rare objects sent be given to Hua Lan so favorably!

Back then, he had severed his ties with the Hou Mansion, but now he is still friends with her. "

"Mom, be careful what you say."

Mo Lan on the side was copying the copybook in a decent manner. Hearing her mother's words, her eyes were a little confused.

"Can you find out what the gift from Yuyang's hometown is?"

Xue Niang on the side shook her head and said:

"My dear, the ladies and envoys of Shou'antang are notoriously strict-mouthed, so I didn't find out.

We only guessed it when we saw Mr. Shanda carrying something in.

The eldest girl, on the other hand, attended the gathering of the legitimate daughters of the Zhizhou family and said a few words. "

Lin Xiaoniang glanced at her.

"I was also an official dependent of Bianjing when I was a child. Tell me, there are still very few things I don't know."

"It's said to be the velvet of white folded flowers."

Lin Sushuang looked confused.


early morning


Quyuan Street

In the Yongyi Hou Mansion, Xu Zaijing used incomparable perseverance to force himself out of the warm bed.

After getting dressed, Qingyun had already brought hot water from the stove. After washing his face, Xu Zaijing and Qingyun came to the racecourse together.

It was still dark, but there were a few lanterns in the stable. The horses were snorting and snorting white air while eating in the trough.

Xu Zaijing raised his head and looked at the moon hanging high in the sky, and gently exhaled white air.

After being in this world for so long, what he likes to see most is the bright moon in the sky.

The next thing I like to see is the blue sky and white clouds.

These are also the two things that are most similar to the earth in the previous life.

As a young man who has received compulsory education, when he sees the moon, he will naturally think of that sentence

"When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine."

And in this early morning, after rain, and snowy air,

The taste is also the same as in the previous life.

Over the years, Xu Zaijing has quietly tested his strength.

For a boy less than ten years old, his strength is somewhat astonishing.

The reason why he still exercises his body and martial arts with such discipline,

On the one hand, it is to strengthen the body and improve immunity.

On the other hand, you need to have the skills to protect yourself.

The killing technique has always been to hit the vital point steadily and resolutely.

Wen Zhunhen's requirement is that Xu Zaijing can better control his body.

With amazing and lasting power, coupled with outstanding control, it can easily annihilate life.

Xu Zaijing remembered that someone said in a movie in his previous life,

Having a sword but not using it and not having a sword are two completely different things.

Walking on the racecourse, Qingyun behind him asked:

"Sir, what should we practice this morning?"

"Sword and shield."


Qingyun, who was four or five years older than Xu Zaijing, had already started to have a baby. Fortunately, the Hou family had enough food and he did not become very thin.

The battle between the two is like an adult versus a boy in the Zhou Dynasty sense.

Xu Zaijing was warming up on the side, and Qingyun brought the sword and shield over here.

But there was some fear on Qingyun's face.

There was a practice before, and his young master used three points of strength without holding it.

Qingyun held up his shield and felt like a horse had hit him.

The shattered shield and himself flew more than two feet,

Although there is a buffer from haystacks,

But Qingyun's throat felt sweet, and his chest and back hurt a little from being hit.

Fortunately, the leather armor withstood the fragments of the shield.

Otherwise, Qingyun would have to go to the hospital and lie there for who knows how long.

So in the following exercises, Qingyun shot Xu Zaijing with an adult-strength bow not far away.

There are also throwing short guns, throwing knives, throwing axes, etc.

What Xu Zaijing practices is to quickly identify the direction of force and remove it with less effort.

While he was having a great time practicing with Qingyun, Xu Zaijing twitched his ears and rolled to the ground to dodge.

"Master, don't do this." Xu Zaijing shouted.

The groom shook his head boredly not far away.

The secret arrow attack failed.

As his disciple, when he faced the healthy self back then, he was crushed by him.

I hope that Yongyi Hou Xu Minghua will not temporarily compete with his son.

Otherwise, he might be beaten to pieces by his own son.

Xu Zaijing sweated slightly, and Qingyun was already tired and stuck out his tongue.

After practicing, the two left the racecourse.

The stove next to the kitchen in the Hou Mansion is connected to the room next to it.

The flue passes underground in the next room, so the room is very warm.

There was a bathtub in the room. After Xu Zaijing rinsed it, Qingyun also washed it beside him.

Afterwards, Xu Zaijing’s family had breakfast.

Getting ready to go to the school in the courtyard with my two brothers,

At this time, a concierge boy came to the entrance of the courtyard.

"Madam, there is a dental mother at the door. She said she was introduced by Madam Wu."

"Please come to the outer courtyard."

Si hour (before 11 a.m.)

The three brothers Xu Zaijing returned to the inner courtyard from the school to have lunch.

There were eight or nine girls of different ages in Mrs. Sun's yard, all standing solemnly in the yard.

The boy at home said that he had just redeemed it from the tooth shop.

Yaxing is similar to a modern intermediary. Most of the girls abducted are sold to brothels.

And those whose origins can be traced back to their clear origins,

For example, if your family suffers a disaster and cannot afford to support you,

The money will be given to the noble official's home, the contract will be signed, and the host's family will also give money every month.

In the past few years, the Xu family was somewhat defeated and did not have much business prospects.

So only the Sun family has four maids.

When Yongyi Hou's mansion was at its most prosperous, how many of the legitimate daughters and only daughters of Yongyi Hou were there in the courtyard?

Roughly speaking, there are more than fifty people. This is what the old man of Hou Mansion said.

The remaining five brothers and sisters of Xu Zaiduan,

Except for the youngest Xu Zaijing,

There is also only one personal maid.

The Xu family's economy has improved in the past two or three years.

Xu Zaijing was getting older, so Mrs. Sun planned to buy him a personal attendant.

The other four children should also have some servants and maids to clean, wash, and prepare for dowry.

It is better to cultivate it from a young age than to buy it directly from outside.

Xu Zaijing's young servant Qingyun is also fifteen or sixteen years old.

Some things are more convenient if you have a personal assistant.

The dental shop mother introduced by Mrs. Wu is used to this kind of business.

I heard from the manager of the Yongchang Hou Mansion that it was from another Hou Mansion.

Naturally, the girls brought here are girls with clear backgrounds who have been trained.

Among them were five beauties aged seven or eight with delicate features.

As expected, they brought twenty and the Xu family left nine.

Among them, there are three who have beautiful features.

Mrs. Sun saw her three brothers,

He raised his chin:

"This is the new servant to our house. Brother Duan, you are the boss, you choose first.

Xiaozhu, let them raise their heads. "

"Yes, mother."

"Yes, madam"

Xu Zaijing would naturally not object to this behavior.

Because under the productivity conditions of this era,

There is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, which is a disaster for ordinary people.

There is no natural disaster, it’s just that there are more children in the family, and there is a possibility that they won’t be able to support them.

There was someone in Miss Wei's family who was seriously ill, so she sold herself to save her father.

It is also a way of survival for poor people who can sell themselves to work.

After Xu Zaijing's three brothers and sisters were selected, there were still two beautiful girls among the three.

Apparently the brothers and sisters were giving way to Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing stood in front of the yard, looking at the little girls in the yard below the steps, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I'm selecting company subordinates, company subordinates," Xu Zaijing thought to himself.

Sure enough, newcomers will be in a hurry because they care too much about data.

There are several chapters that I haven’t polished enough to read by myself.

Most readers who don't speak will come silently, vote silently, and support silently. If they have a bad impression, they will leave silently.

I was wrong! I apologize!

The data I can see these days doesn't feel good. Thank you readers for your support.

Add one more chapter.

Continue to save!

I thought to myself that I wouldn't be able to get into this third round of recommendations.

Mo Lan's tone: I want to go.

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